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Back To Trivia || Act 2 || Act 3

Show notes: We�re now at Season 2! This episode introduces Gemini. It also emphasizes Ron second power, The Ron Factor. It is good or bad luck depending on the sitch, and helps explain Kim�s success in missions.

The episode starts out with a ninja stealing a ball on a pedestal. The building is most likely the Middleton Museum.

A security alarm is suddenly activated. The ninja starts running away.

The ninja is able to scale smooth windows without equipment. This was most likely inspired by Spiderman.

The ninja comes out of the window on the rooftop and scares a cat.

Kim comes flying down and kicks the ninja.

The ninja lets go of the ball. Ron catches it.

Ron trips over the cat.

Ron lets the ball go. It goes flying back into the ninja�s hand.

The ninja cloaks himself with a smoke bomb.

Kim sees the ninja jumping off the rooftop.

The cat is hissing at Ron. Rufus comes out of Ron�s pocket and scares the cat away.

Ron is ready to help Kim as backup till he sees how high up he is.

Ron gets ready to jump, but then changes his mind at the last second. He decides to take the stairs instead.

The building they are on is at least fourteen stories high.

Ron and Rufus pause at the tenth floor to catch their breaths.

Kim is on one rooftop trying to keep up with the ninja on another rooftop.

Kim makes a daring leap to the other building to catch the ninja.

The ninja goes down a rope hanging off the side of a building.

Kim hasn�t landed yet. But she grabs the rope while still in the middle of her leap from the last building. She then slides down.

The rope ends in a back ally. The ally is wet with water. Perhaps it rained earlier.

The ally is near a series of buildings that appear to be warehouses. A beautiful full moon is in the background.

The ninja pushes a single button on a remote. It beeps and lights up.

The remote activates a hidden door disguised as bricks. The door goes up.

The door opens to a large hole in the floor only accessable with a ladder. Kim follows the ninja into the hole by sliding down the ladder.

Ron reaches the hole, and then loses his balance and falls.

Ron falls faster than Kim sliding down the ladder. She makes a grab for Ron and misses.

Kim shoots her grappling hook to the ceiling.

Kim is no longer holding onto her grappling gun. The line is now attached to a clip on her pants. Kim grabs Ron.

The line suddenly goes tight. Fortunately, it is at the very bottom of the hole. Kim and Ron are thrown sideways by the momentum.

Kim uses the momentum to kick and land on the ninja.

Kim pulls the hood of the ninja and sees that it is really a robot. It is also damaged a little.

Lights come on and the surrounding walls fall away.

Dr. Director from Global Justice walks out of the shadows and greets Kim and Ron.

Kim believes that she has been through a test. Dr. Director agrees, up to a point.

The cat from the rooftop jumps into Dr. Director�s arms.

Dr. Director pulls a switch on the cat�s stomach. The cat is revealed to be a robot.

The cat is given to another GJ operative. Meanwhile, Ron suggests that GJ needs Kim for another save the world mission.

Dr. Director indicates that Global Justice actually needs Ron.

Ron is too shocked for words. Kim can�t imagine what GJ needs Ron for.

Kim interrupts the opening credits to question and make sure that GJ needs Ron.

Dr. Director indicates that scientists have been doing research on Kim�s adventures and missions.

Ron doesn�t pay any attention. He is fascinated by the ball stolen by the ninja earlier.

The screen GJ is using has several videos with Ron on them. The screen was most likely inspired by the movie Minority Report. The two videos on the far right are from the episode Crush. The video with Ron on the bicycle is from Attack Of The Killer Bebes. The video below that is from Downhill. The video with Ron running on the track was created exclusively for the show. It was believed to have been originally from the episode Triple S. Steve Loter later indicated this was not so. How Global Justice got all of this different footage of Ron can only be explained by them keeping a really close tab on him. Kim, Ron, and even Wade never seemed to notice this.

