Show notes: This episode introduces Nana Possible. It also is a second season episode that chronologically fits better as a Season 1 episode. This episode takes place directly after Job Unfair.
The episode starts out with the Possible family driving in Mrs. Possible�s van with a trailer attached. The song Mr. and Mrs. Possible are singing is the classic folk song, The Camp Town Ladies.
Ron and Rufus enjoy singing along with Mr. and Mrs. Possible. Ron also did this previously in Downhill.
Kim is wearing pink pants and a white shirt with a heart on it. She is annoyed with her parents and Ron singing. Jim and Tim have earpieces on and are most likely listening to music.
The van pulls into Chez Leisure.
Everyone gets out of the van. Kim pulls earplugs out of her ears. Kim was most likely wearing them to drown out her parents and Ron singing. Here is another possible indication that Middleton is in Colorado. Kim indicates that the trip took sixteen hours. A trip by car from Colorado to Florida can be accomplished in roughly sixteen hours with good timing.
Mr. Possible jokes that they were traveling at the speed of fun.
Of course, Kim didn�t think the trip was fun. Ron is wearing a new light blue shirt.
Mr. Possible thanks Ron for helping move Kim�s grandmother. Mr. Possible then begins stacking heavy boxes into Ron�s arms, including one with easily breakable stuff. It is widely believed that Nana Possible lived in Middleton before moving to Florida. This is unlikely since in Attack Of The Killer Bebes, Drakken looked in the Middleton phone book and found only one entry for the family name Possible. Where Nana lived prior to Florida is unknown.
Ron and Rufus put on sunglasses. Ron indicates that they are in The Sunshine State, better known as Florida.
Kim indicates Ron has never met her grandmother. First indication that Kim is at odds with her grandmother. Kim reveals her grandmother�s name as Nana. We don�t know if this is her real name or not. Nana is often a pet name for grandmothers.
Mrs. Possible reminds Kim that her grandmother loves her.
Kim complains that Nana Possible is too overprotective. Ron consoles her by reminding her that all grandmothers are overprotective. First appearance of Kim�s grandmother, Nana Possible. Nana puts a sweater over Kim and complains about her wearing revealing clothing that shows off her belly button.
Nana takes Kim�s hand and goes inside. Ron understands why Kim has trouble dealing with her.
Ron is carrying the heavy boxes, including the one with fragile materials. Mr. and Mrs. Possible carry matching suitcases. Jim and Tim each carry a small box. Kim isn�t carrying anything. Nana is in the lead, possibly showing where they will be staying.
The Possible family see some senior citizens doing yoga and meditation. This seems to indicate that Chez Leisure is a retirement center for senior citizens. This is encouraged by the fact that Florida is best known for it�s large number of retired seniors.
Rufus does yoga and meditation.
Nana introduces Mr. Simmons. She also indicates that Mr. Possible is her son.
Mr. Simmons goes past the Possible family and indicates that he doesn�t have time to greet them because he is in training. This seems to indicates that Mr. Simmons wasn�t interested in meeting the Possibles.
An elderly man is playing shuffleboard with an elderly lady.
He knocks her piece off the 10 mark, and replaces it with his.
Nana indicates that the elderly man is named Mr. Stanley, and is the best at shuffleboard. The elderly lady is not happy about losing.
Nana then introduces the elderly as Mrs. Greenfield, and indicates she is the best at knitting.
Mrs. Greenfield then indicates she knitted the sweater that Kim is wearing. Mrs. Greenfield looks at the sleeves, which are way too long for Kim�s arms.
Kim nervously and sarcastically indicates that wool sweater is comfortable to wear when it�s so hot outside.
Later, Nana brings her lemon squares for everyone to enjoy.
Jim and Tim are reading thick books. Jim�s book cover says �Comix.� Tim�s book also seems to have comic frames, indicating he is most likely reading a comic book too. However, they are so thick, they are most likely graphic novels instead of just regular comic books. A picture of Jim and Tim hangs over the couch.
Ron watches Kim as she is about to unpack her suitcase.
Wool has a tendency to be itchy, as Kim is finding out now.
The static electricity in the sweater causes Kim�s hair to become frizzled when she pulls it off.
Ron looks out the window and begins to confess that he didn�t come to Florida solely to help Nana move. But Kim already knows this and finishes Ron�s confession before he does. This annoys him.
Kim wants to know what Ron�s true intensions are. She guesses sunbathing and surfing.
