Show notes: This episode introduces Gill, and expands Ron�s childhood trauma from Camp Wannaweep.
The episode starts out on a bus with the MHS cheerleaders annoying Mr. Barkin with their cheer. Hope and Crystal seem to be missing from this scene. In actuality, Hope is sitting beside Bonnie. Crystal is sitting beside Kim.
Mr. Barkin demands they save some of their spirit for a cheer competition they are on their way to.
Ron annoys everyone by putting on his Mad Dog mask.
Rufus shares Ron�s excitement.
Kim indicates that Ron is on thin ice with the other cheerleaders.
Ron thinks everyone is bossy around him. Kim indicates she isn�t bossy. Ron indicates that Kim is bossy towards him. Rufus agrees.
Kim doesn�t admit to being bossy. But she does admit to usually knowing what�s best.
Ron is deterred from the subject when he notices the landscape looks familiar.
Ron grabs the kimmunicator from Kim and demands from Wade to have a GPS lock on their position.
Wade calls Ron, �Mad dog,� and tells him to calm down.
The map on the kimmunicator shows them near Camp Wannaweep.
Ron begins flipping out. Rufus hides in Ron�s pocket. It�s been theorized on the message boards that Ron was perfectly okay and maybe even above normal standards when the events of Camp Wannaweep turned Ron into what he is today. Many also theorize that all of Ron�s potential was forever damaged by Camp Wannaweep as well.
Ron demands Mr. Barkin drive fast to avoid Camp Wannaweep.
Ron indicates that the summer at Camp Wannaweep the worst ever. He swore he would never come back here. Kim seems annoyed by Ron. She obviously has heard of the horror stories involving Camp Wannaweep, but has most likely never been there herself.
The tires on the bus are flattened by planks of wood with nails driven through them.
The school bus nearly runs off the road.
Mr. Barkin is determined not to allow the bus to wipe out.
The bus comes to a peaceful stop.
Mr. Barkin demands to know that everyone is okay. Ron indicates that he is not.
First appearance of the Camp Wannaweep sign.
Mr. Barkin finds the bus has two flats.
Bonnie demands all the cheerleaders use their cell phones and try to call for help. Then they find there�s no service.
Bonnie throws her phone in frustration.
Kim finds it unusual the kimmunicator isn�t working either.
Mr. Barkin asks Ron if he knows his way around Camp Wannaweep. Ron indicates he does. Mr. Barkin asks Ron where the phone is.
Mr. Barkin�s question sends Ron into a flashback to when he called his mother every three minutes from a payphone to demand that they get him from summer camp. First time we see Ron as a preteen.
Mr. Barkin demands Ron lead the way to the pay phone.
Ron is reluctant at first. Then he realizes that he can be a hero.
Ron annoys Kim by indicating that he is their only hope.
Ron announces how dangerous and wicked Camp Wannaweep is, and that he is the only one who can help them survive. This falls back onto the idea that Ron is desperate to help a damsel in distress. In this case, it is the MHS cheerleaders. Ron worries Tara, annoys Kim, frustrates Bonnie, and the others aren�t sure what to think.
Ron proves how resourceful he is by knowing what a poison oak plant looks like.
Ron has a flashback to when he picked up some poison oak in curiosity and had severe itching afterwards.
First time Ron calls Camp Wannaweep, �A place of evil.�
It�s unknown where Ron got the flashlight. The bus most likely had one in an emergency kit.
First real appearance of Cabin 13. It was only seen in flashbacks from previous episodes. Ron�s old cabin is on the outskirts from the rest of the camp. Thirteen is considered to be bad luck.
A shooting star passes overhead.
Liz and Marcella are missing from this scene.
Kim indicates the pay phone is out of order.
Tara begins worrying that the situation is just like a horror movie where teenagers are killed by a psychopath. This episode is a parody of those horror movies like Friday The 13th.
Ron tries to look creepy with the flashlight.
Bonnie affirms that if it was a horror movie, there would be more guys, and they would be cuter than Ron.
Ron indicates that the cruel kids at summer camp used to call him names, while throwing sticks and stones at him.
First time we hear Crystal talk. She indicates she saw something move.
Kim grabs the flashlight from Ron and shines it on a squirrel. First squirrel to be seen in the series.
Ron has another flashback to more vicious squirrels during his stay at Camp Wannaweep.
Mr. Barkin makes fun of Ron for always being wimpy. Ron indicates the squirrels were bigger then. Mr. Barkin then asks if the squirrels were bigger because Ron was just smaller. Ron is certain the squirrels were just bigger.
Kim indicates that they are stuck for the night.
Rufus reminds Ron that he�s in charge.
Ron tells the horror stories revolving around his childhood at Camp Wannaweep. It involves how he was trapped hiding in a hollow of tree, and woodpeckers. Ron doesn�t finish this story. It�s unclear who started the campfire or how. It was most likely either Mr. Barkin or Kim. Liz is missing from this scene.