Dr. Director indicates that the scientists have a theory about Kim�s success. Kim displays her overconfidence by indicating her good fortune is the result of a mother who is a brain surgeon, and a father who is a rocket scientist. Even Dr. Director believed this at first. But the scientists have a different theory that is much less logical.

More videos on the screen . The first at the top left is from Crush. The top right is also from Crush. The bottom right is from Downhill. And the bottom left is from Coach Possible.

Ron picks up the ball and is playing with it. It suddenly forms lines that emit light. This is similar to a scene in the Disney movie Treasure Planet. Ron is thrown backwards onto the floor.

Kim finds it difficult to believe that Ron is the key to her success.

Dr. Director helps Ron to his feet. She indicates that Ron brings in certain �intangibles� to Kim�s missions. These intangibles are being called �The Ron Factor.� Kim still can�t believe this though.

Global Justice�s computers have broken down everything about Ron, in an effort to learn more about him. Dr. Director indicates that the images are in vector graphics.

Kim begins to get angry when she finds out all of Global Justice�s scientists are working on The Ron Factor. Ron, on the other hand, looks very smug.

Dr. Director indicates that they want to harness the power of The Ron Factor for their agents. She also indicates that it is a top priority for them.

Meanwhile, a fly lands on a computer screen.

The fly is revealed to be a transmitting camera. The last thing it shows before it is destroyed is a scientist�s hand smashing it. First appearance of this scientist. He will appear periodically throughout the show and series.

First appearance of Gemini�s henchmen. All are named after Greek letters of the alphabet. This agent is named Beta. Beta goes over to Gemini to give him a report.

First appearance of Gemini and his chihuahua, Pepe. His clothes are similar to his henchmen�s. But instead of a letter, he has buttons on his chest. He also doesn�t wear oversized goggles like his henchmen. Gemini sits in an oversized chair on a large pedestal so he can be over his henchmen. Also his chair swivels completely around. He is reachable only after going up a large flight of stairs.

Pepe begins barking furiously when agent Beta mentions Global Justice in his report.

Gemini calms Pepe down by using baby talk and holding him close. Gemini indicates that he and Pepe get really upset when they hear about Global Justice.

Beta almost says Global Justice again. He stops in time and uses the term, �The enemy.� Beta goes on to mention that the enemy has something called The Ron Factor. Beta uses air quotes when saying �Ron Factor.�

Gemini wants to know more about The Ron Factor. Beta indicates he doesn�t know anymore because the fly on the wall camera was destroyed. Beta then indicates that the fly on the wall camera was a dumb idea because people swat flies when they see one.

Gemini indicates that the fly on the wall camera was his idea.

A chair comes out of a hole in the floor. Gemini offers Beta to have a seat. Beta does so reluctantly.

Gemini says, �You�ve failed me for the last time.� This is the same line Darth Vader uses in The Empire Strikes Back.

Beta indicates he only just started on Tuesday, which is obviously just a few days ago.

Gemini pushes a button on his console.

This causes the chair to take off like a rocket. It goes through a hole in the ceiling. After the chair is gone, doors close over the hole.

Gemini�s henchmen are shocked to see how easily Gemini gets rid of them.

Agent Gamma is given a promotion. He obviously didn�t want the job. Agent Sigma on the left and Agent Omega on the right quickly leave his side.

The scientists give Ron some simple physical tests. This one involves him raising and lowering his arms.

The scientists test Ron�s reflexes. A mechanical hammer comes out of the floor.

The hammer hits Ron�s knee. His leg flips up and Ron lands on his back.

Dr. Director indicates that Ron has micro monitoring devices wired into his clothing to help the scientists study The Ron Factor. This leaves Kim feeling frustrated that the scientists have no interest in her.

Kim offers the scientists a chance to study her too. She is declined. Kim and Ron get back to the surface using the same tubes from the episode Number One. However, they have been upgraded so that they no longer need a capsule to travel in. Instead it appears to use air to hoist Kim and Ron up.

