Show Notes: This episode introduces Monique. It emphasizes Ron's love for wrestling, as well as his need to have Kim as his friend. This is the only episode where Kim and Ron meet Steel Toe and Pain King in person. Otherwise, they're only seen on the television.
The episode starts with Kim and Ron being chased down a dark ally by men shouting, ''Pain!''
Kim and Ron try to elude the men by going down an even darker ally.
Ron is clumsy, but still has high agility. He crashes into the trash can, does a flip, land on his feet, and continues running.
Kim and Ron duck behind a car to avoid being seen.
First dog to be seen in the series. Ron and Kim are frightened by the dog. Ron yells, ''Cheese and slobbers!'' Mr. Barkin will later exclaim, ''Cheese and crackers!'' when shocked and surprised.
A car pulls up. Some men get out shouting, ''Steel!''
Kim and Ron backtrack, and find a door. But it is locked.
Kim decides to go to the roof.
Kim puts her arm around Ron's waist before they both go up. Kim does this from now on since Ron doesn't have his own grappling hook.
Ron slips and falls off the roof. Kim flips down, bounces off a wall, grabs Ron, and then swings back up to a ventilation shaft.
The ventilation shaft takes Kim and Ron to the center of the Middleton Mall. It is hosting a GWA special event. First mention of the GWA.
Kim scolds Ron for trying to get into the mall through an alternate route instead of the main entrance. The entire beginning was done to make it look as though Kim and Ron were in danger by men wanting to hurt them. Kim and Ron's mission might have been in the desert or a dry area. Their clothes are dusty. Kim indicates she like to go home and change after a mission.
Ron tells Kim that there wasn't enough time. The first one hundred fans not to get trampled get a free GWA tour t-shirt.
Kim has never heard of the GWA. Ron indicates it stands for Global Wrestling Association.
Ron shouts, ''Steel Toe rules!'' This indicates who his favorite wrestler is.
The men from the dark ally walk by. All are now shouting, ''Pain!''
Ron talks about Steel Toe and Pain King's gimmicks. Pain King has a bionic eye that can cause people to feel pain. Steel Toe was in a freak industrial accident that gave him a titanium foot.
First appearance of Jackie Oakes.
Ron indicates that Jackie Oakes is the founder of the GWA.
Jackie is short. He's so short, he needs a box to stand on to look taller than he actually is.
Steel Toe and Pain King make their appearances at the podium.
Kim complains that she's in the mall, but not shopping.
Ron wants Kim to stay. He explains that wrestling is more that two people beating each other up; it's also a war of words.
The war of words consists of Steel Toe and Pain King shouting, ''You're going down!'' to each other.
Kim tells Ron that Club Banana is doing a tie-in the museum's Cleopatra's Closet exhibit. She then leaves Ron to shop.
First appearance of Monique. She indicates that Kim is looking at ''Cleo's cargos.'' Club Banana has been decorated in ancient Egyptian style to reflect the museum's tie-in.
Kim and Monique both tell each other at the same time they would look good in ''Giza green.''
Pain King calls Steel Toe, ''Leadfoot.'' Steel Toe and Pain King begin fighting. Jackie breaks them up and tells them to save it for ''Mayhem in Middleton.'' This is the name of the Middleton wrestling event.
Steel Toe and Pain King begin fighting again. This gets the audience to start fighting.
Ron accidentally gets involved in the fighting too.
When asked, Kim indicates that she's a charter member of the Club Banana club. The card Kim has is not the same Club Banana card in Low Budget. Monique suddenly went from blue shirt to red shirt. This is not too surprising considering that Kim and Monique were trying on prom dresses in So The Drama, and business appears to be slow right now. Monique wears this combination red shirt and red miniskirt for most of the series.
Monique thought she recognized Kim. Monique introduces herself and indicates she just moved to Middleton, and starts at Middleton High on Monday.
Kim notices the angry mob. Ron is thrown into a mosh pit.
Kim rushes into the crowd to save Ron. Everyone is fighting, including two women.
After saving Ron, Jackie Oakes asks Kim if she would ever consider a career in professional wrestling. Kim turns him down.
Jackie gives Kim two tickets to Mayhem in Middleton.
Ron indicates the two tickets are actually back stage passes.
Kim accidentally calls Steel Toe, ''Steel Cage.''
\ Kim gives Ron the tickets.
The fighting crowd is suddenly dispersed. Ron suggests to Kim that they go back to her house and watch wrestling.
