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Show notes: Kim sees Ron�s loser status in Mind Games. She then sees Ron nearly getting killed by Monkey Fist in Monkey Fist Strikes. Kim now tries to change Ron into the kind of man she wants. This episode begins Kim�s second crushing phase on Ron. This episode also introduces Senior Senior Senior, Senior Senior Junior, Francois, and Amelia.

First appearance of Francois. He speaks with a French accent. He says her last name in French. Francois holds his hands up like a Hollywood director seeing how his subject will look on film. Francois insists that he can�t do something.

Kim encourages Francois to do whatever it is he does.

Francois picks up a comb and a pair of scissors. He prepares to cut Ron�s hair, indicating Francois is a hairstylist. Ron isn�t sure about getting a haircut. Kim reminds Ron that getting Francois to make a house call is �epic.�

Francois indicates that he is repaying Kim back for helping his poodle. Kim indicates that his poodle was taken by dog kidnappers. Fracois� poodle will make an appearance in a later episode.

Mrs. Possible comes in and wonders why Ron is getting a haircut. Kim indicates she knows what is best for Ron. Mrs. Possible isn�t so sure.

Francois calls Ron by his full first name Ronald. Francois thinks that Ron�s old barber has trouble seeing. Ron indicates this is correct.

Mrs. Possible thinks that Francois is cutting Ron�s hair too short. Kim trusts Francois. Rufus has his eyes covered.

First appearance of Le� Goop.

Francois indicates that only a pea sized amount of Le� Goop is used. The tagline for Le� Goop is �The secret is in the sea urchin.�

Kim is happy with the results.

Rufus is pleasantly surprised.

Ron screams after seeing what his hair looks like.

Ron hides in a room and doesn�t want to come out. Kim encourages Ron to do so.

Ron comes out, with a bucket on his head.

Ron takes the bucket off to reveal a snow hat. Ron comments that the new haircut destroyed his core identity and image; what he calls �his Ron-ness.�

Ron refers his Ron-ness as �easy going devil may care attitude that makes him a easy going devil may care guy.�

Rufus agrees with Ron about his Ron-ness.

Kim apologizes to Ron for changing his image.

Kim grabs Ron�s snow hat and runs away, revealing his new haircut.

Ron covers his head to hide his new haircut.

Kim runs down the hall announcing to everyone that Ron has a new haircut.

Ron chases Kim.

Ron stops when he sees some senior girls. First appearance of Amelia.

Ron nervously flirts with the senior girls and accidentally calls himself �Stop Ronnable.� before correcting himself.

Amelia likes Ron�s new haircut.

Amelia becomes flirty with Ron and indicates she wants to see him later.

Ron now understands the benefit to his new haircut.

Ron is horrified when his hair suddenly pops up.

After school, Ron calls to Kim from behind a tree.

Kim asks Ron where he�s been all day. This indicates that Ron ditched school.

Ron indicates he has a cowlick problem with his hair. It�s become unmanageable.

Rufus lies on Ron�s hair to hold it down.

Ron�s hair springs up and sends Rufus flying. Ron catches him in time.

Ron suggests going to France, finding Francois, and getting more Le� Goop.

Kim is against calling in a favor for hair gel.

Ron says, �Oui.� First indication Ron knows some French. Kim indicated she was taking French in Number One. Ron most likely took French too.

Kim and Ron get to France by jet airliner. First time Kim and Ron go to France. France is one of the countries that Kim and Ron visit the most often.

First appearance of the airline captain and his co-pilot. They are repaying Kim a favor after she helped them during a blizzard. Kim indicates she made a high powered signaling system from things she found in the airport gift shop.

Ron comes up from behind, grabs Kim by the shoulder, and drags her away.

The co-pilot comments on Ron�s cool haircut. The pilot agrees, but then comments on Ron�s cowlick.

Francois suggests Ron get a new wardrobe to go with his haircut. Francois indicates the hair and the clothes have to harmonize.

Francois� shop is called �Haute D�Style.

Ron flirts with a French woman walking by. Kim�s idea of turning Ron into what she wants as a boyfriend has already backfired.

The French woman blows Ron a kiss, then loses her balance on the stairs.

Ron doesn�t realize Kim is getting jealous. He thinks she is getting tweaked because everyone notices his new hairstyle.

Two French girls walk by. One blows Ron a kiss while the other says, �Bonjour.�

Kim indicates she is tweaked because hair care products are suddenly the center of everyone�s universe.

All the lights suddenly go out throughout the city.

Kim contacts Wade. Wade asks Ron to stop by Italy for some lasagna.

Ron isn�t sure Wade is making fun of him, but he gets annoyed anyways.

Wade does a quick search on news sites and discovers blackouts all over Europe.