Later at Bueno Nacho, Ron is wearing a white shirt with black sleeves while Kim is wearing black pants, a blue shirt, and a choaker. Ron is strutting around. Kim questions him why he is doing this. Ron indicates it is for Global Justice so they can get the essence of Ron. Ron rolls the R in his name when he says this.

Kim connects Ron�s current attitude to when he became manager of Bueno Nacho and created the naco.

Ron indicates that the naco was great for Bueno Nacho�s business. This will be referenced in a future episode when Ron becomes wealthy from inventing the naco. The sign over Bueno Nacho says �Tuesday Is Naco Night.�

Kim complains that Ron got such a big head at the time that he could have worn the sombrero that decorates the Bueno Nacho store.

Ron tells Kim that without The Ron Factor, she is just another freak fighting cheerleader with a website. This seems to indicate that Kim is not the only teenager who fights crime and saves the world. He also calls her, �Kimela.�

Kim again complains about Ron�s big headiness, but fails to notice that she too is prone to big headiness.

A fly flies around Ron. Rufus swats it away. The fly flies up to a nearby umbrella and lands.

The fly is revealed to be another fly on the wall camera. It broadcasts Ron eating. Agent Gamma indicates to Gemini that Ron is the source for The Ron Factor.

Gemini congratulates Gamma for a job well done.

Gemini suddenly looks around and demands to know why Ron isn�t captured yet. Gamma indicates that his mission was simply information gathering and not capture. One would think Gemini would know this considering he just watched Ron eating in Middleton just a few seconds ago.

Gamma is horrified when Gemini offers him a seat.

Gemini accidentally says, �Global Justice.� Pepe begins barking. Gemini kisses Pepe, and indicates he�ll put a quarter in the GJ jar. Parents will often make children put money in a similar jar to teach them not to cuss.

Gemini gets very assertive.

This causes Gamma to get motivated. He also does a military salute.

Gemini pushes another button on his console. This button is different than the last button he pushed.

This opens a trap door underneath Gamma�s feet. Gamma falls and the trap door closes.

Gemini demands Agent Delta to capture Ron.

Gemini�s henchmen freak out when they see Gemini kissing and doing baby talk to Pepe.

Ron�s alarm clock looks like a bear. The time is 5:00 am. The sun shining this early in the day enforces the idea that this is a summer episode. Also the sun is coming through Ron�s window indicating that Ron�s room is on the east side of his house. Ron also has a football, a baseball bat, and a cap by his bed. The scientist indicates that they are currently at day four of The Ron Factor surveillance.

The scientists do an aural scan to hear Ron. He says, �No monkey touch!� in his sleep. This is the same thing he said to Frederick the space monkey when he first met him.

The scientists next do a thermal scan.

The scientists do a thermal close up of Rufus to note the naked mole rat. They do this with a laser pointer.

First appearance of these two scientists. They also appear periodically throughout the series. Dr. Director wants to know how they are doing on naked mole rat acquisition. The scientist indicates they have teams in East Africa working on it. Naked mole rats live in East Africa.

The alarm goes off. Ron uses Rufus to turn it off.

The scientists note that Ron hits the snooze button repeatedly.

Rufus uses a toothbrush for his teeth. Ron only uses his finger. Ron may have already brushed his teeth. The scientists note that they are using a two way mirror.

Ron looks closely into the mirror. A small hair on his chin has captured his interest.

The scientists don�t know if what Ron is looking is facial hair, or a blackhead. They magnify and declare it inconclusive.

Ron concludes that it is the start of a goatee. This has led some to believe that Ron will have this facial hair style (when he can grow one) when he gets older.

Ron and Rufus try to do a high five. They miss each other and lose their balance.

Later at the Middleton Mall, Kim picks up a sundress and looks at it. This sundress is exactly like the sundress that Nana tried giving to Kim in The Golden Years. However, Kim announced she wasn�t into wearing sundresses then. She might have changed her mind since it is summer.

Wade contacts Kim. He has a drink and wants to talk to her about The Ron Factor.