Kim has other plans. Kim is going to the Cleopatra's Closet exhibit at the Middle Art Museum. It's a special preview for Club Banana frequent buyers. Ron calls the wrestling event on tonight ''Steel Toe's night of one hundred bruises.'' The real name of the event is revealed later in the episode.
Ron says, ''Cleopatra . . . Like anybody's gonna remember her ten years from now.'' The irony of this line is that Cleopatra was an Egyptian queen from ancient times and not likely to be ever forgotten.
First appearance of the Middleton Art Museum.
Kim meets up with Monique. Both are wearing Giza green cargo pants. Kim is also wearing a pink tank top. Kim obviously went home and changed. Monique wears this combination blue shirt and Giza green cargos periodically throughout the series.
Monique indicates there is an exclusive preview for the queen's accessories. Monique has dot eyes in Season 1. In Season 2, her eyes become normal.
First appearance of the museum tour guide. Some of the background people in this scene were also at the mall.
The exhibit is quickly stopped after a security guard is found tied and gagged.
Kim advises the tour guide to call security and stay together.
Kim contacts Wade and asks him to tap into the security cameras.
Kim hears footsteps and sees a door clothes. She goes after whoever just left.
The door leads directly to the roof.
A bright light begins shining from the air unit.
When Kim investigates, a large dog-like creature jumps out from behind and begins running away.
The creature jumps from the roof of the museum to another roof several stories down. Kim is left behind.
Ron is watching wrestling with Jim and Tim. First indication of how well Ron gets along with Jim and Tim.
Kim rushes in to talk to Ron. Jim, Tim, and Ron all shush her.
Wade calls Kim. Kim is shushed again by Jim, Tim, and Ron.
Kim goes to the other side of the house so she won't disturb her brothers or Ron.
Wade indicates the only thing stolen was a small talisman. It was a gift to Cleopatra given to her by a high priest of Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of mummification. The talisman was supposedly enchanted to give the wearer super human strength.
Kim thinks that Cleopatra would have preferred some nice earrings instead. She is thankful the talisman doesn't grant immortality.
The GWA event before Middleton was called, ''Chaos in Chicago.'' A commercial for Pop Pop Porter's mini corn dogs comes on. The full version of this commercial will be played in a later episode.
Ron comes over during the commercial break to ask about ''the queen's old clothes.'' Kim mentions meeting Monique, and the museum being robbed by ''some glowing animal headed guy.''
Ron demands to know who Monique is.
Kim tries to talk about the museum robbery. Ron wants to hear more about Kim's new friend, Monique.
Ron suggests they go to Bueno Nacho and talk. Kim turns him down, saying that she and Monique stopped by for smoothies on the way home.
Ron goes to Bueno Nacho by himself. First time Ron talks to Rufus about his personal problems since Kim isn't there to listen to him. Ron indicates that Kim doesn't drink smoothies.
Ron worries that Kim will start doing her own things, and that will lead Ron to doing his own things, and their friendship would soon end. Ron hopes for the best, and that everything will be back to normal the next day.
Indication the Possible home has a doorbell.
First appearance of the Possible front door.
Ron asks if Kim is ready for school. This indicates that Kim and Ron go to school together often. Mrs. Possible explains that Kim left to meet up with Monique.
Mrs. Possible wears a fashionable watch with hands that tell time, not digital. The time is almost 8:00. Mrs. Possible begins to hurry so she won't be late for a cranial bypass.
Mrs. Possible leaves the door wide open and unlocked. Most likely she expects Ron to lock the house up when he leaves. This indicates how much trust Mrs. Possible has in Ron. She also tells Ron to say ''Hi!'' to his parents for her. This indicates that Mrs. Possible knows Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable at least on a casual level.
First appearance of the school cafeteria lunch lady.
Kim tells Monique about how she once rescued a desert prince from a death squad. Her skirt was caught on the back of her underwear. This could help explain why Kim doesn't wear skirts or dresses too often.
Ron interferes with a bag from the Donut-y pastry shop. This is not the same doughnut shop in Partners.
Ron worms his way between Kim and Monique. He'll try to do this again in So The Drama with Kim and Eric.
Ron offers Monique a bear claw. Monique turns it down, joking she's a vegetarian. Ron doesn't get the joke.
Ron forcibly explains that he is Kim's sidekick.
Sensing that something is wrong, Monique leaves and claims she has to get to class.
Monique left her lunch tray.
When Kim asks what the problem is, Ron explains that he feels excluded from Kim by Monique. Ron will deal with this again in So The Drama, between Kim and Eric.
