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The Fearless Ferret Trivia

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Show notes: This episode is a tribute to comic superheroes. It was also a tribute to Will Friedle, who provided the voice for Batman in Batman Beyond. This episode shows Ron breaking away from Kim as her sidekick and becoming his own superhero persona. This is one of the most popular Kim Possible episodes among fans.

The medical center sign has the same font as the Middleton High School sign. Most of the opening sequence is Ron�s dream.

Ron�s dream takes place in the hospital. It is revealed later that Ron is actually sleeping in the hospital. The sounds around him are influencing his dreams. Ron files papers at the information desk while humming a nameless tune.

Rufus sharpens a pencil too much. Ron feels that Rufus is a big help, but at times can do too much.

Mrs. Possible says, �Good morning, Ron.� This indicates what time of day it is. Mrs. Possible indicates Ron has volunteered for the Sunshine Spreaders. Ron�s dream indicates that Ron has a very good relationship with Mrs. Possible and that he is willing to help out to gain her approval. Also, Ron has volunteered to help out because he really does enjoy helping people. It has been analyzed that Mrs. Possible may be a substitute mother for Ron, and is a great influence on his life. This is reinforced by the amount of time that Ron stays at the Possible home, rather than staying at home with his real parents.

Ron asks where Kim is. Mrs. Possible indicates that Kim is in the Andes mountains rescuing stranded hikers. This part of Ron�s dream indicates that Ron is worried that Kim will go on a mission by herself and he won�t there to help her.

An emergency medical service worker quickly wheels in a patient shouting, �Code black!� Code black is only used when a large number of patients are at risk at the same time.

Everyone rushes into the emergency room. Ron hops over to the other side and goes in too, even though he wouldn�t really be allowed to go in.

Mrs. Possible indicates she is seeing interior tablature. This is not a real medical condition. Ron is making up words that sound like they are medically important. The medical worker indicates that the accident happened in the Andes mountains. Again, this is Ron�s dream telling him he is worried about Kim�s safety when he isn�t there.

Mrs. Possible takes off Kim�s helmet to reveal Kim with a goofy smile on her face. Ron�s dream is trying to use humor to make a bad situation seem like it isn�t so severe.

Mrs. Possible indicates Kim has rictous paralysis. brain frost. This is another part of Ron�s dream that is making up medical terminology.

Mrs. Possible indicates a new brain is needed. The medical worker unscrews his head and indicates that his brain can be used. This is a reference to the movie, �The Man With Two Brains� This part of Ron�s dream indicates that he saw the movie and is again using humor to make things seem less severe.

Mrs. Possible indicates that brain frost is extremely contagious. She and others then quickly get brain frost too.

Even Rufus isn�t immune to brain frost.

Ron steps up as the hero in his dream. Ron saves Kim first, indicating who is the most important person in his life. Ron unscrews her head, and replaces her brain with the medical worker�s brain.

Ron severs the brain stem by biting it through with his teeth.

Ron throws away Kim�s old brain.

Kim is revived and thanks Ron. It has been analyzed that Ron is attracted to a damsel in distress. Ron�s dream of saving Kim helps reinforce this idea. It could be also analyzed that wants to save Kim to impress her.

Kim wakes Ron up from his dream. Kim indicates that Room 611 needs a new bedpan.

Ron wakes up disappointed that his dream has ended. Kim jokes that perhaps Ron was expecting to do brain surgery on his first day at the hospital. Ron indicates he wouldn�t do brain surgery unless he was the world�s only hope.

Ron remembers his dream and begins staring at Kim. Kim wonders why his is staring at her. Ron doesn�t tell Kim what his dream was about. This annoys Kim. First indication that Kim doesn�t like it when Ron keeps secrets from her.

Kim and Ron are joined by three other Middleton background students as part of the Sunshine Spreaders. The nurse is also a background character, but is usually seen with blond hair.

Kim indicates that they are volunteering for the Sunshine Spreaders for community service credit for school. Ron is annoyed that saving the world isn�t enough. This indicates that Kim and Ron are trying to do more for their high school transcripts for positive college applications for their futures.

The nurse asks Kim to help in the emergency room to fill in for a nurse out for the day. Kim is eager to do this. We will see in a future episode that surgery makes Kim sick. This obviously occurs before that episode.