Kim sees how the sundress will look on her in the mirror while commenting how stupid of an idea The Ron Factor is.

Kim is shocked when Wade announces he agrees with GJ scientists. He believes it could be related to advanced mathematical chaos theory.

Kim is dismayed that even Wade believes Ron to be one to bring success to Kim�s missions. Kim walks away with the sundress. Some have wondered whether or not Kim paid for the sundress. The most likely scenario is that Kim walks over to the other side of the mirror to look at some more clothes. The camera doesn�t see this though.

Ron talks to Rufus that everything he does is part of The Ron Factor. Meanwhile, GJ keeps track of Ron by using the Middleton Mall�s security cameras. This is indicated by a scientiest working at Global Justice.

Ron begins acting goofy announcing that it is all part of The Ron Factor.

Ron may have tapped his mystical monkey kung fu power to do some kicks and flips. Ron fails to see Gemini�s henchman is watching him.

Global Justice does see the henchman watching Ron.

Agent Delta sneaks overs from the tree to a kiosk selling plush animals to watch Ron.

Ron tries on x-ray glasses from a nearby kiosk.

Ron tells Rufus that he looks naked. X-ray glasses is supposed to allow the viewer to see people with little or no clothing. This is just a myth though.

Rufus grabs and puts a trick finger cuff on Ron.

Ron begins pulling to get the finger cuffs off.

Rufus laughs at Ron�s expense.

Ron loses his balance and falls against the kiosk. This causes fake snakes to start popping out of their cans.

Ron tries to prevent the fake snakes from jumping out of the can. This only makes things worse.

The girl running the kiosk is too busy talking on a cell phone and reading a magazine to notice what is happing at first.

The kiosk begins rolling down the hallway. Ron chases it. Ron apologizes for having The Ron Factor.

It runs into the kiosk that Delta was hiding behind.

Rufus grabs the finger cuffs. They pop right off.

Ron helps Delta to his feet. Displaying his talent for foreign languages, Ron notices the letter on Delta�s chest and asks him if it is a Greek letter.

Delta thinks Ron might know about the evil organization he belongs to.

Ron thinks Delta is part of a college fraternity. Ron begins shouting, �Toga! Toga! Toga!� This is most likely a reference to the movie Animal House. Agent Delta runs away.

The scientists see The Ron Factor at work and comment about how uncanny it is that it looked like an accident. Dr. Director states that there are no accidents in their business.

Gemini contacts Delta by a communicator watch. Gemini has also been watching Delta and is angry that he was noticed instead of using stealth. Delta apologizes and indicates he�ll try using brute force instead.

Another chair comes up from the floor. Gemini offers Delta a seat.

Delta does sit down, on a nearby bench instead. He also whistles with hopes that nothing will go wrong.

A trap door opens beside the bench. The bench tips on it�s side sending Agent Delta through the trap door. It then returns back into a regular bench position.

The scientists and Dr. Director see what has just happened. Dr. Director knows that Gemini was behind it. She indicates that she is taking over the mission personally.

At the same exact time, Gemini decides to take over his operation personally.

Kim and Monique go into Club Banana together.

Kim complains to Monique about The Ron Factor. Kim indicates that she wouldn�t go on a mission without Ron, but never concluded that Ron may have been the thing that always led to her success. Meanwhile, Monique is just wanting to look at clothes. We now see that Monique is animated with regular eyes instead of the dot eyes she had in Season 1.

Monique tells Kim that she is the reason for mission success; and Ron will gain some confidence knowing that he is a part of that success.

Ron struts into Club Banana and invites Kim to Bueno Nacho with him. He also calls Kim, �Kimbo.� He also makes fun of the top that Monique was looking at indicating it is something his grandmother would wear.

Monique sees that Ron having that much confidence is making him a jerk. She also disregards the top she was looking at.

Ron orders a chimerito combo grande sized at Bueno Nacho.

Dr. Director order seventeen chimerito combo grande sized. She indicates whatever Ron eats, Global Justice eats too.