Ron indicates he is here to meet the ladies on spring break. This gives this episode a timeline in which it occurs. The spring break college girl in the red bikini walking by appears quite often in this episode in the background.
Rufus likes the idea of meeting ladies on spring break too.
Kim waves her hand in front of Ron, but he�s not paying any attention.
Kim reminds Ron that spring break is all about college students. Ron believes this to be a good thing. He indicates that college girls don�t know him and he can start with a clean slate. Kim rolls her eyes at this idea.
Ron then indicates that he has always found high school girls immature. This is very ironic considering that many, especially Kim, have found Ron immature.
Nana gives Jim and Tim some old records as a gift.
Tim indicates he has heard of vinyl records, but has never seen them. This most likely applies to Jim as well. Jim suggests ripping the vinyl records into MP3 files.
Nana offers sundresses to Kim as a gift.
Kim is horrified and tries to tell Nana that she doesn�t wear sundresses. Kim then begins telling her grandmother about her missions.
Nana lays out the sundresses on the bed and complains about Kim going on missions on school nights wearing �baggy boy pants.�
Kim indicates that she stopped a super villain last week who was trying to take over Canada with a weather machine. This is a reference to the previous episode, Job Unfair. Nana doesn�t hear Kim. She adjusts her hearing aid. We don�t know if Nana did this to avoid the conversation, or that she really did need to turn down her hearing aid.
Mr. Possible tells Kim that Nana didn�t hear her.
Wade contacts Kim. He indicates there is a high frequency broadcast over Florida. But he can�t pinpoint the origin or purpose. Kim tells Wade that she and Ron will check it out.
The signal is coming from a pink ice cream truck.
Shego is wearing a uniform reminiscent of a soda shop employee from the 50�s and early 60�s. She is still wearing her gloves though. Shego complains about how her talents are being wasted.
Drakken also is wearing a uniform like a soda shop employee. Unlike Shego however, his uniform has long sleeves. Drakken also wears his gloves. Drakken indicates that he plans on beaming an obedience signal into MP3 players and transforming them into his private army. This is Drakken�s second attempt to do mind control, as he first tried it in The Twin Factor.
Drakken also makes an ice cream sale, just to make his ice cream truck look legitimate.
Drakken indicates that he is doing good business with his ice cream truck. This really annoys Shego.
Shego is driving the ice cream truck. Drakken waves good-bye to the happy children.
Drakken asked to be reminded to order more snow bank bars because they really sell on hot days.
Rufus is wearing a straw hat and eating an ice cream bar.
Kim indicates she is having trouble locking onto the signal because it is scrambled. Kim is wearing a purple tank top and shorts. She also has her hair in a ponytail. Ron is wearing a yellow tank top. He isn�t paying any attention to Kim. Instead, he�s focused on the spring break girls wearing bikinis.
Ron pauses and wonders where he should begin now that he has a clean slate.
Kim does not like the idea of Ron looking at other girls.
Ron comes to a pool party with a DJ on the loudspeaker.
Ron tries a smooth move on a spring break girl. It doesn�t work.
Rufus becomes interested in the belly flop contest. The man has a sunburn except where he was wearing a t-shirt.
Ron tries to hit on two more girls; and is still unsuccessful.
The girl in the green bikini is named Missy.
First appearance of the DJ. The DJ introduces Rufus as the next contestant of the belly flop contest. Ron is shocked to hear that Rufus is the next contestant.
Rufus does several flips before hitting the water.
Despite his small size, Rufus makes a tremendous splash.
Ron gets wet from Rufus� belly flop.
Rufus is hailed as a belly flop hero.
He even gets a kiss from the cute college girl in the red bikini.
Ron is disappointed he�s not getting anything but splashed.
Kim tries locking onto the signal while on the boardwalk.
Kim gets the signal locked.
Kim sees the pink ice cream van right in front of her.
Drakken has just sold three polar ice missiles to customers.
Shego sees Kim coming with her rear view mirror.
Shego is wearing shorts with her outfit.
Shego begins driving away. Drakken lets go of the three polar ice missiles. They go flying up into the air.
Kim catches the polar ice missiles and hands them to the children.
Kim pushes a button on her hat.
Kim�s hat suddenly becomes a helmet.
Kim does a jump into the air. Her shoes become rocket roller blades.
Drakken becomes horrified when he sees Kim is gaining on them.
Shego hopes to lose Kim by throwing out a box of ice cream to the people walking the boardwalk.
Drakken is horrified that Shego just threw out a box of fruity lickies, and indicates they are the number one seller.