The nurse indicates that a homebound senior needs a spirit lift. She also indicates that he has sent three Sunshine Spreaders home crying.

Ron volunteers to help the homebound senior. Ron indicates that he could give him some, �Ronshine.� Ronshine has been used on the message boards as a euphemism for sex when indicating the relationship between Kim and Ron.

Ron is given a note. This most likely has the address on it. The nurse indicates the man�s name as Timothy North. This is a play on the real life actor Adam West, who provided the voice for Timothy North.

Timothy North lives in a three story house. It appears to have a great amount of property, mostly unused.

Ron and Rufus are creeped out by Mr. North�s gloomy looking home.

Ron notices the door knocker, which is designed with a ferret on it.

Ron taps the knocker three times with no response. Then he taps again six times with no response. Ron, believing Mr. North may be hard of hearing, screams while hitting the knocker another six times.

Ron hears Mr. North through a speaker. Mr. North indicates that his hearing is fine, indicating he heard Ron�s comment that his hearing might be bad. Mr. North calls Ron, �Punk,� and does so for most of the episode.

Ron indicates he is here to spread sunshine. Mr. North indicates that he isn�t interested. Mr. North talks through a microphone, which is obviously attached to the speaker outside the front door. Ron begs for the opportunity to brighten Mr. North�s day for school credit.

Mr. North asks Ron if he is ready to go home crying. This indicates that Mr. North is proud of the fact that he sent three Sunshine Spreaders home crying.

Ron tells Mr. North his name and then indicates �he can do anything.� Ron borrows Kim�s tagline to promote himself.

Mr. North asks Ron if he knows how to grout tile.

Jim and Tim are watching a television show with lame jokes and go-go dancers. This is most likely a reference to the television show Laugh-In. This show was also popular around the time the Batman television show was on the air in the 1960�s.

Jim and Tim say, �You best believe it!� This is another play on the television show Laugh-In. The tag line for that series was, �Sock it to me!�

Kim sits down with Jim and Tim and wonders what they are watching. Jim and Tim indicate it is a new cable station called TV Trash Heap, which features bad programming from television�s early beginnings. This could be a reference to the cable channel TV Land, which also features old programming from television�s beginnings.

Jim wonders where Ron is, because he was going to watch Laugh Riot with them. This is another similarity to the television show Laugh In. This is another indication of Ron�s good relationship with Jim and Tim. It is revealed later that Ron doesn�t have cable at his house, and could help explain why Ron is always at Kim�s house instead. Kim indicates she called Ron, but there was no answer. This is another indication of how much Kim and Ron stay in touch.

The go-go dancers in the previous shot were all wearing one piece dresses. Now they are wearing two piece bikinis.

Mr. North has a stained glass window of a ferret.

Mr. North has Ron working hard cleaning his house. Mr. North demands Ron get rid of spiders and shoo bats out of the attic. This is most likely a subtle reference to Batman, which starred Adam West.

Ron indicates he would rather listen to Mr. North talk about the good ole days.

Mr. North sarcastically tells Ron to �Eat snowballs.�

Ron isn�t sure if Mr. North is being serious or not.

Rufus trips off the bust of a ferret, and reveals a button under the head. This is a reference to the Batman television series. The secret lair was revealed after pushing a button located under the head of a bust of Shakespeare.

Ron and Rufus both decide to push the red button.

A bookcase goes back revealing two poles. This is also a take on the old Batman television series.

The chair turns around and takes Ron and Rufus for a ride.

The chair stops thrusting Ron and Rufus onto the two poles. This is another take on the Batman television series. Batman and Robin slide down the poles to the Batcave.

Ron and Rufus land on the floor. Ron lands on his rear end.

Ron sees a secret room with a car, a super computer, and two superhero suits.

Ron finds an old newspaper encased in glass. The caption reads, �Fearless Ferret Foils Fiendish Foe He Stalks The Night! The newspaper is from the Middleton Times. The Middleton Times later changed it�s name to The Examiner. This is the newspaper Mr. Possible seen reading most often. Ron comments about how many words start with the letter F.

Ron places his elbows on the platform to gaze at the superhero costumes. This actually activates the glass cases housing the superhero costumes. They go up allowing access to the costumes. How the costumes remain erect with no one in them or without wires is a mystery.