There are eleven Global Justice soldiers pictured here. The other six could be seen if we were given a different camera angle.

Gemini appears and says, �I�ll take him to go.� This is a play on the fast food industry when people take their food to go instead of dining in.

Ron says, �Hands off the merchandise.� This is also a play on stores with certain things for sale, but don�t want customers to touch them.

Gemini finds himself surrounded.

Dr. Director approaches Gemini. The two seem familiar with each other. This is confirmed when Ron asks about them.

Rufus comes out of Ron�s pocket and tries to bite Gemini�s metal hand. Unsuccessful, he goes back into Ron�s pocket.

Dr. Director tells Gemini that he is surrounded. Gemini throws Ron.

Gemini then uses the phrase �Talk to the hand.� His metal hand launches several small rockets.

One rocket explodes right in front of a GJ soldier sending him backwards.

Another rocket taps a GJ soldier on the shoulder before hitting him in the back.

Another rocket stops in midair, and shoots a comic gag sign that says, �Bang.� The GJ agent is relieved. The rocket then covers the GJ agent with some goo.

Ron tries to crawl away, and is horrified by GJ agents falling all around him. Gemini finally grabs Ron and exits. Inside of Bueno Nacho it looks like day. Outside it looks like night. A minor mistake.

Kim sees Ron is being kidnapped.

Kim grabs a nearby kid�s skateboard and helmet. She indicates she is only borrowing them and apologizes.

Kim swerves around background characters to catch up with Ron.

Gemini�s mode of transportation is a helicopter. It is not the typical black helicopter often shown in the series.

Gemini throws Ron into the helicopter. His metal hand powers up, and he touches Ron�s chest. This does not hurt or injure Ron. Gemini indicates this is to deactivate whatever tracking sensors Ron has on him. This would include the one that Wade has on Ron.

Gemini pilots the helicopter, and they take off. Neither Ron or Gemini are wearing seatbelts. Ron says, �You obviously don�t know who you�re dealing with, pal.� Such a line is often used by important or famous people to get things they want when they can�t have them. Ron is so full of himself right now that he feels too important to get captured. Rufus agrees with this statement.

Gemini tells Ron who he is, and that he is currently the top secret project for Global Justice.

Pepe begins barking when he hears Gemini say Global Justice. Gemini calms Pepe down, but doesn�t promise to put a quarter in the GJ jar. This also indicates that Gemini takes Pepe wherever he goes, by using a pet carrying cage.

Kim shoots her grappling hook to the helicopter�s landing gear, and pulls herself up.

Gemini sees Kim, and demands to know who she is.

Always ready to praise Kim, Ron tells Gemini that Kim is there to save him, and defeat Gemini.

Gemini opens the helicopter hatch, powers up his metal hand, and sends a bolt of electricity to the helicopter�s landing gear. Kim lets go of the helicopter and falls.

Ron watches as Kim falls to her doom.

Ron most likely sees Kim is saved by the Global Justice hoverjet. It is the same as in the episode Number One. Will Du�s hoverjet is black and red. This one is black and purple.

Kim lands on the seventeen chimerito combos grande sized.

This covers the windshield of the hoverjet with cheese.

Kim and Dr. Director are covered in cheese. Both realize that somehow Ron saved Kim�s life by ordering a grande sized meal.

Kim wipes away some of the cheese off the windshield. Gemini�s helicopter is gone.

Dr. Director indicates that Gemini must be going back to WWEE headquarters. Kim ponders what WWEE is.

Gemini indicates that WWEE stands for World Wide Evil Empire. He also indicates it is an acronym However, Ron isn�t sure what an acronym is.

Gemini stands up and announces his name.

Ron indicates that he is a virgo. He mistakes Gimini�s name as the astrological sign. This also makes Ron�s birthday anywhere between August 23 to September 23.

Ron then mistakes Gemini�s name as an acronym.

Gemini isn�t sure what to think about Ron.

Rufus comes out of Ron�s pocket and still has the finger cuffs. He sees Pepe.