As planned, kids come running for the free ice cream.
Kim does a flip and avoids running into the children. She lands and keeps on pursuing Drakken.
The ice cream van parks behind the sign of Chez Leisure.
Drakken thinks they have lost Kim.
Kim sees the ice cream truck.
Kim suddenly sees her grandmother.
Kim loses control.
Kim lands in a hammock.
Nana scolds Kim for doing something that might get her hurt.
Kim watches as the ice cream truck pulls away. Kim blames her grandmother for letting the bad guys get away.
Kim and Nana talk about what happened earlier. A picture of Kim and Mr. and Mrs. Possible together are hanging on the wall. These pictures are right next to the picture of Jim and Tim.
Nana asks Kim if there are men trained to handle super villains.
Once again showing some overconfidenence, Kim indicates she is trained to handle super villains. She fails to mention anybody else or any organization like Global Justice taking care of super villains.
Nana suggests that Kim is going through a teen rebellious phase.
Kim denies being a teen rebellion.
Nana ends the conversation by indicating she is going to bed.
Kim throws herself on the couch in disgust, much like she would do on her bed if she were at home.
Mr. Possible tries talking Kim about Nana.
Mr. Possible suggests a game of Strategories. This interests Jim and Tim.
Kim calls dibs on the race car. This is a subtle reference to the game Monopoly, which uses a race car as a token to move.
Drakken has a hide out deep in the everglade jungles of Florida.
Drakken has a pit of alligators in his hide out.
Drakken�s plan: His signal should have infected every MP3 player within a hundred miles. He plans to activate the mind control signal, and have an army of spring breaking teens.
Unimpressed with Drakken plan, Shego sits by and files the claws in her gloves.
Phase 2 of Drakken�s plan: He will then launch a satellite to create a world full of teen zombies. Then they will help him take over the world. Drakken then asks Shego to remind him to order more fruity lickies.
Drakken uses the term �off the heeze� to describe the plan. According to the urban dictionary, this means it is going crazy or out of control. To activate the signal, Drakken pushes three different buttons on the console, pushes a lever on the console forward, pulls a lever down that seems suspended in midair, pushes two more buttons on the console, then turns the knob.
Drakken shows Shego his book entitled �Teen Slang.� Drakken then uses slang words to describe how good his plan is.
Drakken opens up the book. It is a dictionary of slang words. They are:
Abe (noun) A unit of currency equal to five american dollars.
ALL-DAT (pronoun) All that exists, all that relates to the subject.
AX (verb) To make a request of; to make a request for, to inquire/ �Get over here foo and let me ax you a question.�
BAG (noun) Whatever you�re into
Beef (noun) To have a problem or perceive a problem/ �Yo, if you got beef wit me then tell me don�t gimme the vapors.�
Caddy (noun) A car with style and plush seats
Chill (adj) Keenly aware of or knowledgeable about the latest trends or developments. Very fashionable or stylish.
Drakken claims he needs to know the teen vocabulary for when they are his personal army.
Shego makes fun of Drakken by calling him hip.
Drakken pulls a final lever on the console to activate the mind control signal.
Nana Possible is asleep and is suddenly awakened.
Scatagories looks very much like a Monopoly board. It has two stacks of cards in the middle, separated by a red stripe. An hourglass timer sits beside Kim. Kim indicates that she is taking science and nature for the block. This seems to indicate that Scatagories has questions that must be answered, similar to Trivia Pursuit.
Nana indicates she is going out for some air, and is carrying her lemon squares. Her voice is deadpanned like she is under mind control. Kim, her father, and the twins don�t notice this. They are too involved in the game.
Nana leaves the door open. Nobody notices this either.
Drakken and Shego are getting impatient about how long the personal army of mind controlled teens is taking to get to the hideout.
Drakken suddenly indicates he is picking up movement with his radar.
Drakken goes to the door and prepares to welcome his personal army.
Nana Possible leads the senior citizens into Drakken�s hideout. Mrs. Greenfield is second, followed by Mr. Simmons. Mr. Stanley gets into the hideout eventually.
Drakken is shocked to see his army of teens is actually an army of senior citizens.
Shego doesn�t fail to make fun of Drakken and his mind control recipients.
Drakken double checks his mind control computer console.
Shego discovers that Drakken didn�t take over signals for MP3 players, he took over signals for hearing aids.
Nana approaches Drakken with her lemon squares.
Drakken becomes interested in Nana�s lemon squares.
Shego suggests the senior citizens could by discount movie tickets for Drakken.
