Show notes: This episode is also known as the Halloween episode.
The episode starts out at the exact same place where Kim first met Big Daddy Brotherson in Number One.
Drakken and Duff Killigan slowly haggle over the top secret centurion project. Killigan might have stolen it. Drakken might want to purchase it.
Shego takes over the negotiation by handing over the money and demanding the centurion project.
Drakken complains that he was about to haggle.
Killigan indicates he loves to haggle.
A first look at the centurion project. It's nothing more than a common ring of some sort.
Kim and Ron suddenly show up.
Drakken and Killigan may have knew each other before. But this is the first time they realize that Kim is their foe.
Ron feels that he can't do anything to help Kim.
Drakken demands Shego to attack Kim.
Shego jumps on Drakken's head. Kim did almost the same thing in Attack Of The Killer Bebes.
Shego doesn't use her plasma power in this fight.
Ron complains that he can't help Kim with the fight.
Rufus points out to Ron that Killigan is readying his exploding golf balls.
Ron grabs a plate of food from Big Daddy's bodyguard.
Killigan's ball heads toward Kim and Shego.
Ron jumps and throws the plate between his legs.
The plate deflects the golf ball, scaring both Kim and Shego. Shego practically jumps in Kim's arms.
The ball hit's the ceiling. The roof begins to crack and crumble.
First indication that Drakken is ticklish.
Rufus steals the centurion project from Drakken. Drakken calls Rufus, ''Hairless vermin.''
Rufus throws the centurion project onto Kim's wrist.
Shego grabs Kim's arm. This causes the centurion project to bond onto Kim.
Kim escapes by bouncing off of Shego's head.
Kim grabs Ron's hand and exits. Rufus is not far behind.
The building crumbles into rubble. This helps explain why Big Daddy Brotherson was at the Bermuda Triangle club in So The Drama.
Shego, Drakken, and Killigan are safe under the rubble. Killigan wonders if he still gets his money.
The Possible home is decorated for Halloween.
The centurion project is so tight on Kim's wrist, she can barely put a fingertip in to pull it off.
Wade calls. He indicates that the top secret lab in charge of the centurion project is closed for the weekend. This indicates that this episode takes place on a Friday or Saturday. He also indicates their computers are hacker proof so he can't find out what the centurion project is or does.
Monique calls. First time we see Monique's room. Monique indicates she can have a party.
The party is tonight on Halloween. It's a costume party.
First time Kim throws herself onto her bed when distressed. Kim tells Monique she won't be there for her party.
Kim, Ron, and Monique go to Bueno Nacho. Kim explains that Ron loves Halloween.
Ron explains that going to Monique's party would interfere with TorT action.
TorT stands for trick or treat. Monique finishes the rhyme: ''Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat.''
Monique was joking. Ron indicates he does, ''Smell my feet.''
Ron reaches into the wrong pocket and pulls out Rufus. This annoys Rufus.
Ron reaches into the other pocket and pulls out his plan for the Halloween costume.
A close up of Ron's Halloween joint costume.
Monique suggests to Kim taking the part with the horn.
Kim comments that they might be too old for treak or treating. Kim indicates last year, some kid called her, ''Ma'am.''
Ron assures Kim that she commands respect.
Kim reminds Ron that she was dressed as a clown. Ron reminds Kim she was actually a hobo.
Monique mentions that Halloween is a Ron/Kim tradition. This is the first traditional Kim/Ron thing we see being done in the series. Other traditions will in later episodes will be in A Very Possible Christmas and Day Of The Snowmen. Kim suggests coming to her place for the party after trick or treating.
Ron indicates that he and Kim don't stop trick or treating. They hit Middleton, Lowerton, and Upperton. First mention of Lowerton and Upperton. Ron also indicates that it dates back to the beginning of their friendship.
Kim indicates that she and Ron have been friends since preschool. First mention of how far back the Kim/Ron friendship goes.
A flashback to the first Halloween. Kim dressed as a cowboy. Ron dressed as a ballerina. First time we see Kim and Ron as little kids. First indication that Kim had freckles as a little kid. First indication that Ron was always a natural dancer.
First time we see Drakken's lair as a nice sunny day.
Drakken talks to Killigan on a cordless phone. Drakken refuses to pay Killigan for stealing the centurion project since Kim has it. Killigan screams so loud, Drakken has to hold the phone away.
Killigan is so angry, he bends a golf club. Killigan leans on a trophy. This indicates that at one time, Killigan was a really good golfer. Killigan calls Drakken, ''A criminal.''
Drakken reminds Killigan that he tries to take over the world. That really does make him a criminal. Drakken cleans his ears out while talking.
Killigan tells Drakken that if he gets the centurion project back, he'll sell it to someone else. This prompts Drakken to want to get it before Killigan does.
Drakken yells for Shego. Shego reminds Drakken to use his ''indoor voice.''