Kim requests patching the kimmunicator into the European grid and a ride. Wade indicates that he did some consulting work for a French aeronautics firm and they should help out.

Kim and Ron are horrified that there is no pilot.

Kim and Ron are in a black drone helicopter that Drakken often uses.

Wade flies the helicopter with a video game joystick. He indicates that the drone helicopter is used by the military for missions too risky for humans.

Kim indicates the electrical drain is coming from the coordinates eight degrees, one minute west, forty-six degrees north.

The kimmunicator has a map, but it shows that there is nothing at the coordinates.

Ron and Rufus point out they see something visually where nothing should be.

First appearance of the Senior�s private island.

Wade lands the helicopter on the rocky outskirts of the island.

The island is fortified with high walls and barb wire.

Kim uses the grappling hook to scale the high walls.

First appearance of Senior Senior Junior. Junior has a super sized sun lamp on so he can sunbathe at night. This explains why Europe is without power.

Kim grabs Ron�s hand and jumps. Ron isn�t ready yet.

Ron lands flat on his back. He gets up and is fine. Kim is annoyed.

Kim calls out to Junior. Junior thinks they are new servants.

First appearance of Senior Senior Senior. The door opens and has the same sound effect as the old Star Trek television series. Ricardo Montalban, who provided the voice for Senior, played a character in both the old series and the second movie �The Wrath Of Khan.� Earl Boen took over for the voice of Senior when Montalban�s health started to fail.

Senior asks Kim and Ron if they brought more light bulbs. Kim ignores the question.

Senior says, �We have only just turned everything on.� This indicates that the Seniors have moved to their private island only recently.

Ron and Junior both have the same hairstyle and both indicate they use Le� Goop. It is revealed in a later episode that Junior is a customer for Francois. Junior criticizes Ron�s choice of clothing.

Senior indicates he was about to go skiing down his indoor mountain. He invites Kim and Ron to join him. First indication that Senior likes to do extreme sports; a major plot point for a later episode. He then offers them a box of juice.

Ron whispers to Kim that he wants to go skiing. Kim elbows him for this comment.

There is no indication as to what flavor the juice is. It is simply a box with the word �juice� on it.

Ron imitates Junior doesn�t care attitude while Kim talks to Senior about energy conservation and eco awareness. Kim does so with pamplets with energy and water saving tips.

We don�t know if the Seniors have an aquarium inside their home, or if the window is connected to ocean. In either case, large amounts of money would be required to fund the project.

Kim suggests turning off the giant lamp. Junior indicates he wants to be a teen pop star. First mention from Junior that he wants to be a teen pop sensation.

Senior is very interested in a low flow showerhead.

Ron suddenly begins telling the Seniors that their home is more like a lair. Senior thinks that a liar sounds sinister.

Ron notes that the Seniors live on a private island, there is chrome everywhere, and the doors go �Whoosh!�

Senior indicates that he likes the whoosh! He believes it is the door saying, �I am closed.�

Ron suggests several things to turn the Senior�s home into a lair to take over the world including a communications jamming system, missiles, traps, self activating lasers, a secret underground grotto with a speedboat for quick escapes, spinning tops of doom, and a lagoon filled with pirahna. Ron will indicate in a later episode that a moat filled with pirahna is his favorite. Message boards note this episode that Ron has the capability to become criminal and evil, as seen in the future episode Bad Boy. But this capability seems to be an untapped potential, much like all of Ron�s abilities.

Kim suggests florescent lighting.

Kim drags Ron away, citing she has homework she needs to do. She also calls Ron, �Mr. Spinning tops of doom.�

Senior decides to try villainy at Ron�s suggestion because he needs a hobby.

Jim and Tim wonder why Kim didn�t beat up Senior.

Kim pours herself some water from the pitcher.

A vegetable plate is nearby Mr. Possible. It appears to consist of carrots, pickles, and cauliflower. Mr. Possible likes the idea of energy conservation.

Mrs. Possible brings in the main course on a silver platter.

Kim almost gets sick at the site of brains for supper.

Jim and Tim want to eat some brains.

Mr. Possible makes Jim and Tim politely ask for brains to eat.

Kim gags again when Mrs. Possible begins cutting the brain. It is revealed in a later episode that Kim has a weak stomach when it comes to open surgery.

Mrs. Possible indicates that the brain is actually meat loaf. She is making it for the neurosurgeon�s pot luck and wanted to try it out on her family first.

Mr. Possible changes the subject by asking about Ron. Mr. Possible might be doing this since Ron isn�t having supper with them, and this isn�t his normal behavior.

Kim asks to be excused. Mrs. Possible indicates she�ll save Kim a plate.