Ron and Rufus decide to put on the super hero costumes. Ron is wearing red boxer shorts with white polka dots underneath.

Rufus� costume has a mask instead of a cowl. This is the same as Robin�s costume from Batman.

Ron is dressed as the Fearless Ferret. Ron�s costume is nearly the same as the Batman costume except it doesn�t have a cape. Ron�s mask covers neck and face.

Mr. North comes down and angrily accuses Ron of infiltrating The Ferret Hole. First full appearance of Mr. North. Previously, he could only be seen partially.

Ron tries to explain that he found the lair by accident. He has a harder time trying to explain how the costumes got onto him and Rufus.

Ron realizes that Mr. North is the Fearless Ferret.

Mr. North indicates that his secret identity has been revealed. Most superheroes have duel, secret lives. Batman also had a secret identity.

Mr. North indicates that his vision was better when he was The Fearless Ferret. Ron indicates his eyes are fine, except for a slight astigmatism. He also indicates he will need glasses later on in life. A lot of fanart shows future Ron wearing glasses because of this statement. Even the DVD of A Sitch in Time has a minigame showing Ron in his sixties wearing glasses.

Ron begs Mr. North to play the part of superhero The Fearless Ferret again. The Fearless Ferret�s sidekick name is revealed as Wonder Weasel. This is most likely another play on Batman. Robin�s was often referred to as �Boy Wonder.� Ron calls Mr. North, �Mr. N,� and does so for most of the whole show.

Ron indicates that he is a sidekick to saving the world and he is ready to step up to being hero. Mr. North begins using words that begin with the letter F when describing superhero duties.

Mr. North decides to let Ron try out as The Fearless Ferret on a part time basis anyways. Mr. North indicates Ron will begin training tonight.

Ron indicates he wants to tell Kim about him being The Fearless Ferret. This indicates that Ron has a hard time keeping secrets from Kim. Mr. North grabs Ron and indicates that he will now have a secret identity. Ron can barely contain the excitement though.

Ron communicates with Mr. North by using a two way communciation device attached to the wrist. The device has an angry ferret on it. Ron complains about his tights being too loose.

Mr. North tells Ron that The Fearless Ferret moves �silent and swift.� Ron begins to say something. Mr. North yells at Ron again about �silent and swift.� Ron has to cover the communciation device so it isn�t heard throughout the neighborhood.

Ron goes through the neighborhood, not sure what it is he supposed to be looking for. He even tries a garbage can in desperation.

Ron finds a way to the top of Bueno Nacho. Ron may have climbed up by way of the dumpster located in the back as seen in Kimitation Nation.

Ron has enough agility to easily get into the drive through window in seach of snackage. Ned throws him out though. Ned probably had help throwing Ron out.

Ron and Rufus find a way to the top of a building and look out into the city. This shot is also reminiscent of Batman comics that show standing on city skyscrapers looking out into the city. Ron and Rufus are besieged by pigeons who perch all around them. The eagle gargoyle is the same as The Chrysler Building located in New York City.

Ron is about to leap off of a building till he sees how high up it is.

Ron takes the stairs. He also did this previously in the episode The Ron Factor.

The word, �Booyah!� appears on the screen. This is done in the same way the classic Batman television show did during fight scenes to capture the comic book feel. Also, Robin from Batman is often credited as starting the catch phrase, �Booyah!�

Ron stands on top of a building and sees two men trying to steal a car. The alarm to the car begins to go off.

Ron quickly gets to the street and indicates he will activate his Ferret Claw. Like the two way device, this one is also has the a design of a ferret.

Ron pushes a button. Smoke comes out. Mr. North indicates Ron activated the Ferret Smokescreen. Mr. North�s computer may be connected to the smokescreen allowing him to know what has been activated.

The smoke causes Ron and Rufus to cough. This device wouldn�t be effective since the user needs to use stealth and be quiet while in the smoke. Ron complains about the devices all looking the same.

Ron finds the Ferret Claw. This is similar to the Batman grappling hook. It has a ferret design, as well as a Ferret Claw that attaches to the walls.

Ron attaches the Ferret Claw to the building and goes up. Rufus catches Ron�s foot at the last moment.

Ron sees that he is heading straight for the the ledge to the building the Ferret Claw is attached to. Ron lets go of the Ferret Claw.

