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Back To Trivia || Act 2 || Act 3

Show notes: This episode emphasizes Ron�s lack of math skill. It also shows Ron�s mechanical genius.

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First appearance of Miss Whisp, the algebra teacher. She indicates she gave a pop quiz, and is somewhat happy with the results. Miss Whisp is the first real teacher to be seen teaching a class.

Kim sits on the last row. Ron sits behind Kim. Vinnie, first seen in Tick Tick Tick, sits on the front row. The seating will change later in the episode.

Kim gets her quiz paper back, and has an A minus.

Kim holds up her algebra textbook, indicating this is the class she is taking. She also indicates she was studying hard during the river boat down the Congo. The textbook is wet and has African style blow darts sticking out of it. A pop quiz would have been a surprise for the class, indicating that Kim studies even when she doesn�t necessarily have to.

Ron doesn�t remember studying at all. Kim indicates that Ron spent nine hours playing bingo on the kimmunicator.

Miss Whisp is about to give Ron his pop quiz paper back. Ron hopes he didn�t get fail.

Ron gets an F on his pop quiz.

Miss Whisp begins laughing like a maniac and turns red. The screen then fades out.

Ron wakes up from the dream he was having. Rufus is asleep on top of Ron.

Ron nearly jumps out of his seat. Rufus falls into Ron�s algebra book. It then closes on Rufus.

Ron calms down and is begins tell Kim about the test score in his dream.

Miss Whisp gives Ron his pop quiz back. Ron�s dream has come true. He has an F.

Ron comes out of algebra complaining that he has gotten three F�s on the past three tests. Kim and Ron are passed by the nameless girl in blue escaping class.

Ron comments that he�s brainless. Rufus taps on Ron�s head and implies that it is hallow. This annoys Ron.

Kim�s locker is right outside her algebra class. Kim tells Ron that he needs to realize his potential.

Ron indicates that he has heard that he has potential before. He then makes a joke that it sounds like a tagline from a movie. �Ron Stoppable is Potential Boy!�

Kim puts her arm around Ron, a move that surprises him. She also suggests that they do something fun together. Algebra class might take place before lunch. Kim could be suggesting they do something fun during their lunch break.

Wade suddenly comes on Kim�s locker computer. Kim keeps her arm around Ron while Wade is talking. Wade indicates that there is a breach at a top secret underground defense lab outside Des Moines, Iowa. This indicates that Kim now has access to highly classified facilities.

Kim had other plans besides a mission. She and Ron seem a little disappointed about going on one.

A large computer with a giant screen with flashing colors is in the top secret underground lab.

The computer and the wall behind it are destroyed by a drilling machine of some sort.

Drakken and Shego come out of the drilling machine, indicating who is behind this scheme. They both have to descend a ladder to reach the ground. Drakken complains about having back pain. He also whines that Shego talked him out of getting the model with heated seats and lumbar support.

Shego indicates that the model Drakken wanted also had a sunroof. A sunroof on an underground drilling machine would have been dangerous and impratical. A sunroof is supposed to allow sunlight and wind come through while driving. Heated seats, lumbar support, and sunroofs are all items found on luxury vehicles.

Drakken is about to complain about Shego�s sarcasm when he sees what he has come to get.

Drakken sees Project Phoebus. It looks like a beauty salon hair dryer from the 1950�s and 1960�s. Drakken indicates that once he manipulates his mind with an experimental beam, he should become more brilliant and will be able to design a doomsday weapon.

Shego anxiously begins power up Project Pheobus. This is done by pulling a lever on a nearby console down. Drakken suddenly protests Shego powering Project Phoebus.

Drakken indicates he wants to document his quest for world domination. He pulls out a camera from inside his lab coat. He indicates that the camera came free with the test drive on the drilling machine. Some auto dealers give away cheap gifts as a way to get buyers to come in and test drive their vehicles. Drakken then throws the camera to Shego.

Shego takes Drakken�s picture.

The flash blinds Drakken for a second.

Unhappy with his first pose, Drakken demands another picture taken. This time, with Project Phoebus.

Shego takes another picture. Meanwhile, Kim and Ron enter the underground lab. The door opens, and resembles a shutter on a camera.