Pepe sees Rufus and they start growling at each other.

Ron approaches Gemeni and asks what his relationship with Dr. Director is. Ron most likely thought that the two were once dating together. Gemini indicates that he is her evil twin.

Ron is surprised by the fact that Gemini and Dr. Director are twins because Gemini is male and Dr. Director is female. Ron obviously didn�t know that twins can be born with two different sexes.

Gemini indicates they are fraternal twins. Ron doesn�t know what fraternal twins means.

Gemini indicates that he is the exact opposite of Dr. Director, and evil in every way.

Ron assumes that if Dr. Director is into The Ron Factor, then Gemini must be against it. Ron is wrong, of course. This logic may have been inspired by the movie The Phantom Tollbooth, in which two kings agree to disagree about everything.

Ron pulls his pants up in a vote of self confidence. Ron may have also been trying to stall Gemini until he is rescued by Kim.

Ron tries to outsmart Gemini by indicating that part of his plan was to get captured.

Gemini pushes a button on his console. This is the same button that launched Agent Beta out of Gemini�s lair.

Gemini captures Ron when a chair comes out of the floor right from underneath him. A bright light appears overhead while the rest of the room goes dark.

The chair extends Ron�s legs out. Armrests also appear from the side. Straps come out and wrap around Ron�s wrists and legs.

The chair reclines giving us the impression that Ron is in a dentist�s chair. Gemini questions whether or not Ron planned on getting tied down. Still trying to outsmart Gemini, Ron says, �Yes.�

Gemini threatens Ron with his metal hand and arms a finger rocket. He indicates he will stop at nothing to have The Ron Factor for himself.

Rufus comes out of Ron�s pocket, then hides again.

Dr. Director demands a status report. The scientist indicates that the satellite network is searching the entire planet but can�t find Ron.

Kim wants to know more about WWEE. The screens at Global Justice show footage of WWEE agents coming down some ropes from a helicopter indicating they are well trained. Other video footage shows agents popping a car tire and stealing a lollipop from a baby. Dr. Director indicates that WWEE is an organization that enjoys spreading chaos around the world.

Dr. Director then shows some footage of Gemini and Pepe. She indicates they are twins. This surprises Kim, but she does know they are fraternal twins.

Dr. Director indicates that Gemini has always resented the fact that she didn�t treat him like an older brother. She then indicates that Gemini is older by four minutes.

Gemini whines to Ron about how Dr. Director didn�t treat him like an older brother.

The scientist comes up to Dr. Director and shows her the fly camera that was smashed earlier in the episode.

Dr. Director recognizes the fly-on-the-wall camera as something Gemini would do.

Kim contacts Wade and asks him if the fly-on-the-wall camera is still sending a signal.

Wade scans the fly-on-the-wall camera by using the kimmunicator.

Wade has to adjust some equipment overhead, but he finds the signal is being broadcasted to the north Atlantic ocean.

Gemini demands to know what The Ron Factor is. Ron indicates that he is The Ron Factor and it is all about the intangibles.

Gemini wants Ron to join his organization to put one over on his sister, Dr. Director. He indicates he has been saving Alpha for someone special. Alpha is usually termed for someone who is at the head of everything else, or a leader.

Ron stammers on his answer. So Gemini gives Ron a choice: Join or die.

A laser cannon comes down from the ceiling and points itself at Ron. Since Gemini didn�t push any buttons, the laser cannon was most likely voice activated.

Gemini puts Pepe on guard dog duty and indicates he will return shortly with something persuasive.

Rufus comes out of Ron�s pocket. He and Pepe growl at each other again.

Kim and Dr. Director get to the north Atlantic by jet ski.

According to Wade, WWEE�s headquarters should be where they are presently located. But there is nothing here but ocean.

Suddenly, a large structure comes out of the water. This may have been inspired by the James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me.

The wash from the structure as it comes out of the ocean knocks Kim and Dr. Director off their jet skis.

Kim and Dr. Director grab hold of the structure as it emerges from the sea.

