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Show notes: This episode introduces Doctor Dementor, and the rivalry between him and Drakken. It also introduces Ron�s parents, and Jack Hench. This episode also shows Ron�s religious ethnicity.

J�s special trivia note: My sincere apologies if I get any of this wrong, as I am unfamiliar with Jewish traditions and customs. My thanks to Wikipedia for the research.

A team of mountain climbers go up a mountain. There appears to be an underground base at the top.

Shego arrives at the top of the mountain first.

Shego is prepared to move. Drakken tells her hold on for a moment.

Shego is dismayed to see Drakken and his henchmen are all out of breath.

There is a rumbling like an earthquake. Then the front door explodes.

Shego disappears for the rest of the scene. She might have been buried underneath the rocks.

First appearance of Professor Dementor.

Professor Dementor kindly greets Drakken. Drakken on the other hand, is a bit disgusted.

When asked, Drakken indicates he is here to steal the pan dimensional vortex inducer. He plans to use it for his evil purposes.

Dementor shows off the pan dimensional vortex inducer that he has already stolen. First appearance of the pan dimensional vortex inducer.

Drakken makes a grab for the pan dimensional vortex inducer. He misses.

With a snap of his fingers, Dementor summons his henchmen. They all display their tumbling abilities before standing at attention.

Drakken is disappointed in his own henchmen.

Dementor�s henchmen have the same kind of jet pack that Kim and Ron uses.

Drakken whines about how much he wanted the pan dimensional vortex inducer.

MHS sign. A background student is running late for class.

Mr. Barkin indicates that Ms. Jenkins was a first year teacher who ate the cafeteria meatloaf. Everyone gasps at the thought of eating the cafeteria meatloaf. Mr. Barkin then indicates that he will be taking charge of her class until Ms. Jenkins gets out of intensive care.

Mr. Barkin wants to start out with a surprise quiz, even though he doesn�t even know what the current subject of the class is.

Kim tells Mr. Barkin that they are supposed to present their personal history projects today.

Monique indicates that the personal history projects explore who they are. Ron indicates that the only rule to it was to have fun.

Mr. Barkin taunts Ms. Jenkins for being weak in both mind and body.

Ron displays his manliness with a collage of pictures and documents. There is a picture of Ron playing with a yo-yo, three pictures of a synagogue, a picture of a book, a picture of Ron reading from the Torah and wearing a kippah, and a certificate for his bar mitzvah. There are three unknown documents. One of these might be a birth certificate. The other two might be plans for his future.

Mr. Barkin takes points off of Ron�s presentation for using the word collage because it�s French.

Ron indicates that the collage covers everything in his life. �From birth, to bar mitzvah, and beyond.�

Mr. Barkin points to Ron�s bar mitzvah certificate and indicates he isn�t so sure about it.

Ron quickly explains how you become a man in Jewish tradition. �The bar mitzvah occurs when a boy is thirteen years old. It�s ferociously cool! You go to temple. You read from the Torah. Boom! You�re a man!�

Ron indicates that his rabbi printed out a souvenir certificate that he signed. This seems to indicate that Ron�s rabbi used a computer program to print out the certificate.

Mr. Barkin corrects Ron by indicating that certificate is not signed.

Ron indicates that his rabbi�s name is Rabbi Katz. Ron is dismayed that his certificate is not signed.

Mr. Barkin indicates that some people consider reading from the Torah in front of the assembled is what is really important. This also indicates that Mr. Barkin knows a bit about Jewish traditions.

Mr. Barkin indicates that little details are important to him. He makes Ron feel bad for not having his certificate signed.

First time we see the Stoppable home at sunset.

Ron complains about how he has been living a lie all these years.

First appearance of Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable. Mrs. Stoppable comforts Ron by indicating he has not been living a lie.

Rufus comforts Ron at first.

Then he begins to eat Ron�s mashed potatoes.