Things in Kim�s room are: A teddy bear, a basketball, an oversized video game controller (even though it�s revealed later that video games are not Kim�s thing), a comfort chair, a cd holder, a radio, a computer, two books, a telescope, and a cheerleading trophy. It has been wondered why Kim�s telescope is always pointed down, leaving many to think Kim likes to spy on her neighbors. The cheerleading trophy most likely is from when Kim won the cheerleading regionals in Mind Games. A banner on the wall says, �Go Mad Dogs.� Kim calls Ron by using speed dial.

Ron has a lava lamp, a computer, and an entertainment system by his bed in his room.

Ron has a new picture of himself with his new haircut and some flashy clothes. His telephone is capable of message recordings.

Kim decides to page Ron instead. This too is on speed dial.

First appearance of the Middleton Mall parking lot.

Ron tries on different clothes.

Ron becomes a bit of a jerk and throws the clothes to the store personnel.

Ron feels the clothes should reflect the hairstyle.

First appearance of Ron�s pager. Rufus tries to show it to Ron.

Rufus is covered with an article of clothing. We don�t know if Ron did this to ignore the pager, or if he forgot about Rufus on the floor.

Mr. Possible comes up to Kim�s room to talk about Ron.

Mr. Possible tells about how in his college days, he constuctred a mechanical suit with a plasma blaster for a lab mouse named Pinky Joe Curlytail. Mr. Possible did so because he hated the psychology majors who made Pinky Joe run around in mazes all day. Pinky Joe blew up half the science building.

Mr. Possible leaves. Mrs. Possible comes up with Kim�s supper. Mrs. Possible hints that Kim doesn�t know what was best for Ron when she made him get a new haircut.

Numerous school girls take notice of Ron�s new look.

This seems to be the start when Tara began crushing on Ron.

Kim is left speechless by Ron�s new look. Kim will do the same to Ron later in the episode Emotion Sickness.

Ron�s new look.

Ron goes to lunch with Amelia arm in arm.

Kim compares Ron to Pinky Joe Curlytail, knowing that a small change was for the worse.

Rufus is on his own and nearly stepped on when classes let out.

Rufus is rescued by Kim.

Ron is willing to reveal his secret to girls who are admiring him: Le� Goop and it�s tagline �The secret is the sea urchin.�

Though she doesn�t say anything, Kim tells the crushing girls to leave her Ron alone.

Kim drags Ron into the hallway and demands to know why he�s changed so much. Ron indicates he is a new person now.

Kim scolds Ron for leaving Rufus which led him to almost getting hurt.

Ron reverts back to the old Ron for a few seconds.

Rufus jumps forward to give Ron a hug. Ron stops him because it might mess up his hair.

Kim scolds Ron for excluding Rufus. It could be analyzed that Kim is scolding Ron for excluding her from his life too.

Ron indicates he doesn�t have pockets to carry Rufus. He also indicates that his pants are pleather.

Amelia comes and asks Ron to walk her to history class.

Ron and Amelia walk together arm in arm.

Kim puts Rufus in her pants pocket. Kim indicates that Rufus will be staying at her locker.

Kim and Rufus stare longingly at a picture of Kim and Ron acting goofy. Kim moved the picture of Shego to the side to fit the picture of her and Ron. Kim indicates she preferred Ron like he was instead of how he is now.

Wade contact Kim. He indicates that the Seniors have sucked up all of Western Europe�s power on purpose. Wade appears to be drinking fruit punch.

Senior made a recording in which he indicates he will continue taking all the power from Europe unless the Euro Alliance gives him their islands.

Junior is interested in the beaches and disco. First indication that Junior likes disco dancing.

Wade can�t believe how amateur the Seniors are.

Kim grabs Rufus and intends to save Europe.

The Seniors black out the cities of Paris, London, and Venice. The gondelier hits the bridge and falls into the water when the lights go out.

Senior learns how to be criminal from �The Book Of Evil.�

Senior practices the evil snicker. Senior and Junior will go through the rest of the series practicing their evil laughs.

Senior asks Junior if he had heard anything from the Euro Alliance. Junior indicates someone called, but he failed to take a message. First indication that Junior does not share his father�s ambition to take over the world or be evil.
Senior pounds on the table and demands his son to be more ambitious. Throughout most of the series, Junior does his father�s bidding only because his father expects him to.

The Seniors have a big screen television showing Kim and Ron coming on their island. This indicates they also have numerous cameras to watch their lair. Senior mentions Ron, but omits Kim. Junior wonders if Ron has new pants.

Ron brags about how Amelia compared him to Brad Pitt.

Kim hides away from the searchlights. She pulls Ron away from the lights a second later.

The Seniors took Ron�s advice to get missiles. They are partially hidden by bedrock.

Kim blames Ron for suggesting the Seniors go evil.

Ron runs with his hands forward. This might be a reference to Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Eddy runs with his hands forward.