Bonnie complains about how freaked Ron is. Kim doesn�t agree at first, then realizes Ron really is acting freaky.
Ron says, �It�s the curse of Camp Wannaweep!�
Tara begins wondering if Camp Wannaweep really is cursed.
Mr. Barkin indicates that Ron is really working on his nerves. Ron quiets him because he hears something from the brush.
Ron approaches the brush. Kim comes to him believing that the rustling is from the squirrels.
Kim puts her arm around Ron�s and leads him back to the campfire.
A strange creature with red eyes peers through the brush.
The sounds of nature, including an owl and a howling wolf also freak Ron out.
Everybody has changed seating positions around the campfire. Tara is now sitting close to Ron.
Tara begins talking to Ron about the experiences he had at Camp Wannaweep. In this case, it�s how Ron shared the cabin with Bobo the chimp. This was originally revealed in Monkey Fist Strikes.
Ron confesses to having all bad experiences at Camp Wannaweep. Not one experience was good.
Kim indicates she is going to get some firewood.
Ron demands Kim use �the buddy system� and have someone come along with her.
Kim indicates she can handle it on her own. Then Mr. Barkin volunteers to join her.
Kim and Mr. Barkin both confess to wanting to get away from Ron�s camp stories.
Kim and Mr. Barkin are followed by the creature with red eyes.
Tara indicates she thinks that Camp Wannaweep is nice. Tara might have been hinting about how romantic the woods are with a peaceful fire going. Of course, Ron doesn�t pick up Tara�s hints that she is crushing on him.
Tara�s talk about how nice Camp Wannaweep is angers Ron.
Bonnie seems annoyed by Tara.
Tara then comments about how peaceful Lake Wannaweep is. Ron affirms how much he hates Lake Wannaweep.
Marcella, Jessica, and Crystal all slump as they realize they�re about to hear another camp story.
Ron flashbacks to his days as a camper at Camp Wannaweep. Ron refused to go swimming because the water was too fowl.
First appearance of Gil as a preteen. Gil calls Ron, �squeeb.�
Ron was allowed to take Gil�s place in arts and crafts, while Gil took his afternoon swim.
Ron was looking forward to arts and crafts. He intended to have some homemade wallets, potholders, and lanyards.
Ron indicates that was the last time he ever saw Gil.
Bonnie affirms that Ron has been a loser his entire life. This annoys Ron.
Kim heard a squishing sound. Mr. Barkin thinks that Ron�s stories are getting to Kim�s imagination.
The creature grabs Mr. Barkin and drags him into the nearby bushes.
Kim calls for Mr. Barkin, not knowing what happened to him.
Kim returns back to the campfire hoping the others have seen Mr. Barkin. They have not. This begins to freak everybody out.
Kim realizes that Liz and Marcella are missing. Tara indicates that Liz and Marcella went to find a bathroom. Tara calls it, �the little girl�s cabin.�
Liz and Marcella scream. Kim takes off running to find them. Ron tries to keep up reminding Kim to use the buddy system.
Ron reminds Kim of the importance of the buddy system. Kim reminds Ron that the buddy system didn�t work for Liz and Marcella. They�re obviously gone.
Rufus finds an oddly shaped footprint.
Upon seeing what is obviously not a human footprint, Kim confesses to getting freaked out.
Ron takes everybody to Cabin 13. Ron indicates that he was able to survive everything Camp Wannaweep threw at him from here. Jessica is missing from this scene.
Ron has a flashback to when he was nearly pelted with suction cup arrows by the other campers. The arrows form a sad face.
Obviously accepting Ron as the role of leader, Tara indicates she is hungry and hopes he can provide food.
Ron steps on a loose board of the cabin and reveals his old secret stash of food.
Ron gives Tara Pop Pop Porters pork wafers. This is another indication that despite being Jewish as revealed in a later episode, Ron still enjoys non-kosher foods.
Kim reminds Tara how old the food is. It has to be at least four years old.
Ron indicates there are enough preservatives to make the pork wafers last for decades.
Tara eats a pork wafer. She indicates that it�s not too bad; and �definitely food style.�
Bonnie changes the subject by whining about how they�re going to miss the cheer competition.
Crystal grabs Bonnie and demands that she forget the competition and concentrate on the situation they�re in.
Bonnie agrees at first. Then she wonders if whatever took Mr. Barkin, Liz, and Marcella could drive them to the competition.
Kim demands everyone stay calm and puts herself in charge.
Ron refuses Kim to become the leader.
First time Ron says, �Note serious face.�
Mr. Barkin calls for Kim from outside.
Kim grabs Ron�s wrist and they head outside.
Mr. Barkin is running. And he is covered in goo. An owl in a tree watches him.