Mr. Stoppable suggests Ron stop by the temple and have Rabbi Katz sign the certificate.

Mrs. Stoppable indicates that Ron will have to wait because Rabbi Katz is at a conference in Las Vegas.

Ron believes that a signed certificate is what makes him a man.

Mr. Stoppable tries to convince Ron otherwise.

Ron asks Rufus� opinion. Rufus falls asleep after eating all of Ron�s food.

Drakken confronts his henchmen about how inadequate they are.

Drakken shows them a film showing how inadequate they are.

The henchman uses the same kind of jetpack the Kim and Ron uses. But it fails to get off the ground because he is so heavy.

Two skinny henchmen make a third overweight henchman feel bad.

The film also shows the henchmen eating at Bueno Nacho.

The whole disgusts Drakken so much, he can�t even watch it.

Shego files the blades in her gloves. She suggests to Drakken he does what Dementor does. Dementor uses Jack Hench.

Drakken indicates that every villain uses Jack Hench. Drakken wants to be more original.

Drakken leans on Shego�s desk. Shego tells Drakken that he is just too cheap. She gets up and knocks Drakken to the floor.

Drakken gets back up and complains that Jack Hench is too expensive.

Shego indicates she�ll infiltrate Jack Hench�s place and pick up some free samples.

It takes Drakken a few seconds to realize that Shego is talking about stealing from Jack Hench.

Ron has a few books in his locker. As well as something that appears to be green and growing.

The soft piano background music is interrupted when Ron walks into Mr. Barkin. There are five announcements on the poster board. Three are unknown. One is for a dance. And the largest announces �Dontinger rocks!�

Noticing Ron is depressed, Mr. Barkin claims some responsibility for Ron�s state.

Ron indicates that his father talked to him about what kind of man he is. Ron isn�t sure.

Mr. Barkin tells Ron that he is small and weak. This annoys Ron.

Mr. Barkin indicates that the ideal man is big and or strong. And since Ron is neither, he�s not a real man.

Ron begins walking away in anger. Mr. Barkin reminds Ron that he frequently rescued by a girl.

Ron is about to confront Mr. Barkin when he is spun around by Kim. Mr. Barkin looks smug knowing that Ron is whipped.

Ron asks Kim how often she rescues him. He is dismayed when she answers, �Frequently.�

Kim takes Ron to her locker and she contacts Wade. Wade indicates they have a hit from a Jack Hench. Wade doesn�t know what Jack Hench does; only that he has a lot of money.

First appearance of Jack Hench.

Jack Hench has a private jet that is used to pick up Kim and Ron.

With room permitting, Jack Hench�s private jet can take off and land almost anywhere. In this case, it�s in front of the Middleton High School.

First appearance of Henchco, Jack Hench�s company.

First appearance of Henchco�s administrative assistant. He assumes correctly who Kim and Ron are, and indicates he�ll let Jack Hench know they are here.

The administrative assistant offers Kim and Ron a seat in the lobby while they wait. Ron gets interested in a magazine titled, �Macho.�

Ron begins taking the manliness quiz from the magazine.

Jack Hench is a very busy man. His administrative assistant tells someone on the phone that Jack Hench has many appointments all morning.

Kim asks the administrative assistant for a bottled water.

Kim goes through the administrative assistant�s papers and finds accounts for both Senior Senior Senior, Professor Dementor, and any other villain who wants world domination.

Discouraged with his manliness score from the quiz, Ron asks Kim to check his math to make sure his score isn�t so low.

Kim drags Ron away.

Kim overrides a security door by using a line from the kimmunicator. It overrides the door in about a second.

Kim grabs Ron�s wrist and drags him through the open door.

First appearance of Jack Hench�s henchmen. They come out of the ceiling, walls, and floors. They also wear the same uniform as Drakken�s henchmen, but they are purple instead of red.

Kim and Ron are completely surrounded.

Ron crawls on the floor to get away while Kim takes care of the henchmen.