Despite being a civilian, Kim salutes the military personal in charge.

First appearance of Lieutenant Franklin. Lieutenant Franklin indicates that somebody broke in and locked everyone out. Like all military personal, Lieutenant Franklin uses the term o-eight hundred hours to tell time, meaning 8:00 am. The television screens have nothing but static, but occasionally flicker showing the locked doors. The scientists in the background were first seen in the episodes Monkey Ninjas In Space, and The Ron Factor. Lieutenant Franklin�s uniform is blue, indicating he is with the U.S. Air Force.

Lieutenant Franklin indicates that the target appears to be Project Phoebus. Kim tries getting more information about Project Phoebus. Lieutenant Franklin does know that Project Phoebus is a level five top secret government experiment, but that is all that he knows. He also indicates that nobody at the facility knows what Project Phoebus does.

Ron can�t believe that nobody knows what Project Phoebus does. This comment annoys Lieutenant Franklin.

Drakken and Shego appear on the monitor. Drakken is still trying to get the perfect pose, and complains that his eyes were shut during the last picture taken.

Lieutenant Franklin indicates the only way into the lab is by a small ventilation duct.

Rufus pops out of Ron�s pocket knowing that he is needed. Kim grabs Rufus.

Rufus is placed into the ventilation shaft. Rufus wears a hardhat with a light attached similar to what underground miners wear.

Kim instructs Rufus to get into the lab, let them in, but keep it quiet. The vent is then placed back into place leaving Rufus to himself.

A ventilation fan suddenly turns on.

Rufus is blown backwards by the wind from the fan. Despite Kim asking Rufus to be quiet, he tumbles noisily toward the lab.

Fortunately, Shego doesn�t hear Rufus as she powers up Project Phoebus. Shego does this by pushing up the lever this time. Electricity covers the two electrodes on the console.

The headpiece begins to lower onto Drakken�s head. Electricity comes out of the two electrodes on the side of the headpiece too.

Rufus lands on Shego�s head.

The headpiece stops right before descending on Drakken.

Shego was stunned and knocked to the floor for a second by Rufus landing on her head.

Rufus leaps to a button that opens the door.

Rufus slams into the button, and the wall.

The door opens by sliding left and right. Kim and Ron were waiting just outside the door for it to open. Kim makes a pun about Drakken having a bad hair day; another reference to Project Phoebus looking like a beauty salon hair dryer.

Drakken is so upset about seeing Kim here to ruin his plans, he can�t find the words or phrases to yell at her.

Ron suddenly pulls out a grappling gun and fires it. It most likely belongs to Kim. But Ron is trying to show some confidence in his abilities. Rufus is no longer wearing the miner�s hardhat.

Ron fires the grappling gun at Drakken. Drakken ducks. The grappling hook line attaches itself to a wall nearby some computers and monitors.

The line tightens taking Ron with it. Ron slams into Drakken. The two then slam into the computers and monitors.

Kim is about to run and check on Ron. Shego jumps right in front of her with plasma claws ready.

Kim shakes with fury at Shego for stopping her for a fight.

Drakken gets up; but is too stunned to do anything.

Kim and Shego fight.

Kim does a flip onto some nearby stairs. She grabs the railing for support. Shego slashes with her plasma claws.

Kim nearly loses her balance. She then realizes that Shego slashed the railing she was holding onto.

Shego attacks Kim again.

Drakken is bothered by Rufus going through his lab coat.

Shego nearly hits Kim with her plasma hands. Kim blocks with the stair railing in her hands.

Kim kicks Shego off of her.

Shego hits the stair railing. Her plasma power turns off. Shego rests for a second before attacking again.

Drakken grabs Rufus and is about to hurl him away. Drakken says, �I believe it�s time for a little mole removal.� Mole removal is surgically taking off unsightly moles that are on the body.

Drakken is suddenly hit by Ron using a desk table with wheels.

Shego charges her plasma again.

Shego takes a few swipes at Kim. Kim dodges her attacks, and gets off the stairs.

Shego does a downward thrust against Kim. Kim once again blocks using the stair railing.

Shego backs off and tries to kick Kim. Kim trips Shego with the stair railing.