Shego has a cassette recording of Wade asking the top secret lab in charge of the centurion project to call back. It is unlikely that Shego has Wade's place bugged with a hidden microphone. She most likely found a way to bug the top secret lab.
After hearing that the centurion project is stuck on Kim's wrist, Drakken decides to take action. Drakken's smile might have been inspired by the Joker from Batman.
Mr. Possible goggles appear to work both as a magnifyer, and a microscope. Mr. Possible indicates the centurion project will be stuck on her arm till Monday.
Mr. Possible indicates the bracelet appears to be a super strong metal alloy.
Jim and Tim suggest Kim get her arm cut off, then reattaching it.
This idea worries Kim that they might do it.
Mrs. Possible brings in Mr. Cadaver. He's a latex replica used by medical students. A large cloth covers his private areas. Mr. Cadaver is most likely anatomically correct.
Jim and Tim are anxious to use Mr. Cadaver.
Mrs. Possible indicates that Jim and Tim are helping with ''scare for care haunted house.'' It's a charity event held at the hospital.
Kim is surprised that Jim and Tim aren't trick or treating.
Jim and Tim feel like they're too old to trick or treat. Jim indicates they're both ten years old. This only depresses Kim.
Monique calls again. She indicates that Josh Mankey has a garage band, and they'll be playing at her party.
Wade calls. His costume was mostly likely inspired by Batman. Wade indicates he doesn't leave his room. He trick or treats online.
Drakken flies over Middleton in his flying car, listening for Kim. Wade tells Kim that he left a message at the lab center.
Drakken has headphone on, but Shego can still the conversation. Drakken must have the antenna plugged into the radio or other speaker. Drakken's headphones may be the special kind that filters out background noise.
Drakken complains that the sound amplifier doesn't work when he's roaming. This is a reference to cell phone use.
Duff Killigan is also over Middleton in his blimp. He complains that his sound amplifier doesn't work when he's roaming.
Kim talks to Monique and Ron at the same time. Monique confirms that Josh will be at the party. Ron reminds Kim that they're falling behind schedule. First appearance of Ron's room.
Kim lies to Ron and tells him that her mother is making her help at the haunted house.
Drakken hears this and thinks he'll find Kim at the haunted house.
The centurion project begins growing on Kim's wrist.
Ron sounds like he's about to cry on the other side of the line. This doesn't help Kim feel better about letting Ron down.
Duff Killigan listens to the other part of the conversation.
Mrs. Possible is dressed as a witch. She overheard Kim tell Ron that she was coming with them to help at the haunted house.
Mrs. Possible indicates that Jim and Tim had hopes of drenching Kim in fake blood. At least she hopes it's fake blood.
Kim now lies to her mom and tells her that she'll be with Ron.
The centurion project grows some more. Mrs. Possible doesn't notice the change.
Killigan hears Mrs. Possible say, ''Have fun trick or treating.'' Killigan wonders if Kim is too old for trick or treating.
Kim tells Monique she isn't sure why she lied. Only that she must have panicked.
After hanging up, Kim notices the centurion project has gotten bigger.
Wade does a scan and sees that the centurion project is cutting edge nanotechnology. The cybertonic circuitry is controlled by biometric parameters.
Wade answers another line hoping that it's the lab. Instead it's Wade's friend Eugene. Since Eugene is wearing a mask, we don't know what he looks like. Eugene says, ''Greetings, hacker man.'' We don't know if Wade is dressed up as a fictional super hero named Hacker Man, or if the greeting is just a compliment of Wade's computer skills. Eugene's room in the background was later used for Cousin Larry's room in Monkey Fist Strikes.
Wade indicates he knew who it was because he crossed referenced the ISP address. He also put the candy credits in his mailbox. This shows how Wade does trick or treating online.
Kim tells Wade she wants the centurion project off before she goes to Monique's party. This surprises Wade, since Kim usually goes with Ron trick or treating. This also indicates that Wade must have known Kim and Ron for at least one year.
Mr. Possible says, ''Have fun with Ronald.'' Kim replies, ''I will.'' The centurion project grow some more. Wade figures out that the centurion project grows whenever Kim lies.
Wade indicates that the centurion project is some kind of armor, and that the biometric parameters are related to stress.
Kim doesn't think so. She reminds Wade she was fighting Drakken, Shego, and Killigan while wearing the bracelet and nothing happened.
Wade indicates Kim must be more stressed about lying than she is fighting. He then calls Kim, ''Pinocchio.''
Ron in the bottom half of the joint costume. Ron suddenly shows up. He indicates he saw Kim's parents leave and hopes they're back on for trick or treating.
Kim lies to Ron again, saying she'll meet her parents later.
The centurion project grows again.
Ron doesn't notice that Kim hand, arm, and upper body is covered in metal armor.