Ron rolls out of the way of a falling henchman. He is now back with Kim.

Jack Hench appears and announces that Kim is his guest.

The henchmen all leave.

Ron tells the henchmen now that they are gone, that it was a good thing they left because he was about to make his move.

Jack Hench claps for the classic team up of hero and sidekick.

Kim thinks that Jack Hench meant to catch them in a trap. Jack Hench indicates that he needs help.

Jack Hench shows Kim and Ron a ring. First appearance of the muscle ring.

Kim knows it is not an ordinary ring. She has the kimmunicator do a quick analysis. Kim indicates that the ring operates on a molecular level. Jack Hench confirms this.

Jack Hench calls his ring, �the molecular muscle enhancer.�

Jack Hench pushes the bottom button on his desk. It is the last of three buttons.

The button activates a screen and a projector showing a video.

The video shows a young, skinny man putting on the ring. The ring is activated by turning it.

The young man gets instant muscles.

Ron is excited by the idea of instant muscles.

Jack Hench indicates that the ring was made in his research and development department. He also likes the idea of instant muscles.

Kim doesn�t like the idea of instant muscles.

Jack Hench indicates that Drakken sent in Shego, and she stole all the rings except one.

Kim isn�t sure she should care about the rings being stolen.

Jack Hench tries calling Kim by her first name.

Kim prefers Jack Hench call her, �Miss Possible.�

Jack Hench indicates that his business is dedicated to making henchmen better for the evil community.

Ron reminds Kim that Drakken and powerful rings shouldn�t mix. Kim agrees.

Ron takes the last muscle ring. He indicates that it would be crucial to their investigation; which it does.

First time we see the Stoppable living room. Mr. Stoppable indicates he wants to talk to Ron about his crisis.

Ron indicates that he has found an instant solution.

Mr. Stoppable indicates he thought of some good advice about manhood.

Ron indicates that his father can give the advise to Rufus. Then he�ll get the advise from Rufus later.

First indication that Rufus knows how to write.

Mr. Stoppable isn�t sure what to think of giving Rufus the advise to give to Ron later.

Ron has a poster for Steel Toe on the wall by his mirror.

Ron stares into the mirror and remembers that Mr. Barkin called him small and weak.

Determined to prove otherwise, Ron puts the muscle ring on and activates it. It glows as it powers up.

Ron gets muscles.

Drakken paces in front of his henchmen while indicating that they now have the power of the molecular muscle enhancement ring. He also indicates he plans to steal the pan dimensional vortex inducer.

Drakken hopes that Shego has found Dementor�s latest lair by using the supercomputer. She has, but she also found that there is nobody there. Shego only pushes two buttons while operating the supercomputer.

Drakken whines about his loss of revenge and how cruel fate is to him.

Drakken decides to call Dementor. He pulls out either a cordless phone or a cell phone and indicates he has Dementor on speed dial.

Drakken gets Dementor�s machine. Dementor indicates that he has taken his staff and the pans dimensional vortex inducer to Las Vegas.

Drakken throws his phone in frustration.

MHS sign

The nameless girl in blue puts a book in her locker. She also has an apple in her locker.

She and everyone else are impressed by Ron�s physique.

Ron struts around the high school. His locker is nearby room 103.

Ron accidentally yanks the door off of it�s hinges. Monique wonders how Ron got so strong so quickly. Kim tells Monique about the muscle enhancer.

Monique blushes at Ron�s new look. Remembering the events in The New Ron, Kim is annoyed by Ron�s new look and demands he takes off the ring.

Ron refuses to take off the ring because he finally feels like a real man.

Kim reminds Ron that muscles do not make a man. Monique disagrees.

Brick and the other football jocks seemed impressed with Ron�s new physique.

Monique doesn�t seem to like the idea of Ron being accepted by Brick and the other jocks.

Ron indicates he doesn�t care what Bricks and the other jocks thinks of him now that they just accepted him.