Kim and Ron figure out how the Seniors are draining Europe�s power. They have a giant electrical outlet plugged into a socket.

Kim gets in by knocking on the front door. The door opens.

Ron notices that Senior has an indoor lagoon. Senior indicates that the pirahna he ordered woundn�t arrive till Monday. But the lagoon was stocked with hungry koi goldfish that have not been fed in days.

Senior indicates he got The Book Of Evil from ordering it on the internet. Senior read that Kim would be coming back. He also indicates he is up to when he announces that Kim is too late to stop him.

Ron looks crosseyed and notices a zit on his nose. Kim gets annoyed at Ron for this.

Ron notices Kim has a zit on her forhead. Kim realizes that it is actually a self activating laser.

Kim grabs Ron and jumps out of the way before the lasers hit.

Kim and Ron slide under a table. Kim blames Ron for mentioning traps. Ron congratulates Senior on his listening skills.

More lasers almost hit Kim and Ron. Kim grabs Ron�s hand and escapes before lasers destroy the table.
Kim and Ron hide behind a support pillar.

Ron is distracted by his pleather pants.

Senior has a big screen television that displays a map of parts of the United States. Senior indicates he wants to blow up Middleton. Bob, Mark, and Steve all indicate that Middleton is anywhere in the U.S. They also indicate that Middleton was based on Pasedena, California. Message boards analyzed the show very carefully and concluded that Middleton is in Colorado. This is the first indication of this.

Senior commands his son to activate the missiles to blow up Middleton.

Junior knows how to slide down the rails of a ladder. He then exits by the lower door on the side to reach the missile tower.

Kim�s plan: She�ll go after Senior while Ron goes after Junior.

Kim pulls Rufus out of her pocket and insists he go watch out for Ron.

Ron dodges lasers and hungry koi to get Junior.

Rufus fights off goldfish to catch up with Ron.

Kim does a wall jump.

Kim then swings around a pole.

She then lands on a control panel. The lasers destroy it.

Kim jumps into the air and between the lasers. This causes the laser guns to hit themselves.

Senior pushes a single red button on a remote.

The remote activates spinning tops of doom. They tear the floor up as they go around.

Junior complains about having to launch the missiles while he programs them. First indication that Junior knows a little bit about computers.

The missiles were out earlier in the episode, but had to be brought back out again for some reason.
Ron demands Junior get away from the command console.

Junior doesn�t like Ron�s bossy attitude.

Ron attacks Junior by jumping at him at full force.

Ron and Junior wrestle for control.

Junior messes up Ron�s hair.

Ron can see his reflection in the floor. It is highly polished.

Ron is horrified at his messed up hair. He stops to comb it right. This gives Junior the chance to get back to the command console.

Ron jumps on Junior�s back and messes up his hair.

Ron shoves Junior back.

Junior fixes his hair. Then he sees Ron reprogramming the missiles.

Junior messes up Ron�s hair again.

Ron fixes his hair back.

Junior grabs Ron�s comb and snaps it in half. Most combs are made of unbreakable plastic. Ron�s comb was blue.

Ron gets mad and attacks Junior again.

Ron messes up Junior�s hair.

Junior grabs Ron and throws him off.

Junior�s comb is red.

Ron and Junior struggle over the comb.
Rufus comes up and see Ron and Junior.

Ron and Junior fall. The comb slips to the edge of the walkway.

Kim takes a brief breather from running. The spinning tops of doom has her exhausted.

Ron and Junior continue to struggle to reach the comb first.

Ron sees his reflection on the floor. He realizes the hairstyle has changed him for the worse.

Rufus messes up Ron�s hair back to it�s original shape.

Ron suddenly feels his Ron-ness come back.

Rufus kicks Junior�s comb off of the edge.

Junior nearly jumps to catch his comb. Ron convinces Junior to use the stairs to get it.

Ron shuts down the missiles.

Ron comes back in. He is nearly killed by the spinning tops of doom.

Ron sees Kim is in trouble too.

Ron grabs a nearby rod.

Ron throws the rod into the spinning top of doom.

Ron grabs Kim�s hand and hids behind a support pillar.

Four spinning tops of doom run into each other and destroy themselves.

The fifth stops and then falls over.

Kim scolds Ron for suggesting spinning tops of doom.

Ron scolds Kim for making him get a new haircut.

Ron complains about wearing pleather.

Junior and Senior escape with a speedboat in a secret grotto.

Ron believes that people didn�t like his clothes or hairstyle. They likes his confidence.

Ron approaches Amelia and the other senior girls. The two had made plans to spend time together after school.

Amelia doesn�t care for Ron anymore.

Ron and Rufus make up. Kim never tries to change Ron. But she does get mad when Ron tries to change himself in later episodes.

Act 1 || Act 2

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