Shego gets back onto her feet by rolling backwards and then jumping to her feet. This is a move used by martial artists to quickly get back up when knocked down.

Ron, Rufus, and Drakken slam into Project Phoebus. Drakken lands in the chair.

Rufus lands on top of the headpiece.

Ron is hurled into some steel kegs.

Shego attacks Kim again. Kim blocks with the stair railing.

Shego finally knocks the stair railing out of Kim�s hand.

Shego advances on Kim to attack. Kim trips Shego.

Shego trips into the console of Project Phoebus. This activates it.

Rufus tries to crawl off the headpiece, but lands on Drakken�s head instead.

Drakken feels the electrical impulses going through the headpiece. This is why he feels that he was made more brilliant, not realizing that Rufus actually got the supreme intellect.

Kim watches Drakken and is distracted. Shego smashes Kim with a steel container.

The force of the hit makes Kim go flying into two nearby tables and a monitor. One of the tables is the same one Ron used against Drakken.

Shego pushes up on the lever this time to turn Project Phoebus off. A minor mistake.

The headpiece comes up. Steam or smoke comes out of the headpiece. It either got too hot and began to burn. Or it got hot and water came out to cool it down turning it into steam.

Drakken feels that he is now more brilliant because of Project Phoebus. Rufus comes out of the headpiece, lands on the floor, and is bewildered by the sudden amount of intellect.

Drakken and Shego exit by the same hole they made when they came into the underground lab.

Kim and Ron leave the lab thinking that Drakken and Shego came in to steal Project Phoebus, but are now gone so it is safe. They don�t realize that Rufus was affected by the machine.

Kim is babysitting the twins for the night. Jim and Tim are about to launch a rocket on the kitchen table.

Kim takes the remote for the rocket. Kim says, �Mission scrubbed.� This is the same thing NASA says when a mission is aborted. Kim demands Jim and Tim take their rocket outside.

Jim and Tim go outside with their rocket. Mr. and Mrs. Possible come in dressed country and western style clothing. Kim indicates that they are going country line dancing. We will see in a future episode that Mr. Possible older brother lives on a ranch in Montana. This may have led to Mr. and Mrs. Possible�s new hobby.

Seeing her parents dressing in country and western style clothing and line dancing embarrasses Kim. Kim demands that her parents use an alias when talking to people. The aliases are Wanda and Eugene Crumholtz. It was theorized that Eugene was Mr. Possible�s real name; and that Wanda Crumholtz was Mrs. Possible�s maiden name. Both these theories proved incorrect.

Ron talks to Wade on the kimmunicator and figures out that problem three in his textbook equals all of the above answers.

Kim takes back the kimmunicator and indicates that Wade is trying to tutor Ron. Wade is unsuccessful and frustrated. Wade bonks his head on his keyboard and indicates that problem three isn�t even a multiple choice answer. Ron was obviously doing the wrong question, but was supposed to be doing problem three.

Kim decides to takes over Ron�s tutoring.

Kim wants Ron to try a word problem. Ron is so frustrated with math, he exaggerates that his head is about to explode.

Studying hard makes Ron sleepy. Ron is about to take a nap on his textbook.

Ron hears the blast off of Jim and Tim�s rocket. He thinks his head really is about to explode.

Jim and Tim�s rocket comes through the window, and flies around the kitchen before heading through the rest of the house.

Jim and Tim realize they�re in trouble. Kim chases after them, leaving Ron to himself with Rufus.

Ron talks to Rufus about how hopeless he is at math.

Rufus suddenly does a whole page of algebra in just a few seconds. This shocks Ron.

Rufus follows that up with five more pages worth of algebra. Ron doesn�t bother to question how Rufus did it, he is just happy that he did.

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The seating has now been changed. Ron, now confident about his homework being right, sits in a cool, relaxed position. Miss Whisp indicates she found Ron�s homework on her desk first thing in the morning, so she graded it early. Apparently, Ron having his homework done in time is unusual for Ron.

Ron believes he is about to receive an A plus on his homework.

Ron receives another F for his homework.

Ron is shocked he got an F because his homework was done in longhand and showed all of his work.