Ron tells Kim about his friend from the second grade, Billy Bullwicky. Ron indicates that they grew apart because they were getting older. This is another issue Ron deals with Kim in So The Drama.
Ron tries to lure Kim back with the wrestling tickets. Kim tells Ron that she already made plans with Monique.
Ron blames the smoothies for Kim excluding Ron to be with Monique.
Ron gives the two tickets to Kim, then takes one back so he can see the show.
First appearance of the Middleton Arena.
Steel Toe and Pain King talk casually while getting ready for the show. This indicates the two are actually friends. Steel Toe indicates that he rented a cottage in Martha's Vineyard with his wife and kids for a vacation.
There's a knock on the door. Pain King and Steel Toe immediately begin talking about how much they hate each other.
Jackie opens the door. Steel Toe and Pain King are relieved he wasn't a reporter.
Jackie asks if he can get into the ring with Steel Toe and Pain King.
Jackie is turned down because of his small size, and because he's much better as a promoter.
Jackie walk out of the dressing room. It is then revealed that Jackie is the thief of the talisman.
Ron brags about his backstage passes.
The same security guard is guarding the ring and the backstage.
Ron passes Tricia Lebowski getting an interview from a man suggesting that golf is a contact sport.
Other wrestlers are casually waiting for their turn to go on.
Ron sits in a chair and sees his idol Steel Toe approaching. The woman in the background may be a female wrestler. It's unconfirmed since her body is cut off from the frame.
Pain King has his hand on Steel Toe's shoulder. This is another indication that the two are actually friends.
Ron proclaims that he's close enough to touch Steel Toe. But he won't because ''he's cool.''
Ron touches Steel Toe anyways.
Steel Toe mistakenly calls Rufus a gerbil.
Ron asks for an autograph on his chest.
Steel Toe and Pain King wonders where Jackie is. Apparently, Jackie provides pens for autographs and Steel Toe's sunglasses.
Ron tells Steel Toe that he'll get them. Steel Toe indicates they're in his dressing room.
Jackie set up a miniature alter in one of the dressing rooms. It consists of candles and burning incense.
To do the magic spell, Jackie needs open toed sandals, the talisman, and the ancient papyrus with the incantation.
The papyrus may be ancient, but it's written in English. It reads, ''Anubus, Protector of the Tomb, Your time is now, The time of doom! Jackie reads this aloud to activate the spell. Anubus is misspelled. It should be spelled as Anubis.
Ron walks into the wrong dressing room.
Ron sees Jackie change into a altered form.
Ron is thrown of the dressing room and into a wall. The wall cracks from the pressure.
Ron then hit's the floor and is little phased by the throw. This is another indication of Ron's resilience. For some reason, dishes and food are on the floor. Perhaps the room that Jackie made into an alter was originally for a catered meal, and he moved it into the hallway.
Rufus hides under a nearby piece of lettuce.
Jackie is surrounded with magical energy and makes himself taller.
Jackie announces himself as ''The Jackal.''
A size comparison from Ron to the Jackal. Also an indication that The Jackal has super strength.
Ron is thrown from the dressing room into the arena.
Steel Toe and Pain King have already begun wrestling when they are interrupted by Ron slamming face into Steel Toe.
Some people cheer. Other boo.
Ron is light enough for Pain King to lift him up with one hand. Again, Ron is unhurt. Another indication of Ron's resilience.
The Jackal comes into the ring.
First appearance of the coffee shop. Monique indicates that Kim is drinking a latte.
Although cut off half way, the museum tour guide is also in the coffee shop. Kim admits to feeling bad for ditching Ron to be with Monique.
Kim indicates that Ron isn't into coffee shop atmosphere.
Kim then indicates that Ron went to see wrestling.
Monique indicates she likes wrestling.
Kim gets unnerved by Monique admitting she likes wrestling.
Monique indicates she has a brother who got her interested in wrestling. She also indicates she likes Pain King. Kim finds it difficult to believe that Monique and Ron have something in common.
Wade contacts Kim. He indicates that if an incantation from an ancient text is read, the spirit of Anubis could possess the person who reads it. He also indicates that the ancient text was stolen from the University of Chicago.
Kim asks Wade for access to the police report. Wade pulls it up, even though it is confidential.
The report must have said that the thief was super short. Kim remembers that the GWA was in Chicago before Middleton.
Kim apologizes to Monique for having to leave before going.
The Jackal enjoys showboating for the cheering crowd.
Ron explains to Pain King and Steel Toe that Jackie used supernatural powers to become The Jackal.