A helicopter lands on the platform. It is the same type and color as Gemini used earlier. An agent with the Greek letter Tau hands Agent Delta a chimerito combo grande sized. Gemini may have more than one agent named Delta. We now see that combos from Bueno Nacho does not come with a drink.

Kim and Dr. Director get onto the platform, and find a door to go in.

Gemini entices Ron to join him by offering all the chimerito combos he could possibly want.

Ron asks if Gemini is willing to put that in a written contract. Gemini reminds Ron that he has to join or be obliterated.

An explosion rocks the lair. It destroys the light hanging over Ron and Gemini.

Another blast destroys the door and stuns the WWEE agents. It is not powerful enough to kill them.

Kim and Dr. Director rush in and take out the WWEE agents by the door.

Ron is horrified when he sees Gemini squeeze the chimerito to death.

Dr. Director takes out three agents. The WWEE agent on the right is Agent Chi. The second agent is unknown. The final is Agent Tau.

Agent Tau is flipped to the side. Three other agents are thrown on top of him.

Kim fights Agent Sigma.

Kim kicks Sigma into agents Tau and Delta. The agent on the far right is unknown. Delta drops a club he was going to use as a weapon.

Dr. Director is approached by three agents at the same time.

Dr. Director pushes a button on her wrist.

This fires two electrodes into Agent Chi�s chest, and stuns him. This is almost the same thing Global Agent Will Du used in the episode Number One.

Dr. Director now uses Agent Chi to take out the other two agents by swinging him around by the electrodes.

Dr. Director pushes the button on her wrist again. This releases the electrodes from Agent Chi�s chest, and slams him against the wall.

Kim tries to approach Ron and Gemini by hiding behind a box at the bottom of the stairs leading up to Gemini�s chair.

Kim rolls away in time before one of Gemini�s finger rockets destroys the box.

Another finger rocket seems to grow in place of the old one. It�s unknown how many finger rocket Gemini can launch before running out.

Gemini enjoys using the old joke, �Let me give you a hand.� as he threatens people with his finger rockets.

Gemini fires five more rockets at Kim. Kim can�t approach Ron or Gemini. The rockets leave a blue trail of exhaust.

Kim finds safety hiding near some boxes. Kim is slightly surprised when Dr. Director comes up behind her. Dr. Director suggests Kim get Ron while she deals with Gemini.

Gemini does not fire any rockets at Dr. Director as she approaches him. Gemini�s finger is smoking, and may need time to cool off before another rocket regenerates.

Ron is shocked to hear Dr. Director say Gemini�s real name, Sheldon.

Gemini announces Dr. Director�s real name as Betty.

Kim fights and flips Agent Delta. She is surprised to hear Dr. Director�s real name.

Dr. Director goes up the stairs. She and Gemini begin arguing like small children.

Dr. Director indicates that the only reason why Gemini wants The Ron Factor is because she has it, and that he always wanted her things. Gemini complains that she always got better toys than he did.

Dr. Director whines that Gemini took her Baby Curly Locks doll and cut off all of her hair.

Gemini takes out his cell phone and is about to call their mother. Dr. Director doesn�t want their mother to be bothered with their sibling rivalry.

Gemini crushes the cell phone in his metal hand and indicates they will settle their differences like adults. It�s unknown how Dr. Director and Gemini lost an eye. It is peculiar that they both require an eye patch.

Gemini begins shooting more finger rockets. Dr. Director leaps out of the way just in time. She grabs a loose hose and swings down.

Kim is so disgusted with Gemini and Dr. Director�s behavior that she isn�t even phased by the finger rockets exploding right in front of her.

Dr. Director drop kicks Agent Chi as she swings down from the hose.

Gemini blows up most of his lair by firing finger rockets at Dr. Director.

This gives Kim a chance to get up to the stairs. Gemini focuses his attention on Kim. Kim dodges the rockets with her gymnastic skills. However, this destroys the stairs.