A clock on the wall shows the time as 12:15, indicating that Kim and Ron�s math class might be right before lunch. This is referenced earlier in the episode when Kim suggested to Ron that they do something fun to take his mind off math. Miss Whisp indicates that Ron�s homework shows advanced calculus and chaos theory mathmatics. Even Kim is skeptical to hear this. Miss Whisp concludes that Ron�s homework had to have been done by someone else.

Ron spins the truth by indicating that no other person did his homework. This is a correct statement, since Rufus is not a person.

Miss Whisp has a smaller blackboard that flips. On the other side is a surprise for Ron. It is a PH.D. level equation to test Ron�s math abilitity. Miss Whisp indicates that based on Ron�s homework skill, this should be easy for him.

Rufus crawls up Ron�s shirt, and comes out of his sleeve. Ron then hides Rufus in the palm of his hand while he works the problem. This makes it appear that Ron is doing the work, and not Rufus.

Ron shocks everyone in class by performing the equation so easily. When finished, Miss Whisp indicates the equation is right.

Ron has math fun by joking they should get some snackage. He writes the symbol for pi and asks everyone if they want some.

Everyone is annoyed at Ron�s math humor.

Miss Whisp compares Ron to other math geniuses: Aristotle, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein. She then adds Ron to the list and gives him a hug.

Ron suddenly is about to confess what is going on, but keeps quiet instead in Miss Whisp�s embrace. Ron realizes that this is all bad though.

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Ron is giving a seminar to mathematicians, but doesn�t really know what he is talking about. Ron hopes that he can now leave.

A mathematician with an accent asks Ron to explain his procedures for finding exponents in polynomials. Kim sits with mathematicians to support Ron. The museum tour guide from Pain King vs. Cleopatra sits in front of Kim.

Ron doesn�t actually answer the question. He uses Rufus to show how the equations are done. Ron is getting nervous as he hopes they let him go soon.

The woman sitting beside the mathematician in the front row is a rocket scientist, and seen in Monkey Ninjas In Space. It�s natural for her to be there. The man sitting at the end of the same row Kim is sitting is an actor, also seen in Monkey Ninjas In Space. This would be unusual unless he was also a mathematician, or researching a character who was a genius at math.

Kim complains to Wade about how smart Ron suddenly is.

Wade passes it off that maybe Ron blossomed late in his academic years.

Kim is surely exaggerating when she tells Wade that Ron needed to take his shoes off to count to twelve. It can�t be believed that Ron is that horrible at math. Kim then indicates that Ron took a genius applitude test.

Wade chocks on his drink when Kim tells him that Ron got a 186 on his genius applitude test, because it is fourty points higher than his score. This indicates that Wade got a 146 on his genius applitude test.

Wade demands Kim to bring Ron to a computer and meet him online. Wade is determined to get to the bottom of how Ron is suddenly a genius.

Kim knows that getting to Ron won�t be easy because so many people now want to talk to him.

Miss Whisp seems to have taken over Ron�s life as a publicist. She indicates that Ron has no more time for questions. She puts her arm around him and indicates that his genius needs to be shared with the world. If Miss Whisp is Ron�s publicist, then Mr. Barkin most likely took over algebra class as a substitute.

Flashbulbs from photographers blind Ron.

Tricia Lebowski is anchorwoman for Middleton Evening News. Ron is now making headlines. The picture projected of Ron is obviously not his best.

Tricia Lebowski indicates that Ron has designed a new international space station. Miss Whisp stands behind Ron. The three scientists were seen earlier in the episode.

Ron has also been credited with creating the world�s first cold fusion reactor. The cold fusion reactor has been given a ribbon cutting service.

Ron has also been credited for completing Schubert�s Unfinished Symphony. It is also known as Symphony Number 8 in B Minor. D. 759. Rufus is seen in a later episode playing the piano. It is theorized that Rufus learned how to play from the effects of Project Phoebus. However, Rufus could also play the guitar in The Golden Years. It could be that Rufus is just natural at music.

Despite getting super famous for his mathematical work, Ron comments to the news media that he just wants to pass algebra. The media thinks that Ron is joking and laugh.

Tricia�s full name is finally revealed.

