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First time we see the Mad Dog pyramid. We also find out what the mascot for Middleton High is. There is another unknown cheerleader girl standing to the left of the pyramid. Tara and Jessica are now present. Marcella might be the girl standing in front of the pyramid, but it's not confirmed.
Kim indicates she has time for anybody on the squad.
Bonnie tells Kim she looks tired. Kim indicates she did fly in from Abu Dhabi. She had a mission where she rescued an ambassador.
Kim and Bonnie argue over who is giving more to the squad. Bonnie thinks Kim should give a hundred ten percent. Kim says she gives a hundred twenty percent. Bonnie then says that she can give the squad a hundred thirty percent.
Kim's temper flares when she realizes Bonnie wants to be cheer captain. First indication that Kim is the cheer captain.
Bonnie calls Kim, ''Little Miss Smugmug.'' She then promises she will be cheer captain.
Ron seems to think that Bueno Nacho is cutting back on the beans.
Ron uses Rufus for analysis on the burrito. He wants a cheese/bean ratio.
Ron has been hearing all about Kim's Bonnie problem for awhile now. He's able to quote Kim without problem.
First time Rufus eats Bueno Nacho food, then falls asleep.
Kim doesn't think Bonnie has a chance to become cheer captain. Ron advises Kim to watch out for Bonnie, and says that she can be tricky. This is the first indication about Kim having too much confidence in herself and taking others for granted.
Global Justice uses a trap door to capture Kim.
Kim suddenly finds herself in a glass cylinder.
Correction: The cylinders must be plastic. They can bend at angles. Multiple tubes all seem to lead down.
Despite being plastic, they are heat resistant. The amount of friction by air to ignite fire on something is incredible.
There are four tubes altogether. Kim was in the second tube from the left.
Kim pounds on the door but does not open. Then it opens automatically. It must computer or remote controlled.
Kim is disorientated. She looks around wondering where she is, but fails to notice somebody coming towards her.
Dr. Director's first appearance. Dr. Director was modeled after Marvel's Nick Fury.
Dr. Director welcomes Kim to the Global Justice Network. It's acronym is GJ.
Agent Will Du's first appearance. He arrives in the first tube on the left.
Dr. Director indicates Will Du is Global Justice's number one agent. Kim doesn't seem to like him from the moment they meet.
A picture of Professor Syvan Green. In the 1960's, he developed a top secret missile defense project.
Kim knows the name of that project. It was called the serenita guided missile tracking system. Kim got the information off the web.
A current picture of Sylvan Green. He's retired and living in Florida.
Kim guesses that Sylvan Green was kidnapped. She is right.
Dr. Director asks Kim to help Agent Will Du find Professor Green.
Will Du can speak fourteen languages and thirty-two regional dialects.
Kim is taking French. We never hear her say anything French. Ron does in a later episode, indicating that he was taking French too.
Kim begins telling Dr. Director about her Bonnie problem. Agent Will Du interrupts and says it is an insult to work with Kim. He calls Kim an amateur. Kim's overconfidence overwhelms her, and tells them that she's in.
MHS sign
Kim indicates that Bonnie didn't show up for cheer practice.
Will Du shows up at Middleton High. Kim refuses to assist him in his investigation. Instead she insists she works as an equal.
After greeting Will Du, Ron gets shocked.
Will Du indicates that he uses a stopwatch that causes temporary paralysis. It's standard procedure for anybody who comes within one meter.
Will Du's watch also works as a voice recorder.
Will Du's watch also shocked Rufus. Will Du calls Rufus, ''a hairless rodent.'' Kim corrects him, and calls Will Du, ''Mr. I Know Everything.'' Will Du puts the correct Latin name for naked mole rat (hydrocephalus glabor) in his voice recording watch. This indication shows Will Du can also speak Latin.
Ron gets back up and greet Will Du again. Will Du jumps away and gets into a fighting stance. This indicates that Will Du also knows martial arts.
Ron gets into a martial arts position too. Although his martial arts skill at this point is very limited.
In this scene, Bonnie calls Kim, ''K.'' Kim calls Bonnie, ''B.'' This could be construed that Kim is calling Bonnie a pregnant dog.
Bonnie missed cheer practice because she was launching a new fundraiser selling chocolates.
Bonnie plans on selling a whole truckload of chocolates.
Ron is taking Bonnie very seriously. Again, Kim overestimates Bonnie's abilities.
Ron proclaims himself a natural born seller with the gift of gab.
Ron's first intended customer is Will Du. Ron indicates that each chocolate bar is 1.9 ounces. We'll see Ron's lack of selling skills again in Bonding.
The flavors mentioned in this scene: plain, crispy, peanut, and macadamia.