The momentum of the grappling hook brings Ron and Rufus above the ledge of the building. Ron tries to grab it, but misses. Ron is able to suspend himself in mid air for a second before he begins falling.

Ron lands on a shop awning. It bounces him to the street.

Ron tumbles forward, right in front of the two car thieves.

Rufus shows his teeth and growls. The two car thieves run away screaming like little girls.

Feeling victorious, Ron announces himself and his sidekick to the city of Middleton.

Ron is surprised to see he has an audience. A woman makes a comment about Ron�s tights. Ron indicates he itends to have a tailor tuck them in.

First appearance of Rudolf Farnsworth, who is surprised to see The Fearless Ferret.

Mr. North contacts Ron and tells him to disappear.

Ron remains kind and polite to his audience. This is the same way Batman treated the citizens of Gotham in the television series.

Ron disappears. A woman was hoping Ron would take care of the car alarm before he left.

Farnsworth lives in a run down apartment. It appears to have only one room.

Farnsworth is not a fan of The Fearless Ferret. Farnsworth throws darts at a picture of The Fearless Ferret.

Next, Farnsworth hits a bopper bag of The Fearless Ferret.

Finally, Farnsworth takes a hammer to a bust of The Fearless Ferret.

Farnsworth goes into his closet and comes out dressed as a skunk. Farnworth indicates he is the arch nemesis of The Fearless Ferret. He calls himself, �White Stripe.�

MHS sign

Kim approaches Ron at his messy locker and indicates she tried to call him last night. This is another indication of how much Kim and Ron keep in contact with each other. Ron indicates he was spreading sunshine with Mr. North, even though it was late at night.

Suspicious and knowing Ron all too well, Kim demands to know what Ron is keeping from her.

Rufus reminds Ron not to reveal his secret identity.

Ron denies having a secret. Kim demands to know why Mr. North didn�t make Ron cry like the other Sunshine Spreaders. Ron explains that he is a people pleasing person. This answer may or may not have completely satisfied Kim.

The nameless girl in blue passes in the background. It appears she has another boyfriend this episode.

Kim indicates she has about fifty new cable channels and is hoping Ron will come over to surf. Channel surfing is quickly switching from one channel to another to see what is on. This is another indication of how much Kim and Ron spend time with each other, and how much time Ron spends at the Possible home. Ron declines and explains he is going over to help Mr. North mulch his yard.

Ron leaves. This makes Kim suspicious.

Ron sneaks around building at night under a full moon. Ron indicates he hates lying to Kim, but is trying to remain true to his secret identity. Rufus agrees with this statement.

Mr. North reminds Ron to stay alert. Ron jokes around and asks Mr. North to repeat what he just said. Ron indicates that he does things like this as a sidekick.

Mr. North demands the weazel should be the one doing gags. This is most likely another reference to Robin, who was more known for providing comic relief. He then reminds Ron that the Fearless Ferret is serious and all business.

Ron hears crashing from inside the warehouse. Ron decides to check it out.

Ron and Rufus begins to smell something horrible as they enter the warehouse.

Mr. North remembers that a bad smell nearby is from his old enemy White Stripe.

Ron first thinks that it is a giant skunk. White Stripe stands up and introduces himself. He also indicates The Fearless Ferret should remember who he is.

Ron is nearly hit by a stream of skunk spray from White Stripe�s tail.

Mr. North indicates he knows White Stripe. Mr. North also reminds Ron to avoid the stink stream from White Stripe.

Ron uses his agility to avoid getting hit by the stink stream.

Mr. North tells Ron to activate the fragrant ferret deodorizer. Ron can�t find it though. He pushes a button the two way communication device, pats the shoulders, then the ears. Finally Mr. North tells him the deodorizer is activated by the nose. This is another reference to Batman, who carried a great deal of gadgets with him, mostly on his utility belt.

The ferret deodorizer�s only effect is that it makes Ron cough. Worst, it doesn�t effect White Stripe at all.

Rufus sees White Stripe approaching. Rufus grabs Ron�s nose and pulls him down. Ron narrowly avoids another blast from White Stripe�s stink stream.

Kim is outside the warehouse. She talks to Wade and wonders if Ron�s pager is inside. This indicates how Wade is currently tracking Ron. Wade once had a tracking device on Ron. This seems to be void now after Ron became suspicious of a tracking chip in The Golden Years.