Drakken claims that his new brilliance from Project Phoebus will help him create a doomsday device. Instead, he draws a house.

Meanwhile, Shego tries to enjoy lunch. It is served on a cafeteria tray, indicating this is how Drakken feeds his minions. Today�s lunch appears to be a pork chop, mashed potatos, lettuce, tomato, and a drink. Shego�s drink cup is the same as the kind Wade is always drinking out of, and the school cafeteria.

Drakken wants Shego�s opinion on his doomsday device plan. Shego is not impressed.

Drakken blames Shego�s lack of superior intelligence for not understanding his doomsday idea.

Drakken�s next idea is a puppy dog and a horse. Shego is still not impressed.

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Ron opens his messy locker. Books fall all around his head.

Kim in a new outfit. Kim indicates that Ron has been gone for awhile on a press tour. Kim may be a bit jealous that Ron has been getting attention or is frustrated at the lack of Ron in her life.

Ron�s locker is beside Kim�s. Kim complains that Ron is somehow only pretending to be a genius. Kim does this by playing on Ron�s �Potential Boy� movie plot that he mentioned earlier in the show.

Rufus knows that Kim has already figured out that something isn�t right.

Ron lies to Kim and indicates he is just a late bloomer academically and with the ladies. Ron runs his hand through his hair, but has a cowlick. This is a subtle reference to The New Ron, when Ron�s new hairstyle makes him popular with girls.

Kim is bemused by Ron�s comment about the ladies.

Wade interrupts with a challenge. Wade challenges Ron to an �internet battle of the geniuses.� This is a play on the phrase, �battle of the sexes.� Ron doesn�t like this idea.

Wade says, �There can be only one.� This is a reference to the movie Highlander.

The challenge begins. Rufus moves past Ron�s sleeve and does the typing while Ron pretends to type. Wade challenges are:
Calculate the area of a four dimensional theoretical.
Break a DNA sequence down to it�s base strands.
Explain Pythagorean�s Theorem in relation to exponents, roots, and scientific notation formulas.
Write a 400 words essay examining the popularity of sailer uniforms in Japanimation and cite examples. Japanimation is known more as anime. Rufus gets all of these right. Wade concludes that Ron is a genius.

Kim is not completely convinced that Ron is a genius.

Miss Whisp finds Ron and indicates that he needs to be in the auditorium preparing to reveal the cure for the common cold. Miss Whisp indicates she found it on her desk beside Rufus. Ron didn�t even know that he was supposed to be preparing for another press release.

Miss Whisp takes Ron by the elbow and drags him away. Ron seems frustrated for the overexposure that he is currently receiving. Ron even leaves the books on the floor, and his locker door open.

Wade wonders when Ron became a super genius. Kim recalls that it all started after the mission involving Project Phoebus.

[image] Kim goes on this mission by byplane. First appearance of Bernice. She is repaying Kim for saving her artist�s colony after a dam break last year. Kim indicates that it was just like fixing her fish tank at home, but needed more gum. This indicates that Kim has a fish tank, but we have never seen it.

Kim doesn�t jump out of the plane. It turns upside down. Kim simply falls out.

Kim then parachutes to the ground.

Kim then walks up to a small log cabin. The neighborhood seems to be a series of log cabin homes with nicely paved porches and sidewalks.

First appearance of Dr. Zaruda. Dr. Zaruda seems paranoid of tax collectors, land developers, and door to door salepeople. This seems to indicate that Dr. Zaruda has had tax problems in the past, people wanting to buy his land to turn it into something else commercially, and is annoyed with door to door salespeople.

Kim compares a picture of Dr. Zaruda before he became a hermit.

Kim indicates that Dr. Zaruda worked on Project Phoebus. Kim is convinced that he is the only one who knows what it does.

Kim puts her foot in the door before Dr. Zaruda closes it. It�s unknown why Dr. Zaruda is so paranoid about the government. He may have the seen Project Phoebus as something more dangerous than good.

Dr. Zaruda finally lets Kim in after she mentions Project Phoebus.

The next scene starts out with a friendly neighborhood, then shows Drakken�s ominous lair looming overhead. This may be a reference to the movie Edward Scissorhands that also had a quiet neighborhood with a dark castle looming overhead.