Drakken loves Nana�s lemon squares.
Drakken decides to test the senior citizen zombies to see what they can do.
Drakken wonders if his new army can sell ice cream.
Mrs. Possible brushes her hair and tells Kim to wake Nana up so they can go out for breakfast.
Kim notices muddy footprints going into Nana�s room.
Kim knocks on Nana�s door and indicates that the breakfast they are going to has a buffet.
When Nana comes out of her room, a computer motherboard falls onto the floor. Nana suggests it might be the remote for the television.
Nana walks away with wires wrapped around her shoulder, and a keyboard wrapped around her ankle.
First appearance of the Olde Home Buffet.
Ron compliments Mr. and Mrs. Possible on bringing them to the buffet. He also complains about his lack of luck with the ladies the previous day.
Kim takes delight in knowing Ron failed with the ladies.
Ron complains that his reputation with college girls was ruined in one day.
Rufus was made the mascot for five different sororities.
Wade contacts Kim and indicates that there were many high tech robberies last night.
Kim suspects Nana. But she finds it hard to believe seeing that she is acting grandmotherly. Nana wipes Tim�s mouth off with a napkin.
Kim tells Wade that she and Ron will check it out.
Kim and Ron notice knitting needles short circuiting the electronics in the place that got robbed.
Kim finds another clue: a gardening spade.
Rufus finds another clue: yellow crumbs.
Kim demands Rufus bag the crumbs for analysis.
Rufus does a military salute before bagging the evidence.
Drakken tinkers with his satellite. He still plans to go forth with his idea and his army of senior citizens. He claims it takes a true visionary to use them.
Despite now using senior citizens, Drakken is still using the phrase �off the heeze� to describe his plan.
Drakken puts a card with a magnetic stripe into the slot on his computer console.
This brings up a model of the satellite on the computer monitor. Drakken indicates that it now works.
Drakken indicates he needs to build a launch pad.
Drakken gives Shego some reasons why an army of senior citizens is better than teenagers. These include, �There is no substitute for wisdom and experience,� and �Life begins at sixty-five.�
Drakken gives Shego some pamplets. This is where he got the reasons for using seniors as his personal army.
Meanwhile, Ron is hoping that since Rufus is popular with college students, hanging out with him will make him popular. Rufus disagrees.
Two college girls from earlier in the episode walk by and completely ignore Ron.
Ron convinces Rufus to help him with the ladies by bribing him with a gigante naco. Rufus agrees.
Kim contacts Wade and asks him to analyze the yellow crumbs they found.
Kim puts the crumbs onto a mat or paper on the table in front of her. The kimmunicator opens up in the back and shines an analyzing light onto the crumbs.
Nana pulls a pan of lemon squares out of the oven nearby. The lemon squares are already cut into pieces. Nana suggests that Kim take up ballroom dancing for excitement. Nana may have guessed that if Kim had taken ballroom dancing, then she most likely would have made Ron her dance partner. Perhaps Nana is trying to push Kim into a blossoming relationship here.
Nana suddenly goes into a zombie like state and drops the lemon squares. She then begins to leave.
Kim realizes the yellow crumbs are from Nana�s lemon squares.
Kim interrupts the analyzing of the crumbs and tells Wade she knows what they are. Kim has figured out that Nana is under some sort of mind control.
Kim notices the seniors taking jet skis up the lake.
Kim grabs the last jet ski and follows them.
The seniors are going deep into the swamps.
Kim uses new electronic infared goggles to see where the seniors are going.
Kim asks Wade if he knows anything about a deserted alligator farm.
Kim is shocked to see Drakken eating Nana�s lemon squares. Up to this point, Kim had no idea Drakken was behind the mind control of the senior citizens.
Kim is jumped from behind and tied up with knitting yarn by two unknown seniors.
Wade tries calling for Kim, but she isn�t there.
Wade modifies the kimmunicator into a hydrofoil. The red dot at the front is actually a camera that allows Wade to see where he is going.
Wade doesn�t control the kimmunicator with a joystick. He is using the keyboard to control the directions of the hydrofoil.
Kim is shackled in chains and hanging over the alligator pit. Drakken compliments the seniors for capturing Kim. The computer monitors show models of the rocket that will appear later in the episode. The models are done in what appears to be vector graphics which were used until the mid 1980�s.
Drakken demonstates his alligators by throwing down a piece of meat to them. Drakken indicates they came with the lair.