Wade isn�t sure Kim should be sticking her nose in Ron�s business. However, Kim convinces by indicating Ron has been acting funny lately. Wade confirms Ron is in the warehouse.

Ron tries to get away from White Stripe by climbing a ledge.

White Stripe says, �Come on down!� This line was made famous by the gameshow The Price Is Right.

White Stripe nearly hits Ron with the stink spray. It is highly acidic and melts the ledge. Ron sees what it can do and runs away.

Kim comes into the warehouse, and smells White Stripe.

Kim calls out to Ron. Ron pauses when he hears Kim.

Mr. North demands Ron activate the Ferret Flicker. Ron pushes a button on the belt. This activates the Ferret Tail.

Ron complains to Mr. North that he didn�t show Ron how to use all the gadgets or how to activate them.

Kim cautiously walks past the crates.

White Stripe knows Kim is near, and jumps out to surprise her. White Stripe doesn�t see Kim though.

Kim surprises White Stripe by revealing heself standing at the top of the crates.

Kim jumps to avoid being hit with the stink spray.

Kim does a series of flips, lands on the floor, then jumps again.

Kim jumps against a crate, then jumps again. White Stripe hits the crate with the stink spray.

The stink spray burns a hole in the crate. Ron runs towards Kim and White Stripe.

White Stripe tries to hit Kim. Kim uses her gymnastic skills to avoid being hit.

White Stripe doesn�t want Kim involved in the fight between him and The Fearless Ferret. Kim is adamant about helping Ron and attacks White Stripe.

Despite his age, White Stripe is a formidable opponment and appears to be skilled in martial arts. He takes a kick from Kim and continues fighting.

The fight is disturbed when Ron comes crashing down with several crates. A rope holds him upside down.

White Stripe laughs before making his escape. This is most likely a reference to The Joker, who is Batman�s arch nemesis, and laughs a lot.

When asked who he is, Ron tries to keep his identity secret from Kim; and indicates he is just a friend.

Kim begins taking down Ron�s mask, starting with his neck so that it will come off all the way. This scene was inspired by the movie Spider-Man. Mary Jane kissed Spider-Man in the movie. Many Kim/Ron shippers consider this to be a shippy scene even though Kim and Ron didn�t kiss.

Kim takes off Ron�s mask. She has already figured out that Ron was The Fearless Ferret.

Mr. North demands Ron retreat to preserve his secret identity. Ron grabs his mask, gets off the rope, and exits. Rufus follows close behind.

Ron and Rufus get back to The Ferret Hole, and see Kim is there waiting on them.

Kim wonders what Ron is doing. Ron announces himself as The Fearless Ferret: Version 2.0. And Rufus is Wonder Weasel.

Kim tells Ron that it�s great that he is a hero. She is about to add another comment when she is interrupted by Mr. North. It has been analyzed that Kim has spent most of the time protecting Kim and being the hero, and is having trouble seeing Ron as a hero who can take care of things himself. This is another subtle indication of Kim�s need to be the best at everything, especially when it comes to things Ron might be able to do, and can do.

Mr. North comes in criticizing Ron for allowing strangers into The Ferret Hole, and not wearing a mask to conceal his identity.

Ron accuses Kim of following him, then introduces Kim to Mr. North.

Mr. North gives Kim the opportunity to be Ferret Girl, and has a costume for her. Kim refuses and indicates she not into superhero business. This is a reference to Batwoman, also from the Batman franchise.

Ron reminds Kim that she is a superhero who fights bad guys and saves the world. Kim reminds Ron that she doesn�t need a costume or a secret identity to fight bad guys.

Wade contacts Kim. Mr. North knows that Wade would know where The Ferret Hole is. Mr. North wonders who else would know the secret location of the lair.

Wade indicates that Kim got a hit on her site. Somebody stole the dirty laundry from the Lowerton Lemurs football team.

Kim wonders if Ron will be helping her on this mission. Ron indicates he will do the mission as The Fearless Ferret. Mr. North reminds Ron that The Fearless Ferret is not a sidekick. Ron changes his mind and tells Kim that he will do the mission on his own.

Kim investigates the only clue left behind: A dirty sock. The Lowerton Lemurs have the same football jersy colors as the Middleton football team. A minor mistake.