Kim is about to talk to Ron when the kimmunicator beeps.

Kim asks Wade, �Guess who decided to try out the molecular muscle enhancer?�

Wade knows that Ron is wearing a ring because they give off an unusual energy signature.

Wade then brings up a picture of the Middleton High School. He then indicates that Ron�s location is from the energy signature.

Monique simplifies it by stating that Ron is the green dot. Ron considers it to be a �manly� dot.

Kim asks Wade to scan for a cluster of energy signals to find Drakken�s henchmen.

Wade indicates he already scanned and found Drakken in Las Vegas. Wade also has a drink.

Wade indicates that more specifically, Drakken is at the Las Vegas Las Vegas resort. Ron calls it, �the manly resort.�

Ron�s constant talk of manliness annoys Kim.

Drakken is convinced that Las Vegas is where he will have revenge against Dementor.

Shego indicates she spotted Dementor and his henchmen. Drakken wonders if Dementor is threatening the world with his pan dimensional vortex inducer.

Shego indicates that Dementor and his henchmen are relaxing by the pool.

As indicated by Shego, Dementor and his henchmen are relaxing by the pool.

Drakken tries to be sneaky as he spies on Dementor.

Drakken is annoyed by the idea that Dementor finds time to relax.
Dementor is on a pool floatation device. His drink has an umbrella and a straw. It is most likely non-alcoholic since Dementor has his wits about him later in the episode.

Drakken tries to open the gate by pulling on it. It doesn�t budge.

A towel boy walks by and tells Drakken that the pool is for hotel guests only. He will need a hotel key to get in. The towel boy looks a lot like one of the waiters from The Billionaire�s Club. While he has the same hair style and body build, he did not work at The Billionaire�s Club.

Drakken indicates he�ll check into the hotel, then steal the pan dimensional vortex inducer.

Shego and Drakken�s henchmen wait in the lobby while Drakken tries to check in.

First appearance of Jilly from New Jersey. Drakken asks him for a hotel room.

Jilly apologizes and indicates that no rooms are available due to a convention.

Drakken then demands a key to the hotel pool. Jilly refuses to give it to him because the pool is only for registered guests.

Drakken grabs Jilly. He calls him, �You annoying little poser!� Jilly demands Drakken let go of his suit.

Drakken walks away angrily and calls to Shego. Shego doesn�t do anything; most likely because Kim shows up a few seconds later.

Jilly straightens his tie and then greets Kim who somehow missed Drakken.

Kim shows Jilly a picture of Drakken from her kimmunicator. She asks him if he has seen him. Jilly indicates he has. A jackpot sound is heard in the background indicating that there is gambling at the hotel.

Kim can�t reach the lever to the door of the pool area where Dementor is.

Kim wants Rufus to slip through the gate and unlock the door.

Ron indicates he could bend the bars. Kim scratches this idea.

Rufus opens the door by leaping from the top of the gate and landing on the hatch. He then hangs on as the door opens.

Kim and Rufus spy on everyone at the pool by hiding behind a newspaper.

Kim notices Drakken, Shego, and his henchmen at the top of the hotel. She also notices Drakken�s henchmen are wearing the molecular muscle enhancers.

Dementor notices Drakken�s henchmen scaling down the hotel. Drakken and Shego soon follow right behind them.

Dementor snaps his fingers. His henchmen appear out of the hotel windows. They cut the lines with knives. The knives are super sharp. They cut the rope with just one slash.

Drakken, Shego, and his henchmen fall into the pool.

Dementor taunts Drakken with the pan dimensional vortex inducer.

Kim and Ron haven�t heard of the pan dimensional vortex inducer. Ron wonders what the connection is between it and the rings.

Drakken says, �Use the power of the rings!� This may be a reference to Lord Of The Rings. Drakken demands his henchmen get the pan dimensional vortex inducer.

