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Show notes: This is the most hated Kim Possible episode. Many feel that Ron was out of character to betray Kim and help Prince Wally win the class president election. However, if we view this episode right after Crush, it helps explain why Ron was so angry. Kim left Ron in the janitor's closet for the spirit dance. Ron gets back at her for that, and for Josh Mankey.

MHS sign

Second and last episode where Mr. Barkin has blond hair. Afterwards, it goes dark brown.

Kim and Ron sit together at the assembly. Despite this, Ron's body language shows him trying to distant himself away from Kim.

Mr. Barkin calls the running for class president, ''a magnificent burden. An excruciating opportunity.'' He also calls it, ''A glorious, thankless task.''

Nobody is interested in running for class president.

Mr. Barkin demands to hear some nominations.

Kim jabs Ron with her elbow to wake him up and get a nomination.

Ron nominates, ''from the great state of confusion, our next class president, Kim Possible.'' An indication that Ron is certain Kim can win.

First appearance of Brick Flag. Also, Bonnie appears to be angry too over the spirit dance/Josh Mankey incident in Crush. Bonnie may have been crushing on Brick even this early in the series.

After being embarrassed by Ron and Rufus blowing horns, Kim tells Ron that she wants to run for class president, not class clown. Ron tells her clowns have more fun. First indication that Ron likes clowns, later mentioned in Sink Or Swim.

Bonnie nominates Brick Flag. A move that surprises everyone, especially Brick.

Mr. Barkin indicates that Brick Flag is a quarterback

Ron indicates that Brick is the most popular jock in school. He also reassures Kim that he is her campaign manager.

Unfortunately, Kim didn't have any faith in Ron's talent as campaign manager.

Kim and Ron play mini golf. Some of the displays are the Titanic, the Holland windmills, and the Eiffel Tower. Kim also indicates she's worried about Bonnie posting posters with the phrase, ''Pick Brick'' everywhere.

Ron indicates the best political strategies are figured out on the golf course.

Kim doesn't care about big political deals, she just wants to help people. A move that Ron advises her against. Ron also advises her to consider getting a dog.

Wade calls and tells Kim about a hit from King Wallace. King Wallace has a son named Prince Wally who needs her help. Wade also indicates that Wallace is the ruler of a tiny European nation. It is so small, the Middleton mall has more people. Unfortunately, the name of the tiny nation is never given.

Kim and Ron get to this mission by royal jet. First time Kim says, ''Spankin!'' Also indication that Middleton has an international airport.

Ron advises against going on this mission. According to the polls, which are actually two guys Ron talked to in the cafeteria, helping people is not helping her campaign. Kim isn't worried about her polls though.

he tiny county where King Wallace rules. It consists of a river, a few houses, one factory, one cathedral church, and a huge castle.

Kim and Ron also get to this mission by royal limousine. Kim and Ron must have changed into their mission clothes while on the plane.

First appearance of Prince Wally. Wally tries to talk street gangster. This doesn't impress Kim any.

First indication that Wally is a spoiled brat. He wants Kim and Ron to move to block the sun from his eyes.

Wally does not like to be called Wally. He prefers Royal Highness.

First appearance of King Wallace. He is proceeded by a horn blower.

Ron bows before King Wallace, showing his respect to royalty. A sign of Ron's diplomatic talents at work.

King Wallace hasn't heard of Ron. He mistakes Ron as Wade. It really bothers Ron that he is not well known as the sidekick.

King Wallace talks to Kim privately, but excludes Ron. He even calls Ron, ''Don.'' This bothers Ron too.

Prince Wally decides to go ride the royal go-carts. After Ron displays interests in go-carts, Prince Wally asks Ron to join him.

King Wallace shows Kim a tapestry that tells about his ancient ancestor, who ruled the land harshly. His subjects were thrown into the prison tower for failing to pay for their taxes.

The Knights Of Rodeghan plotted to overthrow their king, but were arrested instead.