Kim sees Ron coming out of the ceiling. She knows it would be better if he just stayed with her.

The ropes holding Ron and Rufus break. Both crash into the laundry bin.

Ron comes up with the sock on his head. Ron is annoyed that the ropes broke. Kim is annoyed that Ron is looking like a lame superhero.

Kim�s mission next takes her to a grocery store. The name says, �Twin Ha---- Grocery.� The rest after HA is unreadable. It is unknown whether this store is located in Middleton or Lowerton.

Kim investigates missing onions, red onions, green onions, and garlic. The grocery store worker was the same man who was the waiter at JP Bearymore�s Pizza Party-Torium in Coach Possible. The foul smelling vegetables appear to have been stolen.

Ron tumbles into the grocery store, much to the annoyance of Kim.

Ron pulls out a device with the ferret design on it. He pushes a button, and a magnifying glass comes out. This annoys Kim even more.

Kim then checks out a diaper service truck. It appears that it�s products were also stolen.

The Ferret Wing goes up and flies into the moonlight. This is similar to the movie Batman, directed by Tim Burton.

Ron loses control of the aircraft. Fortunately, Ron and Rufus are both wearing seat belts.

The plane is small. It crashes into the back of the diaper service truck.

Ron and Rufus come out of the wreckage, then pass out. The plane crashed backwards. The front is pointing towards the back of the truck. This annoys Kim and the diaper service truck driver.

Jim and Tim watch a show called The Mod Quod. This is a play on the television series, �The Mod Squad.� This show was also popular when Batman was airing.

Kim walks by and comments about Jim and Tim watching TV Trash Heap.

The television grabs Kim�s attention when it mentions The Fearless Ferret will be the next show playing.

The ferret symbol is far away, then comes really close, then goes back again. This is another reference to the Batman series, which had the bat symbol do the same thing.

Kim sees The Fearless Ferret and hears Mr. North�s voice.

Kim realizes The Fearless Ferret is just a television show. Kim has obviously never heard of The Fearless Ferret. Considering how popular it is as indicated by the convention later on in the episode, this shows how much Kim is out of touch to the geek world.

The Fearless Ferret show starts. The show states that it is �In color!� This is a reference to shows in the 1960�s which were often black and white and were making the transition to color. The ferret symbol shown in the light is another reference to Batman, which showed the bat signal when there was trouble in Gotham.

Mr. North has his entire real home modeled in the same way as it was modeled in The Fearless Ferret television show.

Kim sees Mr. North in his younger days. Mr. North is wearing the same clothes in this shot as he was earlier in the episode.

Here is the only difference between the two homes. The bookcase in the television show opens by sliding to the right. In Mr. North�s real home, the bookcase opens by sliding to the left.

The opening of The Fearless Ferret is almost identical to the Batman television series.

Kim sees White Stripe in the shows opening too.

Jim and Tim indicates they saw a �where are they now� special on Mr. North and Mr. Farnsworth. Where are then now specials show celebrities who seemed to have disappeared from their celebrity status. Jim and Tim indicates that Mr. North and Mr. Farnsworth thought the whole show was real. Kim realizes that Ron has also been led to believe that being The Fearless Ferret is real too.

The episode shows two goofs. The first has The Fearless Ferret walking through a city and the background falling down. The other is The Fearless Ferret climbing a building and somebody walking past. The second shot was obviously filmed normally and then turned sideways to appear they were walking up a building. Both of these were common special effects for the Batman television series.

A commercial for the Ferret Fest convention airs. The commercial calls for all fans in Middleton, Lowerton, and Upperton to come to the Tri-City Convention Center. It advertises the opportunity to buy Ferret merchandise, meet fellow fans, and prizes to the best ferret costume. Dressing up in costume is a reference to cosplay, where geeks dress up like their favorite characters from television shows or movies.

Jim and Tim are anxious to attend Ferret Fest.

Kim realizes she has to find Ron before acting like a superhero gets him into trouble.

Ron uses his disguise skill to appear as a bush and moves towards a perfume factory. Ron previously used disguise in the episode Attack Of The Killer Bebes.

Mr. North is certain that White Stripe will hit the perfume factory next.

Mr. North leaves Ron when the intruder alert is sounded. Mr. North seems to have a special camera on the two way communication device to see Ron. Otherwise, a camera would have to be set up near the perfume factory to keep a visual on Ron.