Kim makes it up the stairs and goes behind Gemini. He may have turned his attention back onto Dr. Director. Or he is so upset that he is just firing rockets randomly.

Kim tries to rescue Ron and get him out of the chair.

A large piece of debris flies toward the laser cannon.

It hits the laser cannon The laser cannon falls and knocks Kim out cold. First time we see Kim knocked out.

Agent Delta reads the computer screen and indicates that the whole structure is going to blow up. An alarm begins to sound.

Gemini sees that his lair is crumbling. Gemini goes over to his console. We see that he has everything he needs the most at a touch of a button. They are:
Fluffy Pillow
Escape Pod
Cheese fries
This also seems to indicate that Gemini has some deep rooted issues with his mother, and he constantly needs her support. Gemini does not share these feelings with his father, or his father may have passed away, or his father was never around to support him. Gemini pushes the button for the escape pod.

Gemini�s console transforms into a rocket.

Gemini hold his hand out and calls for Pepe. An odd shape leaps into Gemini�s metal hand.

Gemini pauses to ask Ron one last time to join him. He reminds Ron he can be Agent Alpha, and together they can crush Global Justice. Obviously if Ron said no, Gemini would have left him a victim of the strapped chair and crumbling lair.

Gemini apologizes to Pepe. Gemini was either squeezing him in his excitement to rid of Global Justice, or he was sorry for saying, �Global Justice.�

Gemini sees Rufus in his hand instead of Pepe. Rufus blows Gemini a raspberry.

Rufus puts the finger cuffs trick on Gemini.

Gemini desperately looks for Pepe, who is in his pet carrying case.

Kim recovers, gets back up, and releases Ron.

Ron quickly goes over to Gemini, and puts his other finger in the finger cuffs. Ron calls this, �Finger cuff attack!� It has been analyzed that Ron might have known that Gemini would hurt himself while trying to pull off the finger cuffs. Ron may have done this to get back at him for hurting Kim.

Ron calls Gemini, �Big Bro.� He uses a short O vowel sound instead of a long O vowel sound.

Gemini electrocutes himself trying to get the finger cuffs off. Kim and Ron sheild their eyes. We don�t know if they did this so they wouldn�t see Gemini hurt himself, or if was to sheild their eyes from the glare. Gemini passes out unconscious. Rufus cheers himself for this.

The lair begins to catch on fire as it continues to crumble. Dr. Director uses the hose she used earlier to reach up to Kim and Ron.

Dr. Director sees the effect of The Ron Factor and finds it amazing. Ron, always ready to praise Kim, gives credit to her with just a little bit of himself included.

Kim puts her hand to Ron�s shoulder and says that it is sweet of Ron to think of her in that way. Kim/Ron shippers put this scene as one of the minor occurrences that will lead Kim and Ron into their eventual relationship.

Kim and Dr. Director pick up Gemini and get into the console rocket.

Pepe somehow manages to bounce his pet carrying case into the rocket.

A flagpole pops off the top of the structure allowing the rocket to take off.

Later, Dr. Director asks for a status report on The Ron Factor from the scientist. The scientist concludes that The Ron Factor doesn�t exist. It may have been way to complicated to attempt the intangibles needed for Global Justice agents.

The scientist turns off the monitors that has been showing images of Ron. Dr. Director complains about the money that was wasted researching the project.

The scientist turns back on the monitor and announces they have a new subject they are studying. They call it The Rufus Factor. The two images in the center are from Crush. The top right image is from Downhill. And the bottom right is also from Crush.

Rufus does some hits and kicks in the air. Global Justice captured footage of Rufus while he was tapped into his mystical monkey kung fu power. The instumental version of Naked Mole Rap plays in the background. First time we hear the instrumental version of Naked Mole Rap.

While this episode gives the most credit to Ron for Kim�s success on her missions, it is the combined talents of Kim, Ron, Rufus, and Wade that the world is safe. Team Possible has tried several missions without being the whole team, and are not as successful as if they are together.
Act 1 || Act 2

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