Ron gives up. Will Du buys a bar from Rufus.
A close-up of the one dollar bill. There is no face on the bill.
Ron believes that Rufus's selling ability comes from being naked.
First time we see the Possible home at sunset.
Will Du indirectly knows Mrs. Possible. He read her recent paper on the application of lasers in sub-cranial exploration. He also notes the picture of her didn't do her justice.
This flatters Mrs. Possible who wants Kim to invite Will Du over more often.
The kimmunicator creates a 3D holographic simulation of Professor Green's home.
Rufus goes into the 3D home and tries to sit on the furniture. It vaporizes.
Will Du indicates he already examined the crime scene.
Whoever broke into Professor Green's home did so with an explosive method of entry.
Wade runs an extrapolation routine to find this clue. It is actually a golf ball.
Wade indicates that Professor Green showed on many online discussion groups about gardening, botany, and experimental fertilizers. His lawn won the blue-grass ribbon three years in a row.
Will Du is convinced that Professor Green was kidnapped for his weapon system expertise.
Kim reminds Will Du that Professor Green was a weapons expert in the 1960's. You can look up what Professor Green knows in any library.
Will Du calls Kim, ''an amateur'' and a waste of his time.
Kim indicates she found another trace element: hyperactic acid. It is an experimental fertilizer found only on the black market. Notice she winks at Ron when she says this.
Ron suggests they visit the world headquarters for black market supplies for gardening. But he doesn't know where that is.
Though it's not confirmed, it looks as though Kim went to Turkey.
First appearance of Big Daddy Brotherson.
Will Du pushes Ron out of the way and once again calls them, ''amateurs.''
Indication that Big Daddy Brotherson likes to play games.
Big Daddy suggests a game called, ''Thud.'' He claps his hands summoning his bodyguard.
First appearance of Big Daddy's bodyguard.
Will Du is thrown out the window. And lands with a thud!
Big Daddy loves to play Thud!
There is only one rule in the black market establishment: Client confidentiality.
Client confidentiality is easily broken by a milk chocolate with chewy nugget bar.
Ron and Will Du wait outside for Kim. It seems Will Du's watch really does keep time.
Kim reveals the identity of the new bad guy: Duff Killigan.
Will Du carries a GJ mobile database. It's standard issued for all top agents.
Duff Killigan: Born in Scotland. He's a former professional golfer. He is banned from every golf course in the world, even miniature golf for excessive displays of temper. Weapon of choice: Exploding golf balls.
Kim and Will Du are too busy to notice the silhouette. Ron does notice, and tries to get their attention.
First appearance of Duff Killigan.
A close-up of Killigan's exploding golf balls.
Ron grabs Kim and Will Du and drags them away to safety. Killigan's golf ball explodes seconds later.
Ron checks on Rufus. He is happily eating a chocolate bar. Ron tells Rufus he'll have to pay for the chocolate. Perhaps Ron gives Rufus an allowance.
Bonnie sold a whole truckload of chocolate. Bonnie is wearing a new uniform that she got from the proceeds.
First time we hear the word, ''Badical.'' The whole team got new uniforms.
Bonnie is also working on a new cheer.
Kim is so suspicious of Bonnie, she thinks Bonnie is getting outside help.
Ron and Will Du wait for Kim at Bueno Nacho.
Ron tries to impress Will Du by showing him a trick. It involves squeezing a burrito till the contents fly up in the air. Ron catches the contents in his mouth. Then he swallows it.
Will Du is not impressed with Ron's trick.
Rufus does it too. But with a nacho and cheese.
Out of curiosity, Ron asks Will Du if he does ''normal stuff, like go to school.'' Will Du indicates he is ''tutored by the world''s greatest minds.''
Ron thinks that by ''tutored,'' Will Du needs special help. Ron indicates that he needed help with math in his freshman year. First indication of Ron lacking math skills.
Ron has the kimmunicator while Kim is at cheer practice.
Kim in her new cheer outfit.
After showing Kim the new cheer, Bonnie indicates it is what giving the team a hundred fifty percent is like.
Kim sarcastically warns Bonnie that giving a hundred sixty percent causes spontaneous combustion.
Kim jacks Ron's shirt when angry to drag him away. We see this again in Emotion Sickness.
Kim tells Ron her suspicion that Bonnie is getting outside help.
The GJ hoverjet. It's standard issued for all top agents.
It's also controlled by remote. It makes the same sound as a car alarm being set.
Will Du offers ''ladies first.'' Ron goes in first.
Killigan lives on an island with a castle and a full golf course.
Killigan must not get many visitors. The front door is wide open.