Kim slides down the pole to the lair.

Mr. North offers Kim the opportunity to be Ferret Girl again. Kim declines.

Ron approaches a woman who appears to be in distress.

Ron tries to contact Mr. North, but doesn�t get a reply back. Ron decides to handle the woman in distress alone.

Ron approaches the woman. It turns out to be White Stripe in disguise. White Stripe rips off the disguise.

Ron and Rufus are hit by White Stripe�s gas. It is so bad, it knocks them out.

Kim tries to explain to Mr. North that he wasn�t a real superhero, but only played one on television.

Mr. North then shows Kim his bad leg, and indicates he got it while fighting crime. This is a reference to Adam West, who also also injured his leg while filming the Batman Stunt Show in the early 1970�s. Kim tells Mr. North that he actually received the injury when his show was cancelled and they were dragging him away from the set of The Fearless Ferret.

Kim tries once again to make Mr. North see he was just an actor playing a part. Mr. North theorizes that Kim may be a villain trying to make him believe he was just an actor.

Kim uses a remote to turn on a nearby television. Mr. North sees the episode of The Fearless Ferret and realizes he was just an actor playing a part.

Kim tells Mr. North that Rudolf Farnsworth may also feeling that the character he played was real.

Mr. North goes over to his computer and sees that Ron is missing.

Ron wakes up and is tied up. Ron realizes he is at the Tri-Cities Convention Center.

Ferret stuff so sale includes toys, shirts, dvds, masks, wall scrolls, and books.

Ron sees White Stripe. He is balanced on a steel girder, and not afraid of heights. White Stripe, like Mr. North, likes to use a lot of F�s when acting like a villain.

White Stripe points out his skunk balloon. Ron doesn�t see the bomb attached to the tail until White Stripe points out specifically where it is located. The timer is set for four minutes and thirty seconds.

White Stripe indicates the balloon is filled with bad odor. The odor was obviously made with the stolen items from the football team, grocery store, and diaper service truck. White Stripe indicates that the smell will linger onto it�s victims for years. This is highly unlikely though. The smell would stay on for a few days, and could probably be neutralized with something like tomato juice.

Kim uses her kimmunicator to find Ron. Kim indicates he is at the Tri-Cities Convention Center. Kim most likely locked on to Ron�s pager again.

Kim and Mr. North use the ferret mobile to get to the Tri-Cities Convention Center. The Ferretmobile has rocket thrusters in the back just like the Batmobile from the Batman series. It comes out of a cave, and a roadblock sign goes allowing the Ferretmobile to go through. All of this is the same way Batmobile came out of the Batcave in the Batman series.

Mr. North�s driving leaves Kim holding on tightly as he makes twists and turns around curves. Mr. North enjoys the old feeling of exhilaration.

Kim�s eyes turn blue for a moment. A minor mistake.

Kim does a reality check on Mr. North. Mr. North is firmly convinced now that he was just an actor playing a superhero on television. Mr. North also indicates that The Fearless Ferret was cancelled after two seasons. The Batman television series was cancelled after three seasons.

First appearance of the Tri-Cities Convention Center. There doesn�t appear to be any public parking nearby, so walking is essential. Despite this, Mr. North parks the Ferretmobile in front of the convention center.

Kim and Mr. North come in through the double swinging glass doors. Mr. North sees the convention dedicated to The Fearless Ferret, and becomes happy. Entrance to the convention appears to be free. There is nobody at the entrance asking for fee to come into the convention.

Kim calls to Ron, and looks up. She sees Ron and White Stripe.

Kim pulls out her grappling hook and fires it. It wraps around one of the steel girders.

Kim pulls herself up in front of Ron. She tells �Farnsworth� to back off.

White Stripe begins to have a recollection as to who Farnsworth is.

Kim tells Rudolf Farnworth that he was just an actor and had a one time appearance on The Fearless Ferret.

Like Kim, Ron didn�t know that The Fearless Ferret was just a television show. Ron believed The Fearless Ferret was real because of the lair, the costumes, the car, and the plane. Kim indicates that Mr. North spent all of his money replicating his house to mimic The Ferret Hole.

White Stripe doesn�t comprehend what Kim is talking about, and sprays her with stink spray. This causes Kim to pass out.