Drakken shows Shego his latest doomsday plan: A turkey. The turkey is drawn using the outline of a hand, then adding a beak and feet. Small children in school learn to draw turkeys this way around Thanksgiving.

Shego calls Drakken, �Picasso.� This is a reference to the famous painter Pablo Picasso. Shego is being sarcastic again.

Drakken whines about not being brilliant as he walks past a number of discarded doomsday ideas in the trash and on the floor.

Drakken can�t decide if he�s more brilliant or brillianter. Drakken begins to realize that he didn�t gain the intelect he was hoping for.

Shego makes Drakken watch the news, where Tricia Lebowski indicates that Ron will unveil his cure for the common cold at Middleton Mall.

Another bad picture of Ron comes up on the news. This is the same picture that was on the �Loser� flyer in The Golden Years.

Drakken can�t remember Ron, a running gag throughout the series. Shego remembers Ron as Kim�s sidekick.

Drakken rips his televison from the floor in frustration. Drakken then suddenly realizes that Ron gained the intelect he was hoping for.

Complex mathematics are hanging on the wall of Dr. Zaruda�s cottage, similar to those that Rufus was doing.

Dr. Zaruda pours Kim a cup of coffee or tea. Dr. Zaruda told Kim that Project Phoebus contains the brainwave pattern of the world�s most brilliant scientists. Dr. Zaruda then indicates that they used to be old poker buddies. He mentions four names: Gates, which might be a reference to computer genius Bill Gates. Nash, which might be a reference to mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr. And Salk, which may be a reference to Jonas Salk, who created the vaccine to polio.

Dr. Zaruda indicates that getting hit with the beam would make them a super genius, but only temporary. The effects will only last two to four more days before wearing off.

Dr. Zaruda then offers Kim some squirrel stew. Dr. Zaruda most likely got the squirrel by hunting or trapping. This indicates just how obsolete he is from the rest of the world now. Kim lies and tells him she had squirrel stew for lunch.

Dr. Zaruda is glad that Drakken didn�t the brain waves because Drakken is evil. That much brain power in the wrong hands could spell disaster.

Kim blinks. Her eyes disappear for one frame. A minor mistake

Kim realizes the Drakken will kidnap Ron to have access to the brainwave patterns.

Ron points to a chalkboard covered with equations and indicates that it should reduce car emissions

A man in the audience indicates Ron was pointing to a time-space theorem.

Ron sees the equation for fuel cells is on the other chalkboard.

Rufus just shruggs off the mix up.

Ron passes off the time-space theorem by mentioning the sideways eight.

The same man in the audience tells Ron that the sideways eight is the symbol for infinity. He then asks Ron if he knows this or not.

Ron passes off this question by asking if anybody else has any more questions.

Drakken breaks through the ceiling where Ron is giving his presentation. Drakken has heard Ron ask about any more questions and asks, �Care for a lift?�

Drakken hits Ron with a modified gravatomic ray, first seen in Tick Tick Tick.

Rufus falls out of Ron�s pocket. When Ron flips around, his butt hits Rufus out of the gravatomic beam. Rufus lands on the floor unhurt.

Drakken flies away with Ron as prisoner. Rufus knows that Ron was kidnapped for the brain power that he, not Ron, has.

Kim has heard that Ron was kidnapped by Drakken. Rufus and Kim both pace as Kim talks to Wade. Wade indicates that he has to check out a few more leads and asks Kim to wait for further news.

Kim assures Rufus that Ron will be okay and that they will find him. She then asks him to calm down by finding something to do.

Rufus busies himself by painting. Rufus has a miniture etzel and wears a beret. Berets are stereotypical items for artists (especially painters) to wear.

Wade finds out that Ron is not a genius by replaying a security camera of Ron doing an equation. He then zooms in to see Rufus is actually doing the equation.

Kim looks over to Rufus and sees that he has painted her picture.

Kim and Wade realize that Ron can�t build a doomsday device for Drakken.