The Knights Of Rodeghan's symbol was a red dragon. We don't know if the knights got the name Rodeghan from the country they serve, or if was just the order they belonged to.

King Wallace indicates the descendants of The Knights Of Rodeghan still plot to take out the royal lineage, even to this day.

The press has given Prince Wally the nickname, ''Weak Link Wally.''

Ron asks if he can wear Prince Wally's go-cart clothes. The idea of a commoner wearing his ''racing togs'' disgusts Prince Wally. Wally agrees, but decides to burn them later.

Ron wearing royal racing togs and helmet.

Ron starts out first before Prince Wally.

Ron really enjoys go-carts. It's going so fast, Rufus is having trouble hanging on.

The path splits. Ron takes the right path, while Wally takes the left.

Prince Wally calls Ron, ''Common Ron.'' Wally drives with his pinky finger turned upwards. This is also a fancy way to drink coffee or tea.

First appearance of one of The Knights Of Rodeghan.

King Wallace indicates The Knights Of Rodeghan have embraced the latest technology with a website. They are also more determined than ever to abolish the monarchy.

Kim suggests that the website might be a hacker's prank.

Ron screams. Kim and King Wallace see what's wrong by quickly running to the balcony.

Ron is mistaken for Prince Wally. He is being shot at by laser from unknown origin.

Rufus is no longer trying to hang on. He's now with Ron in the driver's seat. Ron drives back and forth to avoid getting hit by the lasers. This is a standard military maneuver.

Kim contacts Wade. It is nighttime in Middleton. Wade was sleeping, and has a teddy bear.

Kim asks Wade to scan for airplanes. There aren't any. Kim tells Wade to scan higher. There is a private satellite in orbit that belongs to Rodeghan Industries.

Kim tells Wade she needs the kimmunicator to broadcast a scramble signal.

Kim jumps on the back of the go-cart. She tells Ron to stop. The kimmunicator begins broadcasting the scramble signal. Not only does it stop the laser fire, it deflects the beams from hitting the cart.

Wally shows up, ready for tea time.

King Wallace asks Kim to stay and protect Prince Wally. Kim explains she has to back to Middleton for the class election. Prince Wally doesn't know what an election is.

Ron takes the election very seriously.

King Wallace suggests taking Prince Wally to the United States because it is much larger and a perfect place to hide.

Wally likes that idea. He immediately assumes he will be staying at Kim's house, rather than checking into a hotel or embassy. He also wants to know if Kim lives in a ''hood.'' He thinks they are exhilarating.

Naturally, Kim doesn't like what she's gotten herself into.

Like Kim, Mrs. Possible also has a beautiful singing voice.

Mrs. Possible is annoyed by Prince Wally. He demands to have the crusts cut off his cucumber sandwiches before being presented to him.

Kim reassures her mother Wally will be out of their house as soon as he's out of danger.

MHS sign

Not only is Prince Wally enrolled into a normal high school, he now wears what he considers ''commoner rags.'' Kim reminds Wally he needs to keep a low profile.

So much for a low profile. These two background students know who Prince Wally is. First time we hear one of the background characters say anything.

Ron called a press conference to help Kim's campaign. He obviously leaked the information about Prince Wally previously, which is why everyone knows who he is.

Ron's idea: Have a prince endorse Kim for the class election on television.

First appearance of the cameraman. He appears periodically throughout the series.

First appearance of Tricia Lebowski, the Middleton reporter. Her name is later revealed in Naked Genius.

While endorsing her, Prince Wally doesn't remember Kim's last name.

Wally tells everyone that Kim is too high strung to be a world class leader, but is adequate for class president.

When asked if he would be a better president, Wally tells everyone he has been groomed for greatness.

Wally decides to run for class president against Kim.

First appearance of the Possible living room.

The press calls the class presidential race a race between ''the prince and the pauper.'' Kim is shocked to be referred to as the pauper.