The kimmunicator comes into the room with wheels and is sideways. There is another camera on the bottom. This time, it is blue instead of red.
The kimmunicator flattens down so that it now looks like a car.
Wade has to zoom into the room and past the senior citizens before he sees Kim.
Kim sees the kimmunicator. She then turns away so that Drakken doesn see her looking at it.
Wade goes to find help. Rufus is playing guitar for the pool party.
Ron continues to try to talk to spring break college girls.
Ron introduces himself with urban slang. This is another indication that Ron and Drakken sometimes have the same personality, and do the same thing at the same exact time.
Ron is given a flyer that was circulated calling him a loser.
The girl in the green bikini also uses urban slang to call Ron a loser.
Ron reiterates that he has a clean slate. Then the kimmunicator hits his foot.
Ron wonders how Wade found him. He speculates that Wade might have him micro chipped. Wade does, as indicated previously in the episode Attack Of The Killer Bebes.
Wade brushes off Ron�s question by indicating that Kim is in trouble at a alligator farm just north of Chez Leisure.
Drakken gloats about his plan while the hook holding Kim suddenly goes down a foot and then stops.
Drakken indicates his rocket is ready, and that he borrowed it from Cape Canaveral. The rocket rises from the swamp water.
Ron tries to get Rufus to help save Kim. Rufus is about to do a high dive into the pool. We don�t know if it is for another belly flop competition or not. Rufus doesn�t want to leave because he has fans.
The girl in the green bikini earlier in the episode is now wearing a green strapless bathing suit.
The wind blows a flyer into Ron�s face, giving him an idea. The flyer says Beach Party at Big Al�s Free Food!
Ron and Rufus pass out flyers for their own party.
The flyer doesn�t say when the party is, it only has a map. The flyer has a picture of Rufus playing a guitar. The guitar is to scale with Rufus, even though Rufus was just playing a guitar much larger than he was. It�s been analyzed that Ron took the extra time to plan a party to save Kim because he knew that trying to save Kim on his own would get him captured, much like in Bueno Nacho.
Kim stares ominously at the alligators below. Drakken indicates that the rocket has five minutes to launch.
Kim tries to wake her grandmother from the mind control, but it doesn�t work. Meanwhile, the hook holding Kim slowly continues to drop a little every few seconds.
Drakken realizes that Kim is trying to get through to her grandmother.
Drakken does a little jig and says �It�s a zip-a-dee-doo-dah day!� This is a reference to the Disney classic movie Song Of The South.
Drakken suggests to Kim that she get her grandmother�s lemon square recipe.
Drakken demands Shego to lower Kim into the alligator pit. Shego moves the lever that is holding the hook holding Kim. This indicates that Shego was slowly dropping Kim little by little just to upset her. Now Kim begins falling at a steady rate.
Kim suddenly moves her glove and reveals a watch. Kim then activates a laser from the watch cutting the chain.
The chain breaks. Kim falls and manages to avoid being eaten by using her feet to open the alligator�s mouth. Kim then does a jump. The alligator shuts it�s mouth.
Kim does a wall jump all the way back up to the top.
Shego sees Kim. Kim sees Shego. The two charge at each other and fight.
Kim kicks Shego. Shego goes flying backwards.
Shego is about to attack again when Drakken stops her.
Drakken orders Nana to destroy Kim.
Under mind control, Nana has every intention to do just that.
Kim complains that she can�t hit her own grandmother.
Drakken believes Kim will be beat up by her grandmother. Kim seriously doubts this.
Drakken gives Kim some papers to read. Drakken then indicates that when Nana was Kim�s age, she trained with Shaolin monks to perfect the ancient art of peng lang chaung kung fu.
One of the papers Drakken gives Kim has a picture of Nana from her early days while training with the Shaolin monks. Nana�s hair is the same color as Kim�s. Nana also has been wearing glasses since she was young. The building in the background seems to indicate that Nana is in China, but this is not confirmed. Nana is wearing a Shaolin monk style robe, but not pants. She may be wearing shorts.
Kim is suddenly kicked. She hits some crates and breaks them. Despite this, Kim is phased but unhurt.
Kim is shocked to see that it was her grandmother who kicked her.
Drakken then indicates that Nana then became an aviatrix, and was the first woman to successfully complete the Navy�s underwater demolition training program. It�s unknown how or why Drakken knows so much about Nana. Perhaps he wanted to know more about his personal army, and found ways to get the information about them. He might have taken a special interest in Nana with her having such a colorful background.
Nana attacks Kim. Kim tries to dodge and block Nana throws at her.