Kim and Will Du argue over whether Professor Green was kidnapped for his weapons expertise, or his ability to grow lawns.
Ron points the way to the dungeon.
Killigan kidnapped Professor Green and found out that he used experimental hyperactic acid to grow super grass.
Killigan has a dog. It appears to be a Scottish terrier, but it's not confirmed. This is the only time we see Killigan's dog.
Professor Green is being held with super grass.
Ron uses Rufus as electrical clippers to set Professor Green free.
Professor Green's first appearance. He indicates that Killigan trapped him in his own super grass.
Professor Green confirms that he was kidnapped for his super grass; not his weapons expertise.
Kim lays out Killigan's plan. He is going to cover the world with super grass to make it his own personal golf course.
First appearance of Kim's laser pen. It's looks like a miniature light saber from Star Wars.
Will Du rushes into the room where Killigan is, and is easily tripped. He obviously has less fighting skill than Kim or Killigan.
Killigan hits each ball one at a time. Kim is attacked by multiple projectiles. The balls must split halves or even thirds after being hit. Kim dodges them by jumping onto a ceiling fixture.
Killigan manages to hit the balls backwards, hitting Will Du and knocking him out.
Duff Killigan's family coat of arms.
Kim twirls Killigan's golf clubs.
Killigan can twirl his golf clubs too.
Kim and Killigan engage in battle, using the golf clubs as weapons. Kim breaks the first set. She knocks the second set out of Killigan's hands.
Killigan turns the knob on his fireplace. It operates a trap door for his escape.
Ron stays out of the action, petting his naked mole rat.
First time we see Killigan's blimp.
Killigan has island booby trapped with quicksand pits.
Ron uses his negotiation skills to get Kim and Will Du to work together.
Kim suggests help with the hoverjet. Will Du says he left the remote command module (or R.C.M.) in the hoverjet.
Rufus won't sink in the quicksand. Rufus has to get the R.C.M.
Will Du is impressed with Kim, even though she still an ''amateur.''
The R.C.M. was left on the sun visor of the hoverjet.
Ron enjoys being in the quicksand. He says it feels nice.
Will Du catches the R.C.M. in his teeth. It lights up when he activates it.
The hoverjet drops a rope. Kim goes before anyone else because ''Ladies first.'' Kim grabs it with her teeth.
The rope goes up as soon as Kim grabs it. It must have a sensor that automatically recoils when somebody puts pressure on it.
Will Du wonders why Kim annoys him. Ron explains that Will Du is very ''irkable''
Will Du was about to ask Professor Green something. Kim demands he pays attention to his flying. Unfortunately, nobody is wearing their seatbelt in this scene.
Professor Green indicates that Killigan plans to attack the first country that banned him from a golf course. That country is Japan. Japan is where Kim and Ron have had a large majority of missions. Professor Green disappears after this scene. He must have been dropped off somewhere safe.
Professor Green's super grass grows in a few seconds, and can cover a few acres.
Killigan attacks Kim with the super grass. Kim dodges it. It then covers the hoverjet.
Ron and Will Du escape by hitting the eject button located on the console of the hoverjet.
Ron lands on Will Du. Ron catches Rufus.
Killigan attacks Kim with a barrage of exploding golf balls.
Will Du attacks Killigan with paralysis stopwatch. It bounces off his head.
The wire rewinds with a push of a button. Ron suggests setting it to local time.
Killigan attacks Kim with a golf ball with a backwards spin that he hit with a wedge.
Kim attacks Killigan with dandelions seeds.
After adding water, Killigan is captured.
Will Du will have Global Justice come in with a defoliation team to clean up Killigan's mess.
Will Du doesn't have much of a sense of humor. He's not very amused by Ron's joke.
Kim has had enough of Will Du. She pushes him to make him go away.
Duff Killigan attacks. Will Du gets him with the paralyzing stopwatch.
Kim wants a paralyzing stopwatch.
Will Du seems to be crushing on Kim at the very end. He thanks her for her assistance.
Kim is angry that Will Du cannot consider Kim might be as good as he is. Ron knows that Kim feels the same way about Bonnie.
Kim jacks Ron's shirt again.
Marcella's first appearance. Hope and Marcella are almost identical. The best way to tell it's Marcella is that she has a beauty mark.
Tara thinks that they should wait for Kim before choosing who should be captain. Bonnie thinks otherwise.
Kim shows up and votes Bonnie as the new captain.
Ron salutes and calls Bonnie, ''Captain Bonnie.''
Despite being made captain, Bonnie is miserable she has to keep working hard.
Ron thinks Bonnie will remain captain for about a month. Kim gives her about two weeks before giving up.
Act 1 || Act 2