Prince Wally annoys everyone when he demands to have his bath drawn.

Prince Wally's bath water recipe: Three drops, not two, not four. Then sprinkle in lavender.

Not understanding elections, Wally wants Kim to design the posters and buttons for his campaign.

Prince Wally was going to withdrawal from the race, when Ron steps in. Ron plans his revenge against Kim.

Ron indicates that Brick is no longer a threat to the campaign

Ron now switches sides. He becomes Wally's campaign manager. His reason: Conflict of interests.

Wade checked out the Rodeghan website. One thing Wade couldn't figure out was, ''The tapestry holds the truth.''

King Wallace sends the tapestry to Middleton. He says his best people looked at the tapestry and found nothing. Kim checks it anyways. Kim will I.M him if they find anything unusual.

Kim checks the tapestry in her father's lab.

Kim wearing a lab coat and safety goggles.

Mr. Possible pushes a button and turns a knob on the console to operate the light projector. Mr. Possible indicates that his lab is provided thanks to federal funding.

Mr. Possible pushes another button and turns the knob again. This widens the beam even more.

A prophecy in poetic form is written on the tapestry. Only half is actually visible here. It says, ''Awaiting the light from a full harvest moon, Rodeghan's foe will soon face his doom, In the shadow of the palace we will not be deterred, the monarchy ends with Wallace the Third.''

Kim indicates that next week is a full moon. Wally indicates that the class president elections are next week too.

Ron convinces Wally that Kim is only trying to get him to stop campaigning.

Wally isn't worried about the prophecy. Part of it states that the prophecy will occur near the palace. Since Wally is away from his kingdom, he has nothing to fear. This does put Kim's mind at ease.

Unlike the other students, Wally has a napkin and cup with the royal insignia.

Wally is so popular that simply announcing that he's going to biology class gets praise from Middleton students.

Brick sits down with Kim and Ron. Ron announces it looks like Prince Wally is their next class president.

Brick thinks that Prince Wally will make regionals, indicating that Brick is getting sports and politics mixed up. Kim corrects Brick of this. Brick then thinks that Wally will definitely be all state. It also indicates that Brick isn't the brightest guy in the world.

Kim's campaign slogan: Vote for me, Kim P. The pin says Kim Possible for president. Another background student talks here.

The background student is already voting for Prince Wally. The pin says Prince Wally for president.

Kim comes into cheerleading practice late. The cheerleaders don't mind. They are swooning over the Prince Wally for class president banner hanging in the gym. For some reason, Bonnie and Tara are missing from this scene.

First appearance of the other Knight Of Rodeghan. One of them was based on Season One direction Chris Bailey.

The customs agent has never heard of the tiny country that The Knights Of Rodeghan are from.

Ron in golf clothes. Ron and Prince Wally play mini golf. Another display is Old Faithful.

Ron tells Wally that being a prince got the voter's attention. But now, the people seem to like Wally as a person.

The idea of Prince Wally as a likeable person makes Ron and Wally laugh.

Wally jumps into Ron's arms when Old Faithful goes off. Ron is strong enough to carry Prince Wally.

Despite being metal, the knight's armor can compact into a small suitcase.

The knight forgot to take his sunglasses off before closing his helmet.

Kim sneaks into Middleton High at night and covers all of Wally's posters with her own. She also tries out a new hair style.

The pink poster beside Kim's poster indicates a dance on Saturday night. Night is spelled ''nite.'' Kim tells Wade that she is focus testing her new hair style. Voters wanted it pulled back.

Kim has trouble managing her new hair style.

Kim puts her hair back down. The she tells Wade not to worry about the prophecy since Wally is not near a palace.

Kim realizes that the sixth hole at the mini golf place is a palace.

Rufus has been made the golf caddy. Rufus does not like it.

Prince Wally keeps his golf balls in his pocket.

Prince Wally's form indicates he must play a lot of golf.

A hole in one! Another display is an Egyptian pyramid.