Kim and Ron find Mr. Barkin. He reveals that �It� was dripping with ooze and muck. Mr. Barkin can�t even describe it because it makes him ill to think about it.
Rufus gags at the thought of whatever it was.
Kim is certain that she has faced worse opponents. Then she�s not so sure.
Kim, Ron, and Mr. Barkin hear the cheerleaders scream at Cabin 13.
Something causes the walls and the door to bend and buckle.
Cabin 13 is suddenly destroyed by a flood of ooze.
The MHS cheerleaders are held by the oozing muck. Tara, Crystal, and Hope are hanging from the wall. Bonnie, Jessica, Marcella, and Liz are being held on the bunk beds.
Mr. Barkin indicates this creature is the one who he was talking about. The creature almost resembles the monster from the movie The Creature From The Black Lagoon. The creature talks directly to Ron and calls him, �Squeeb.�
The creature reminds �Ronnie� who he was by indicating that Ron took his arts and crafts while he took Ron�s swim practice. Ron remembers the creature as Gil.
Having missed the camp story about Gil, Kim and Mr. Barkin question who he is.
Gil indicates that his name is now Gill. He added an L because he now has gills to breath underwater.
Gill flings oozing muck from his hand and hits Kim. It nails her to the tree.
Gill knows who Kim is. Gill indicates he knows this by learning all he could about Ron. Gill is angry that Ron is not a mutant like he is.
Mr. Barkin tries to take charge and tries to end the disagreement between Ron and Gill.
Gill sticks Mr. Barkin to a tree with ooze.
Gill explains that he was mutated because the lake was polluted from runoff from the science camp. This is also why Camp Wannaweep was shut down.
Ron gets science camp and band camp mixed up. Band camp is next to the science camp.
Ron then gets band camp and clown camp mixed up. Clown camp is next to the band camp.
Ron indicates he loves clowns.
Ron shows off a lanyard that he has. He most likely made this one recently showing that he still has the talent.
Kim indicates she knows scientists who might be able to help Gill. Gill refuses the help.
Ron makes a bad joke that maybe Gill was mutated by the clowns.
Gill is about to reveal how he jammed the communications, but Kim reveals it first. Gill stole equipment from the telecommunications camp. Kim then reveals that Gill was behind everything that has happened at Camp Wannaweep tonight. Gill indicates that he did everything so he could have revenge against Ron.
Ron is both terrified and excited that somebody went through the trouble to take revenge against him.
Gill indicates that prolonged exposure to the oozing muck will turn someone into a mutant like he is.
Bonnie is still thinking about the cheer competition. Tara is no longer being held on the wall by the oozing muck. An unknown cheerleader is now present on the wall instead.
Gill indicates that there is no cheer competition. It was all a trap. And he is now ready for revenge.
Gill leaves a footprint of oozing muck whenever he takes a step.
Instead of revenge, Ron suggests the Camp Wannaweep friendship song.
Instead of using his hand to fling the oozing muck, Gill spits it out by burping to hit Ron.
Ron dodges the muck. Kim is hit instead. It doesn�t hurt her though. It�s just disgusting.
Ron runs and slides in between Gill�s legs to escape.
Ron opens a hatch and indicates that it is an escape tunnel. We don�t know if Ron made the escape tunnel himself, or if it was there before.
Bonnie and Tara complain that Ron is ditching them. Kim tries to defend Ron.
Kim is distracted by Mr. Barkin mutating. First time Mr. Barkin says, �Cheese and crackers!�
Ron�s escape tunnel leads to the arts and crafts cabin.
A bear skin covers Ron�s escape tunnel.
The escape tunnel doesn�t have a door or latch. The bear skin may have been put down to cover this secret entrance. Or it was considered unsightly and the bear skin was to cover this up. In either case, it is a bit hazardous. Someone could fall through and get hurt.
Ron gets prepared. In this case, it looks like he is taking rolls of tape. But it is actually rope.
Ron and Rufus hear a sound. Gill bursts through the floor.
Gill attacks by spitting muck.
The muck is strong enough to penetrate and destroy the arts and crafts cabin.
Gill destroys clay pots on the wall. The arts and crafts cabin also most likely did pottery as well.
The muck can�t penetrate or damage the bear skin Ron is hiding under.
Gill stops attacking because he is out of breath.
Gill pulls the bear skin away. Instead of Ron, a totem pole is there. Ron climbed out the window. Gill decides not to pursue Ron.
Ron is now at the boat house.
Ron makes a lanyard and uses the line, �Mr. Rabbit comes out of his hole and hops around the tree---� to help him.
Rufus is working on the motorboat. He throws down a bolt, a spark plug, a screw, and another spark plug.
Rufus is covered in grease. He finds a spark plug and puts it into the boat by twisting it in without any tools. We don�t know what was wrong with the other two spark plugs that Rufus threw away.