Kim and Ron get the connection between the rings and the pan dimensional vortex inducer. It is now revealed that Ron was using a potted plant to hide behind, but is obviously too big now. Kim is sitting in a pool lounge chair.

Drakken demands Shego do a thorough search of the hotel. Shego indicates she�ll start by searching the buffet table.

Much to Shego�s dismay, Drakken indicates he search the buffet table.

Drakken walks away with his shoes squishing. This indicates he is still wet from the pool. Shego slumps in annoyance.

This background character is holding a drinking cup. It is most likely a cold drink since it is the Las Vegas desert.

Kim and Ron appear over the starlight lounge of the hotel.

The star and font is silimar to the famous Welcome to Las Vegas Nevada sign.

Kim contacts Wade and asks him about Professor Dementor. Wade indicates Dementor stole the pan dimensional vortex inducer from a research facility in the rocky mountains a few days ago.

Kim is annoyed she wasn�t contacted sooner. Wade indicates the local, federal, and international law enforcement are on the case. They though that Kim�s help wasn�t necessary. Kim displays her self absorbed confidence by saying, �Well, I guess they thought wrong.�

Kim and Ron jump down. Ron decides to check out a room on the side of the hotel.

Ron rips the doors off the hinges.

Ron interrupts a conference of some sort.

Kim is embarrassed. She pulls Ron away.

Kim sees Dementor going up an escalator.

Ron notices Drakken. Drakken notices Kim. He demands his henchmen get her.

Kim flips over the henchmen.

Ron is anxious to take on Drakken�s henchmen. Ron charges into them.

Jilly notices the disturbance and sees Ron flying backwards.

Ron lands upside down in the conference room. He is approached by Rabbi Katz. He calls Ron, �Ronald.�

Ron asks Rabbi Katz what he is doing here. Rabbi Katz indicates he is present for a rabbinical conference.

Rabbi Katz asks Ron if he has been working out. Ron shows off his muscles.

Ron tells Rabbi Katz that his bar mitzvah certifiicate isn�t signed. Rabbi Katz indicates he�ll sign it as soon as he gets back to Middleton.

Ron tells Rabbi Katz that signing the bar mitzvah certificate is no longer necessary.

Rabbi Katz agrees. Rabbi Katz indicates the bar mitzvah is what really counts.

Ron indicates what really counts are his muscles.

Rabbi Katz is about to talk to Ron when they are distracted by Drakken�s henchmen.

Ron picks Rabbi Katz up and places him to the side. Ron indicates he�s going to take care of some business.

Jilly notices another disturbance in the hotel.

Dementor gets to the second floor. He can�t decide if he wants to have the buffet, or see a show.

Drakken and Shego get to the second floor by elevator.

Drakken demands the pan dimensional vortex inducer. Dementor refuses to give it up.

Drakken tries to introduce Dementor to his improved henchmen. But they�re missing.

Dementor demands his henchmen get Drakken.

Shego indicates that they�re surrounded by six henchmen. Drakken indicates he can�t fight them. Some have analyzed Drakken and Shego as counterparts to Kim and Ron. This scene illustrates this very well.

Kim isn�t sure whether or not Ron has Drakken�s henchmen under control. Ron says, �Yo!� This may be a borrowed expression from Sylvester Stallone.

Kim sees one of Dementor�s henchmen go flying. Kim hopes that Ron�s new muscles can handle the situation. Ron assures her he can.

Shego throws all of Dementor�s henchmen into the elevator. The door closes.

Drakken and Dementor fight over the pan dimensional vortex inducer.

Dementor slips and falls from a cigarette ashtray bin. The pan dimensional vortex inducer slips from his hand. It lands on the ledge.

Kim uses her grappling hook and catches the pan dimensional vortex inducer. She swings up to the second floor.

Shego grabs the pan dimensional vortex inducer from Kim.

Kim and Shego fight. Shego can only fight with one hand.

Kim kicks the pan dimensional vortex inducer from Shego�s hand.