Drakken drags Ron through his lair and complains that Ron took his brainwaves. Ron tries to explain what happened, but Drakken doesn�t want to hear it. Drakken can�t remember Ron�s name and simply calls him, �Boy.�

Drakken finds the strength to lift and throw Ron around the lair. This could be attributed to Drakken being angry and having bursts of adrenaline which can cause temporary super human strength.

Drakken throws Ron. Ron slides across the floor and into another room.

Ron looks up to see large boxes full of junk. Ron asks Drakken if he is having a yard sale.

Drakken demands Ron build a doomsday device with the items in the boxes.

Ron tries to again explain to Drakken that he can�t build a doomsday device.

Drakken thinks that Ron is simply unwilling to build a doomsday device. Drakken insists Ron will build a doomsday device for him. He goes over to the wall and pushes a big red button.

The floor begins to collaspe. This is similar to the Milton Bradley game Don�t Break The Ice.

Below the collapsing floor is a moat filled with hungry piranha. One piranha is hungry enough to jump high out of the water and attack Ron.

Ron decides to attempt making a doomsday device.

Kim and Rufus are now what is most likely a real estate building. How they got in is a mystery. They either broke in or were allowed in.

Rufus is checking paperwork while crunching on the computer. Rufus can now go through the computer information faster than Wade.

Wade is annoyed Kim calling Rufus, �the real genius.�

Rufus finds something.

Kim reads the description and indicates that the recently purchased lair has ten bedrooms and six and a half acid baths. It also contains the address.

Drakken impatiently paces back and forth.

Drakken gives Ron privacy while he is building his doomsday weapon. Drakken asks if the doomsday weapon is finished. Ron hasn�t even started yet. He tries to stall Drakken by indicating it might take awhile. Safety first! Ron is wearing safety goggles.

Drakken is annoyed when Ron suggests that he take a �freak�s single cruise� while waiting for the doomsday device.

Still feeling the adrenaline, Drakken rips the metal door into shreds. Drakken says, �That doomsday device better work! Otherwise, you�ll be swimming with the fish.� This is a play on line �sleeping with the fishes.� from The Godfather.

Drakken can�t decide if the correct pronounciation is fish or fishes. Shego files the claws in her gloves and indicates that both forms are correct. This annoys Drakken.

Ron is about to unveil his doomsday device. He has it covered with a sheet. This practice is often done by artists before the unveil their latest creations.

Ron tries a final attempt to stall Drakken by speaking French. This is another time where Ron shows his speaking ability for foreign language. Meanwhile, Drakken quickly reveals he is wearing a watch.

Drakken applies cartoon physics by floating in midair for a few seconds while screaming at Ron. He yells so loud, Ron�s hair is affected.

Ron unveils his doomsday device. He calls it The Mangler. It is made with a refrigerator, a tennis racket, an exercise bike, a cooking pan, a vacuum cleaner, and a tennis ball with a wire poked through it. The refrigerator seems to be held together with duct tape.

Drakken does not like The Mangler.

Drakken remembers Ron�s last name by calling him, �Mr. Stoppable.�

Drakken pushes the big red button to collapse the floor again. He then comments that Ron can have fun with the fish or fishes.

Ron tries to escape the collapsing floor.

Kim pulls herself up to the roof, then drops down to the skylight. She complains that she wants to invade a lair that only has one story and is a ranch style.

Rufus points to Ron. Kim seels Ron standing on a single block with the piranha in the water below him.

Ron sweats heavily as the single block he is standing on is about to give away.

The block gives away. Ron falls. In this shot, we can see the window Kim is looking through.

Rufus pushes a button on Kim�s glove.

Kim�s glove shoots a small amount of goo through an open window. The window is now open even though it was closed a few seconds ago.

The goo expands across the walls, just above the hungry piranha. Ron bounces on the goo.

Ron bounces back up, over Drakken and Shego, and lands on the floor.

Kim assumes correctly that Rufus added some gadgets while she wasn�t looking.

Not knowing that Kim and Rufus helped Ron escape, Drakken leads Ron away. What his next intension was is not known. Kim jumps down into Drakken�s lair. Ron shouts, �KP!�

Thinking that Ron is trying to distract him, Drakken picks Ron up and indicates he doesn�t believe Kim is here.