The Jackal complains that he was too short to get into the ring. This explains why he wanted supernatural powers.
The Jackal lifts Steel Toe and Pain King with one hand. Another indication of how strong he is.
The wrestling fan in red thinks that The Jackal is ''awesome!''
Ron tries his negotiation skills to save Pain King and Steel Toe.
The Jackal fires beams from his eyes that hit Ron and sends him flying backwards into a ring post.
Kim tries to be nice as she squeezes through the standing crowd. She finally gets annoyed enough to yell at somebody.
Ron breaks down and complains that he lost his best friend and professional wrestling.
Kim arrives to remind Ron that they're still best friends.
Kim wonders if wrestling could be considered a real sport or not.
Ron holds the ropes up for Kim as she gets into the ring.
The Jackal throws Steel Toe and Pain King against opposite ropes. The two slam into each other.
The crowd enjoys the carnage.
The Jackal indicates he'll take on anyone in a no holds barred grudge match.
The Jackal gets booed by some fans.
The Jackal shoots his eye beams at the banner, causing some of it to burn away in flames. This indicates that Jackal's eye beams have fire capabilities.
The Jackal shoots a fireball from his hand.
The Jackal sets the banner of Steel Toe on fire with the green fireball.
The Jackal then summons a powerful whirlwind.
The fan in red thinks that Jackal's powers are just special effects.
Ron corrects Kim when she mistakenly calls body slammed, ''bodyslammered.''
The whirlwind stops as soon as Ron grabs The Jackal's leg. Unfortunately, Ron isn't strong enough to do anything.
The Jackal kicks Ron away into the ropes. Ron is finally knocked out for a few seconds.
Kim demands The Jackal try fighting without the talisman.
The Jackal calls himself, ''all powerful.'' He then shows off his power of telekinesis. The Jackal lifts Kim up, then drops her.
Ron is back up on his feet and ready to fight again. He helps Kim up.
Kim's plan: Ron distracts The Jackal while she tries to get the talisman.
Ron distracts The Jackal by taunting him saying, ''Steel Toe is number one!''
Kim jumps from the top rope, onto The Jackal's back, and tries to get the talisman.
The Jackal grabs Kim and throws her into Ron.
The Jackal demands that the whole world bow down to him. It's unconfirmed if this is because of Jackie's ego, or if the spirit of Anubis demanded to be treated as a god.
Kim indicates that The Jackal can't be stopped as long as he has the talisman on.
The Jackal jumps from the ring into the crowd. Everyone begins to panic.
Kim's new plan: Get Steel Toe and Pain King to help be the distraction while she gets the talisman.
Steel Toe and Pain King refuse to help. Ron then uses his negotiation skills to persuade them because they're considered heroes.
The two children looking up in admiration convince Steel Toe and Pain King to help Ron. Minor clapping can be heard in the background, even though the children are not clapping. A minor mistake. The child with the red and white shirt on is actually a Middleton High background student.
Steel Toe and Pain King challenge The Jackal.
The Jackal is holding two helpless people. He lets them go to face Steel Toe and Pain King.
Kim goes up to the catwalk.
Pain King and Steel Toe try to overpower The Jackal.
Kim gets her grappling hook ready.
Ron tries to overpower The Jackal too.
The Jackal smacks Steel Toe, Ron, and Pain King away.
Kim uses her grappling hook to swing down and try to grab the talisman. The Jackal dodges Kim.
The Jackal uses his eye beams to snap Kim's grappling hook.
Kim lands safely on the ropes. She then jumps to the other side.
Ron throws Rufus to The Jackal.
Rufus bites off the talisman.
Kim catches Rufus after jumping from the top rope again.
The Jackal reverts back into Jackie. Before possession, Jackie's collar was gold. Now it remains black.
Pain King picks Jackie up, twirls him around a few times, then throws him out of the ring.
The fan in red thought the show was the best he'd ever seen. The fan in blue disagrees and thought it was fake.
Kim and Ron enjoy the moment of being in the wrestling spotlight.
Ron and Monique now have a common ground in which they can become friends too. Kim is still disappointed that Monique likes wrestling.
Ron and Monique have a burrito eating contest. The first one to drip loses.
Rufus drops the napkin to start the eating competition. This is a reference to American drag street racing, where (most often it is a young woman) drops a cloth to begin the race.
Kim says, ''I think this the beginning of a very weird friendship.'' This is a take on the classic line from the movie Casablanca, in which Humphrey Bogart says, ''I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.'' This is the last line of the movie, much like this was the last line of the episode. Act 1 || Act 2