The pan dimensional vortex inducer bounces on the floor a bit before it is picked up Drakken. Drakken thanks Kim. The pan dimensional vortex inducer suddenly emits a high frequency sound and lights up with red. It then begins beeping.

Drakken asks what the beeping sound is. Dementor indicates that the pan dimensional vortex inducer has been activated. Drakken then asks if that is a bad thing.

Kim and Shego are both annoyed by Drakken�s ignorance.

Dementor asks Drakken if he even knows what the pan dimensional vortex inducer does. Drakken assumes that it is very dangerous. He concludes it is the only explanation for being top secret.

Dementor indicates that the vortex it creates will be contained disruption in the very fabric of reality. Space, time, and energy will all be twisted in a vortex of pure chaos.

Drakken panics. He suddenly gets the strength to pull a ventilation grate from the ventilation shaft, even though it was screwed on.

Drakken then throws the pan dimensional vortex inducer into the ventilation shaft.

Drakken tries to put the grate back on. But since the screws are now broke, it falls to the floor. Drakken and Dementor try running away.

Dementor indicates that the vortex created will be the size of Nevada. There is no possible way for them to escape.

Kim and Shego both try to get the pan dimensional vortex inducer at the same time. Shego is most likely tryng to save herself rather than the world. Kim may be trying to keep Shego from getting the pan dimensional vortex inducer. However, Kim�s self absorbed confidence keeps either one of them from getting the pan dimensional vortex inducer.

The pan dimensional vortex inducer is sitting near the edge of the ventilation shaft.

The pan dimensional vortex inducer falls and rolls on it�s side.

Ron pulls Kim and Shego out of the ventilation shaft.

Ron drops Kim and Shego, and prepares to do what he calls, �man�s work.� He gets inside the ventilation shaft, and gets stuck. He can�t reach the pan dimensional vortex inducer.

Shego makes fun of Ron for being big and stupid looking.

Ron remembers Mr. Barkin saying that the ideal man is big and or strong. This makes Ron try harder to get the pan dimensional vortex inducer. He still can�t reach it.

Ron hears Rabbi Katz telling Ron there was nothing wrong with the way he was. Ron then hears Kim telling him that he doesn�t need instant muscles.

Ron begins to crack thinking there are too many voices in his head.

Kim assures Ron that the voices he is hearing are real from outside of the venilation shaft. Rabbi Katz tells Ron that being a man is not all about having muscles. Kim tells Ron to take off the ring.

Ron refuses to take off the ring. He tries even harder to get to the pan dimensional vortex inducer.

The pan dimensional vortex inducer wobbles on it�s side, nearly going off the edge.

Kim demands Ron take off the ring. Ron tries, but his arm is stuck. He can�t reach the ring. When he tells Kim he can�t take off the ring, Kim thinks he is unwilling to.

Rufus squeezes through and takes off the ring for Ron.

Ron goes back to normal.

Kim and Shego watch as Ron crawls into the ventilation shaft.

Ron catches the pan dimensional vortex inducer just as it rolls off the edge.

Annoyed by the beeping, Ron smacks the pan dimensional vortex inducer on it�s side.

It is a Ron Factor moment. The pan dimensional vortex inducer lights up green and is deactivated.
Ron hopes that it�s okay that he deactivated the pan dimensional vortex inducer. Obviously Ron didn�t realize it�s dangerous potential.

Drakken grabs the pan dimensional vortex inducer just as Ron comes out of the ventilation shaft.

Rufus wears the molecular muscle enhancer and grabs Drakken.

Rabbi Katz signs Ron�s bar mitzvah certificate at his house in Middleton.

Ron gets a kiss on the cheek from his mother as she celebrates Ron�s new manhood. His father congratulates him. This episode has brought up two subjects constantly on the message boards. The first is why Ron eats non-kosher foods even though he is Jewish. The second is the speculation of whether or not Kim and Ron will have a Jewish wedding.
Act 1 || Act 2

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