Shego did see Kim, but didn�t immediately respond. Shego makes fun of Kim�s outfit; just as had done previously in the episode Bueno Nacho.

Shego pushes over the shelf full of books. Kim leaps out of the way before they fall on her.

Rufus suggests shooting the goo. Kim does this.

The goo covers Drakken and Shego, but not Ron. Ron runs away. Shego seems to forget that her plasma claws would easily cut away the goo as she does not use them.

Ron runs over to Kim. Kim complains about Shego pushing a falling bookcase onto her; and that it was too simple for her.

Drakken uses voice recognition to activate robotic henchmen wearing armor and carrying axes.

Kim and Ron see that they are surrounded, except for behind which leads to the collapsed floor with the piranha filled moat. Ron asks what happened to Drakken�s normal henchmen. Drakken indicates that they�re at a wedding. When asked where Shego was in Attack Of The Killer Bebes, Steve Loter indicated that she was at a wedding. The answer was a joke in reference to this scene in Naked Genius. However, fans excuse the joke and accept the idea that Shego was at a wedding.

The axes shoot lasers at the end.

Kim grabs Ron�s elbow and begins running toward the ledge.

Kim and Ron jump over the ledge, and hit the goo. They narrowly miss the hungry piranha.

Kim and Ron bounce back up. The armored robots shoot lasers when they see Kim and Ron in the air.

Kim and Ron go down, then bounce back up from the goo. Once again, the armored robots shoot lasers at Kim and Ron.

When Kim and Ron hit the goo the third time, it breaks. The piranha begin jumping out of the water in a hungry frenzy.

Kim barely manages to grab the ledge.

Ron lands on The Mangler. He rolls down, gets into a seated position, and accidentally turns it on.

The Mangler spins around in circles and shoots lasers.

The armored robots prepare to finish off Kim. Kim has nowhere to go.

The armored robots don�t immediately finish Kim off. Drakken demands that they do so. Meanwhile, he and Shego try to get out of the goo.

Ron realizes that The Mangler is working when he begins destroying Drakken�s computer equipment.

Ron tells Kim to get down, then destroys the robots that have her surrounded.

Ron stops The Mangler. He is very dizzy from the spinning.

Kim climbs up from the ledge. Ron quickly recovers. Ron says the phrase, �I am what I is.�

Rufus is annoyed when Kim gives Ron the genius credit for saving her with The Mangler.

Kim and Ron leave Drakken and Shego in the goo. Fortunately, it has airholes so they breath.

Drakken indicates that next he meets Kim, he will be more evil than before. He then can�t decide if he is supposed to say more evil, or eviler, or more eviler. This annoys Shego who tells him to be quiet.

Kim is back to tutoring Ron for algebra. This time, Ron gets the answer right. X = 8 Kim once again makes a reference to Ron being �Potential Boy.�

Ron indicates algebra is easy compared to building a doomsday weapon.

When asked, Ron indicates that Miss Whisp wrote an infinity symbol to indicate how much detention Ron would have. Ron most likely got detention for the rest of the year. It would most likely also mean that the world would find out that Ron is not the super genius after all. Whether or not the world was told about Project Phoebus and Rufus is unclear.

Kim and Ron look for Rufus to see if Project Phoebus has worn off yet or not.

Kim and Ron approach a room. The stairs lead to Kim�s room in the attic.

This is not Kim�s room. The desk, chair, computer, radio, and cd holder is the same. But the doorknob on the desk is different. Also Kim�s cheerleading trophy is missing and replaced with two books. The Possibles most likely bought both desks at the same time.

Wade and Rufus have another internet battle of the geniuses. Wade�s questions are:
Plot the elliptical orbit of Jupiter�s third moon
Name the four ancient capitals of the Mayan empire.
Rufus gets both of these correct.

Kim closes the door and follows Ron as he walks away.


Final thoughts: It has been debated on whether Ron is good at math, or if he is just plain lazy. In the Season 3 episode Bad Boy, Ron is seen doing complex physic calculations while doing highly technical mechanical structures. This seems to conclude that Ron is actually good at math, but doesn�t like to do it. Ron most likely gained this ability genetically from his father, whose number crunching genius earned him actuary of the year.

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