Wally's ball rolls back down. Upset, he declares by royal decree that he be allowed to shoot over.

The display explodes, and reveals the knight. His weapon is the quarterstaff.

Kim shows up to save the day.

Now that Kim is here, Wally asks if he can go home.

The other knight charges. His weapon is a mace.

The mace charges up and fires lasers. Ron calls it, ''a laser pointy ball stick.''

Another display is the leaning tower of Pisa.

The Knights Of Rodeghan both chant the prophecy at the same time.

Wally thinks he is exempt from the prophecy since he is known as Wally; not Wallace the Third.

Kim stops the attacking knight with her grappling hook. The knight tells her that Wally is none of her concern, then yanks her to the ground. He also calls her, ''little girl.''

Ron thinks of how the voters will respond to all that is happening.

Rufus gives Ron a golf club. Ron throws it to Kim, who doesn't get a chance to use it.

The knight charges up his laser mace. Kim drops the club and retreats to a tree. The laser hits the other knight.

With Kim gone, Wally is captured. Wally promises that his father will give the knights whatever they want.

Ron and Rufus try to save Wally by pushing the Titanic display over.

Before the rescue, Wally promises gold and jewels. After the rescue, Wally promises nothing.

The Titanic display must weigh very little. The knights lifts the display over his head and hurls it away.

His life in danger again, Wally promises to give the knight anything he wants.

Kim uses her grappling hook to grab Wally and brings him up to the tree where she is hiding. She tells him to stay here and be quiet.

Kim engages the enemy by jumping and landing on the windmill display. The knights note that the prophecy never mentioned Kim. Kim scoffs at the prophecy, angering the knights.

The knight on the ground is named, ''Reggie.''

The other knight declares himself, ''No more Mr. Nice Knight,'' and flings his mace into the windmill and destroys it.

The knight says, ''All too easy.'' This is a possible reference to the video game Mortal Kombat 2, in which Shao Kahn says the same thing to taunt his opponents.

Kim jumped to the leaning tower of Pisa display for safety. Then she flips over to Old Faithful.

The knight tells Kim that he doesn't want her, he only wants the prince.

As the Old Faithful display prepares to erupt, the ground shakes, the sign rocks back and forth, and the temperature gauge goes all the way up.

Old Faithful must be dangerous to lift a full grown man in metal armor so high off the ground.

Ron finishes the job by wrapping the knight up and kicking him down the hill.

First appearance of Officer Hobble.

Ron asks if he is part of the report. Officer Hobble reminds Ron of the vandalism to the Titanic display he caused.

Ron lies and tells Officer Hobble that his name is actually Steve Barkin.

Prince Wally comes out of the tree where he has been hiding. He tells Kim she has what it takes to be a true leader. He also tells her that she has his vote.

Brick got zero votes, not even one from Bonnie. Kim got two votes. One from Prince Wally, and one from herself. Ron didn't even vote for her. Wally got nine-hundred ninety eight votes. This indicates that Middleton has exactly one thousand students.

Brick tells Wally that he voted for him, which is obvious.

Ron explains his decision: Wally has leadership experience, and he's very good at giving orders.

King Wallace suddenly shows up to congratulate his son.

Rather than go home and continue preparation as a king, Wally plans to run for president when his father retires.

King Wallace reminds Wally that presidents don't get to wear the day coat with the urban trim.

Wally announces sacrifices have to be made. Because democracy is ''bon diggity!''

Ron realizes the prophecy has come true, since Prince Wally is abolishing the monarchy in favor of a democracy.

Kim suggests Wally go home and show his people what a democracy is. Instead, Wally plans on staying in Middleton till his term as class president is over. He calls it, ''a magnificent burden,'' just like Mr. Barkin did.

Ron is happy that Wally is staying. Kim is not. Kim probably would have been the class president if Wally were not present. The class president term must not have been very long. Prince Wally is never seen again.

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