Drakken says, �Your Nana is a bad grandmother---� Kim says, �Shut your mouth.� This is a reference to the theme song from Shaft.
It is believed that Kim didn�t receive any martial art training yet somehow knew martial arts. Running with the show�s idea that Kim can do anything because she is the product of a brain surgeon and a rocket scientist, it seems that Kim genetically received her martial arts and gymnastic skills from her grandmother.
Kim jumps towards her belt and grappling hook, which are disregarded on the floor. Drakken obviously took these away from Kim when she was captured.
Kim fires her grappling hook at the lever on the computer console. This deactivates the mind control signal.
Nana and the other seniors come back to reality and don�t seem to remember what they are doing or why.
Kim calmly explains to Nana that they are in Dr. Drakken�s evil lair. Nana hopes Kim didn�t get herself in a dangerous situation.
Shego comes forth and threatens Kim. Nana gets into a fighting stance and prepares to protect Kim. Nana�s fighting stance is similar to one Ralph Macchio used in the movie The Karate Kid.
Mr. Simmons puts his cane in Shego�s face and challenges her. He calls her, �Missy.�
Shego grabs his cane, and uses her plasma to turn it into ashes.
Shego is about to hit Mr. Simmons when she steps onto a shuffleboard piece that has been moved to where she will step. Shego trips and falls.
It is revealed the shuffleboard piece was moved by Mr. Stanley, who gives himself two hundred points.
Kim and Nana prepare to take out Drakken.
Drakken says, �Not in the face!� This is most likely a reference to the Mel Brooks western parody Blazing Saddles.
Drakken is kicked in the stomach instead.
Mrs. Greenfield throws her false teeth at Drakken.
The false teeth catches Drakken�s clothes. They may have also nailed Drakken to the wall. This grosses Drakken out.
Drakken calls for Shego. Shego goes over to Drakken, and throws him over her head.
Drakken lands on his feet, and right in front of his computer console.
Drakken begins typing on the keyboard, and claims that nothing can stop him.
Drakken stops when he hears the word, �Party!�
Ron and Rufus lead the college spring breakers into the lair.
Suddenly trying to sound hip again, Drakken says, �Oh snap!� This phrase was also frequently used in the Disney televisions shows Fillmore and That�s so Raven.
The dj gets his turntable ready.
The dj plugs a wire into Drakken�s rocket computer console. What this does is unclear. It may have changed the lights in the lair and put the dj on loudspeaker. The lights of the lair change colors to red, green, yellow, and blue. The song used in the background is Summertime Guys by Nikki Clearly. It is available on the Kim Possible soundtrack.
Ron is picked up by two college girls who shunned him earlier in the episode and begin dancing with him.
Ron again tries to sound hip by saying that he is �off the heeze.� Ron then does the robot, a disco dance from the 1970�s often made fun of for not being cool.
Two college guys put a flag into the top of Drakken�s rocket.
This causes the rocket to fall, and sink into the swamp.
Mr. Simmons helps hold the stick for the classic party dance, the limbo.
Mrs. Greenfield uses her false teeth as a set of castanets.
Drakken calmly exists the lair through the front door. Kim complains to Nana that Drakken is getting away.
Kim and Nana go to the balcony where they see Drakken escape in the ice cream truck.
Drakken says, �Nana Possible! You think your lemon squares are all that, but they�re not!� This is a play on what Drakken usually says which is, �Kim Possible! You think you�re all that, but you�re not!�
Later, at Chez Leisure, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Stanley, and Mrs. Greenfield watch as Kim and Nana practice sparring martial arts.
Kim is knocked onto the ground by Nana during the sparring match.
Kim suggests they go two out of three rounds. Mr. Possible drives up with the van and announces it�s time to leave.
Kim hugs her grandmother and has found some common ground between them. Nana thanks Kim for rescuing her and the other seniors.
Wade contacts Kim.
Wade indicates that a group of giant mutant spiders are threatening a villiage in Guam. Wade squishes a spider that is coincidently walking across his keyboard.
After Wade hits the spider and the keyboard, the transmission goes dead.
Ron and Rufus get out of car. They are all ready for a new mission.
Kim kisses her parents good-bye and indicates she�ll see them later at home.
Nana goes back to being overprotective by telling Kim she needs to use sunscreen while in Guam. Nana then indicates she was stationed in Guam in 1962.
Ron is happy that Kim now understands her grandmother. Kim gives Ron a thumbs up to agree with him.