White Stripe jumps away. White Stripe seems to have enough athletic ability and agility to make it to the floor without injury.

Just like in his dream, Ron realizes that he will have to be the hero and save the day.

Ron gets an arm free, then uses the ferret claws to cut the ropes.

Ron picks Kim up. Ron places his hand on her bottom for a split second as he is lifting her. This was mostly unnoticed, but has been mentioned a few times by fans for it�s giggle factor.

Ron picks up Kim�s grappling gun and uses it. Ron may have felt that it was more reliable than the Ferret Claw. Ron twirls it around his fingers a bit before he fires it.

Ron makes it to the floor. He gently lays Kim down.

Ron sees that he only has two minutes and thirty-three seconds left before detonation of the bomb on the balloon.

Rufus crawls onto Ron�s wrist.

Ron fires a grappling hook from his wrist to the skunk balloon. Rufus goes along with the grappling hook. This is a gadget that we didn�t see earlier in the episode.

Rufus wraps the grappling hook around the nose of the balloon.

Rufus slides down the rope to Ron.

Rufus lands on Ron�s shoulder.

Ron spits in his hands to add some traction to his gloves.

Ron takes the rope around the balloon and begins dragging it towards the floor.

Ron has less than one minute to get rid of the balloon.

White Stripe sees that Ron is about to foil his plan.

White Stripe tries to sneak out to make an escape.

A ferret fan sees White Stripe and asks about his costume. The other ferret fan explains that the costume is of a lesser villain White Stripe played by Rudolf Farnsworth from episode fourteen. These two ferret fans appeared previously in the episode in the commercial for Ferret Fest.

White Stripe being called a lesser villain offends him. He threatens the two fans with stink spray.

Ron pushes his entire body against the balloon to get it to move forward. It causes him to bounce backwards before doing so.

There are eighteen seconds left before the balloon bomb explodes.

The balloon heads towards the front entrance. Ron and Rufus push hard on the nose to get the oversized balloon through the double doors.

The balloon is finally through the double doors. It causes them to fall off their hinges as it does so.

Ron cuts the ropes again with his claws. The balloon begins flying high into the sky.

The timer reaches zero. This activates a mechanical pin that pokes the balloon causing it to burst.

Ron and Rufus watch the balloon flying away and leaving a trail of foul gas in the air.

Mr. North calmly wakes Kim up. Despite her refusal to be Ferret Girl, Mr. North calls her that anyways.

The two Ferret fans see Mr. North and become excited. They indicate that Timothy North has never appeared at their convention before.

Mr. North is holding Kim. He drops her in his excitement when he is asked to sign an autograph.

White Stripe approaches Mr. North, and vaguely remembers the name Timothy North.

White Stripe takes off his mask. Mr. North remembers his old co-star and calls him, �Farnsworth.� This seems to get Mr. Farnsworth back into reality.

Mr. North and Mr. Farnsworth are suddenly surrounded by hundreds of fans in costume snapping pictures and asking for autographs.

Both Mr. North and Mr. Farnsworth admit that they were living in a world of delusion brought about by the characters they played on the television show.

Ron sees that Mr. North is now happy. Kim tells Ron that he was able to provide some �Ronshine� into the old man�s life.

Kim rewards Ron with a hug for being a hero. Ron still isn�t so sure what to think when Kim makes a move like this on him.

A man and a woman come out of the building for TV Trash Inc. This is the building for the TV Trash Heap cable station. The man and woman talk about the high ratings that TV Trash Heap is getting.

The woman looks just like the museum tour guide from Pain King vs. Cleopatra, but has brown hair instead of blond.

The skunk balloon goes past the TV Trash Inc. office. It is obviously located nearby the Tri-Cities Convention Center. It is unknown if both places are located in either Lowerton, Middleton, or Upperton.

The woman believes that she is going to receive a promotion. She most likely came up with the idea for TV Trash Heap, and had help from the man getting it going.

The man and woman are effected by the noxious fumes from the balloon.


Final thoughts: This episode is similar to the pilot of Batman Beyond. A young man dons the new Batman suit to fight crime after finding Bruce Wayne too old to do so himself. Adam West played a similar character in Batman: The Animated Series as an aging television superhero who inspired Bruce Wayne as a child to be Batman later in his life.
Act 1 || Act 2

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