Ron tries to give the top half of the joint costume to Kim.
Kim takes the costume, and closes the door on Ron.
Kim seems to get an angry or disappointing vibe from the costume.
Kim picks up the ringing telephone, and crushes it in her hand. It still works though.
Monique indicates that Josh is at her party. Kim throws down the telephone; she doesn't hang it up.
First appearance of the Middleton Medical Center. It is a clear night, but thunder is heard.
The haunted house is next door to the medical center. The thunder is a sound effect from the haunted house.
Mrs. Possible accepts tickets. Mr. Possible is dressed as a vampire and entices guests with a European accent similar to Bela Lugosi, who made Count Dracula famous. He even dyes his hair all black.
Patrons for the scare for care haunted house aren't dressed for Halloween.
Drakken and Shego hide behind the corner.
When told to blend in, Shego puts on her Team Go mask to fit in with Halloween. Drakken thinks Shego is only trying to annoy him.
First appearance of Monique's house. The young children appear later in this episode with Ron.
Josh sets up his stage for the band. His band are all dressed as pirates. It's not known whether or not Josh plays an instrument. He's wearing a hook over his hand.
Kim arrives dressed as a princess. Monique is dressed as a cowgirl.
Kim goes up to Josh and tries to speak ''Pirate.''
Kim still gets nervous talking to Josh.
Josh notices Kim's hand. Kim tells him that she is dressed as ''The Princessinator.'' This is a play on the movie, ''The Terminator.''
Josh says, ''I heard your folks are doing a scare for care haunted house.'' This seems to indicate that Josh didn't know that Kim's parents were involved in the event.
Josh indicates he goes to the scare for care haunted house every year. He also indicates it's for a good cause, and a good time.
Josh invites Kim to the haunted house.
Kim doesn't want to tell Josh that she lied to her parents about where she would be.
The centurion project grows and covers Kim's other hand. Josh notices. Kim goes to Monique and asks to hide for a while in the bathroom. Thinking that Kim wants to make out with Josh, she suggests the closet instead. Kim wants the bathroom. Monique points the way.
Ron annoys the kids with the trick or treat line, ''Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat.''
First time we hear this background character talk.
The young trick or treater asks Ron not to say, ''Smell my feet.''
Ron says, ''Hey! Unicorn came to play!''
The young trick or treater says, ''You're not a unicorn! You're just a horse's---. He doesn't finish the line. This is a play on the derogatory phrase, ''You're just a horse's rear end.''
The young trick or treater was interrupted by Duff Killigan. The youngster make fun of Duff for dressing like a girl and wearing a skirt.
Killigan ignores the kids as they walk off.
Ron sympathizes with Duff Killigan, and reminds him that kids can be cruel.
Killigan's remembers Ron and calls him, ''Mr. Stoppable.'' Killigan demands to know where the centurion project is. Ron tells him that it's still stuck on Kim's wrist.
Killigan demands to know where Kim is. Ron tells Killigan that she is not with him. Killigan indicates that Kim told her parents that she was going to be with Ron.
The conversation is interrupted when the background character comes out and gives candy to Killigan. He thinks he's dressed for Halloween too, and advises the girl costume works better without the beard. Killigan gets angry for being called a girl.
Jim and Tim are dressed as zombies. Everyone thinks they're cute and adorable.
Jim and Tim pull a lever. Mr. Cadaver scares the patrons.
Jim and Tim's Halloween prank gains Drakken's admiration.
Shego indicates she saw every Possible, except Kim. This indicates that Shego knows what every member of the Possible family looks like.
Drakken does the direct approach. Mrs. Possible recognizes Drakken.
Never seeing Duff Killigan, Mr. Possible thinks it's a bearded lady.
Duff Killigan tells Drakken he' s there to get back the centurion project. Drakken indicates he's there for the same thing.
Before Drakken and Killigan can begin arguing over who will get the centurion project first, Shego takes charge and demands to know where Kim is.
Mr. Possible stands up to the trio and suggest they leave.
Mrs. Possible suggests they find a way to warn Kim; that she's alone with Ron and has no idea that Drakken and Killigan are looking for her.
Ron and Rufus are wearing handcuffs. Ron indicates that Kim is not with him, and that he was captured.
Ron, Mr. Possible, and Mrs. Possible realize that Kim lied.
Mr. Possible shouts Kim's full name, indicating how much trouble she's in.
Kim talks to herself in the bathroom mirror. She tries to convince herself that the lies she told were tiny and nothing is wrong.
Kim comes out of the bathroom. She tells Monique and Josh that everything is okay. The centurion project shreds her princess costume to pieces.
One of the games that guests at Monique's party are playing is the classic bobbing for apples. Monique's guests are not regular background characters, or more popular characters like Bonnie or Tara. This indicates that Monique is still trying to make friends at Middleton.