Ron moves the boat into the water. He is also wearing a life preserver and water wings
Ron has trouble getting the engine going. First time he uses the phrase, �This does not bode well.�
Rufus kicks the engine and gets it going.
Gill tries convincing the cheerleaders that Ron ditched them. Kim doesn�t believe it. After hearing a motor boat on the lake going by, Kim isn�t so sure. The other cheerleaders are convinced that Ron ditched them.
Gill is angry that Ron is out on what he considers to be his lake. Gill�s eyes go from red to pink, depending on the light. In this case, they are both. Jessica is now hanging from the wall. Mr. Barkin has trouble breathing. He panics as he realizes he is getting gills.
Gill swims to catch up to Ron. He hops out of the water the same way a fish does to get food.
Gill swims downward. He swims like a normal human, but he is much faster.
Gill can most likely see perfectly underwater.
The boat slows to a stop. Ron complains to Rufus about not making sure the engine had enough gas.
Gill shows up at the front of the boat.
This picture slashing is done often in Japan�s animation. This shows the expressions of two people at two different areas at the same exact time.
Ron jumps into the water.
Ron comes up for air. He complains about how funky the water is.
Gill shows up near Ron. He affirms that Ron can�t win because he can�t move around in the water as good as he can.
Gill attacks Ron and takes him underwater. Ron gets away by kicking him in the stomach.
A rope goes around Gill�s ankle.
Ron pulls on the rope tightening the loop.
At Ron�s command, Rufus kicks the motor boat into life. It wasn�t out of gas after all.
Rufus slides down the rope, bounces off of Gill, then jumps into the water.
The unmanned and out of control boat drags Gill behind it.
The boat runs into a buoy, then veers left.
Gill runs into the buoy next.
The boat heads for the boathouse.
The boat hits the wharf, the jumps onto the roof. It crashes and stops.
Gill is out of breath and doesn�t want to move.
Ron stands over Gill and gloats.
The police are now at Camp Wannaweep; as well as a bio-harzard team.
Gill struggles to get out of the net, but can�t get free.
Ron indicates he made the net himself by using his knowledge of lanyards.
Two men in hazard suits spray chemicals on Mr. Barkin to get the muck off of him. Mr. Barkin demands they hurry, because he can feel his feet turning into webs.
Gill is no longer in a net. He is in a safety harness.
He is then dropped into a fishbowl.
Kim has her hands on Ron�s shoulders. She introduces Dr. Lurkin to Ron, and indicates he specializes in genetic mutations.
Ron and Dr. Lurkin shake hands. Ron hopes Dr. Lurkin can reverse Gill�s mutation.
Dr. Lurkin indicates that he specializes in genetically mutated rutabagas. But he is looking forward to the challenge.
Gill affirms that he will have his revenge. Gill can talk perfectly normal underwater.
Ron hopes that Gill will be someday be normal again.
Mr. Barkin is normal again. He asks Dr. Lurkin to check his neck to make sure he doesn�t have any gills.
Officer Hobble congratulates Kim on her work. Kim indicates that it was actually Ron who did it. Officer Hobble has trouble believing it at first.
Mr. Barkin pats Ron on the back. It nearly knocks him forward.
Ron is surrounded in admiration from the cheerleaders. Jessica blows him a kiss. Hope and Crystal are missing from this scene.
Tara gives Ron a kiss on the cheek. This is most likely the first kiss Ron has ever received. First real indication that Tara was crushing on Ron. Unfortunately, Ron doesn�t pick up any of her signals, much like his relationship with Kim. It is revealed much later in Season 3 just how much Tara was crushing on Ron. By then, it was too late. It�s even been theorized that Kim might have sabotaged Tara�s chances with Ron, so she could have him to herself. This is unproven though.
It�s difficult for her, but Bonnie thanks Ron in her own way.
First time Rufus growls at anybody. In this case, it�s Bonnie.
Mr. Barkin indicates the police are going to give them a ride. He demands they get ready to leave. The bus must have been towed later.
Ron indicates he wants one more minute before leaving.
Ron checks out a broken down cabin. It is not Cabin 13. Cabin 13 did not have steps on the front.
Kim congratulates Ron and tells him he was awesome.
Ron affirms that he knows what it takes to win against Camp Wannaweep.
A step breaks.
Kim indicates that it wasn�t Camp Wannaweep that made Ron resourceful and brave. He already has those qualities. Kim helps Ron to his feet.
Many believe that Kim was crushing on Ron big time in this scene.
Ron hopes that in the next mission, he can be in charge.
Kim and Ron walk away arguing that the chance of him being in charge is not likely. This discourages Ron. It�s been analyzed that Kim has trouble with someone being better than her at something. This is especially true when Ron is involved.