Monique asks Kim where her kimmunicator is. Kim indicates it is somewhere underneath all the armor she's wearing.
Kim finally comes clean and admits she's a liar trapped in high tech battle armor. The kimmunicator beeps. Monique has Wade on speed dial.
First time Kim talks to Wade by way of not through her kimmunicator.
Wade indicates that there is a big problem at the haunted house, and it's on the news.
Being on the news, Drakken and Killigan break out megaphones to tell viewers who they are and their plans for world domination.
When interrupted by Drakken, Killigan calls him, ''Blue boy.''
Shego ignores Drakken and Killigan's bickering. She has trouble believing that Kim lied.
Ron and Rufus overreact to the idea that Kim will sink into depravity.
Kim arrives by flying. The centurion project has rocket jets on the back.
Drakken and Killigan are impressed with the centurion project.
Kim's body armor was most likely inspired by Japanese mobile mech suit genres such as Megaman or Bubble Gum Crisis.
Shego decides to fight Kim, and asks Killigan to team up with her.
Killigan hits an exploding golf ball to Kim. Kim catches it. The armor suppresses the blast and remains undamaged.
Kim indicates the centurion project is controlled by her thoughts and emotions. The shoulder beams power up as Kim admits she's feeling nasty.
Shego charges. The shoulder beams begin firing themselves. Kim indicates the armor is practically automatic. She also advises Shego to stop.
Shego jumps towards Kim. The rocket packs fire off sending Kim flying into the air.
Kim grabs Shego.
Kim and Shego smash through the front door of the haunted house.
Ned is helping with the haunted house. But he his hair dyed blond for his costume.
Kim and Shego zoom by. It appears that Shego is flying. A minor mistake.
Ned's costume is unraveled leaving him in a matching pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt.
Despite crashing through two walls, Shego is unhurt. This is the first indiction that Shego has the superpower of moderate invincibility. In other words, Shego can use her mutant ability to protect herself from some harm. This superpower has never been confirmed, only theorized on the message boards.
Kim crashes through a support beam of the hospital.
Shego slices another support beam.
The structure falls on top of Kim.
Shego thinks she finally got rid of Kim.
Shego is shocked when Kim not only gets back up unhurt, but lifts the structure up with super strength.
Kim flies towards Shego again, grabs her, and crashes through two more walls of the haunted house.
Shego kicks Kim off of her. Again, she is unhurt.
Kim gets stuck in a spin, but lands safely.
Shego attacks again, and manages to slice Kim's armor with her plasma claws.
The armor heals itself.
Shego goes on a rampage to damage the armor as much as possible. Too shocked to move, Kim forgets to fight back.
The armor heals itself again.
Low powered force beams come out of Kim's wrists. Kim says, ''Much more humane.'' This indicates the force beams are not lethal.
Kim hits Shego with the force beams, and sends her flying away.
Killigan tries to sneak up on Kim with a new golf putter that emits some sort of energy. Kim hits Killigan too, sending him flying away.
Ron approaches Kim. He's impressed with her new power, but denounces her for lying to him.
Ron leads the confrontation to find out where Kim was the whole evening.
Kim tries to apologize.
Kim admits she went to Monique's party because Josh was there.
After telling the truth, the centurion project goes back into bracelet mode.
Shego attacks Kim again.
Killigan joins the fight. Kim kicks him away.
Kim then twirls Shego around in circles, then throws her into Killigan.
Drakken tries to pull the centurion project off of Kim's wrist.
Mr. Possible shows how angry he is by grabbing Drakken, and holding him up in the air by his shoulders. Mr. Possible demands time to speak to Kim.
Drakken doesn't want to interfere with Mr. Possible's parental wrath.
Kim knows she's in big trouble.
Officer Hobble oversees the arresting of Drakken, Shego, and Killigan.
Drakken, Shego, and Killigan proclaim dissapointment in Kim for lying to her parents and her best friend. Kim apologizes to everyone for telling lies and putting everyone in danger.
Ron goes off on Kim, complaining that getting captured put him behind schedule on trick or treating. He also angrily calls her, ''Woman!''
Ron calms down after a hug and another apology.
The whole family talks about the importance of honesty.
Kim promises never to lie again.
Kim gets grounded for a whole month, starting right now.
Josh shows up and hears that Kim is now grounded. He was hoping to back to Monique's party together.
Ron gets revenge against Kim. Ron has a list of every insomiac in Middleton. It's unknown how Ron got the list. Josh picks up Ron's offer to go trick or treating.
Ron pulls out the front part of the joint costume. It's unclear how he got it, since he left it with Kim earlier that night. Ron tells Josh he has to wear it. Josh agrees.
Kim now thinks that trick or treating with Josh and Ron is okay. She indicates she would like to go trick or treating next year together. Ron and Josh leave Kim behind.