Show notes: This episode has Kim getting a better relationship with her twin brothers. It also introduces Cyrus Bortel.
A black SUV drives through the desert. It�s plant life and landscape indicates it is most likely Arizona.
The SUV drives past this cactus, stops, and reverses back to the cactus.
Shego uses a magnetic card and swipes it on the cactus. A red light appears. The cactus is only a disguise.
Drakken is driving. Shego is in the passenger�s seat. A large door raises up from the desert sand.
The SUV goes down the secret entrance.
A guard sits lazily while watching a monitor. He has a drink with him. The soldiers at this facility are from Global Justice.
Shego appears at the open door.
The guard doesn�t realize who it is at the door. The guard thinks it a man by the name of Frank who is supposed to have his iced mocha.
Before the guard can react, Shego knocks him out by touching his forehead with a shot of plasma from her hand.
Drakken appears at the door and congratulates Shego. Shego tries to stop him from entering.
Drakken indicates he is in charge, and that he�ll enter if he wants to.
An alarm goes off.
Shego indicates she hasn�t shut down the alarm yet.
One female and two male soldiers enter the room.
Shego jumps with plasma hands ready.
She lands in the middle of the three and easily takes them out.
Shego stacks the soldiers. The female soldier is in the middle.
Two more male and two female soldiers attack.
Shego attacks again.
Shego stands on the stack of soldiers victorious.
Only time we see Drakken with a timepiece. It is a pocket watch. Drakken complains about the time it is taking. The time is 2:00.
Shego jumps forward and accuses Drakken of setting off the alarm. Shego then suggests they steal whatever it is they have come to get and get out of there.
Drakken demands obedience.
Shego indicates she does not have to obey Drakken.
Drakken tells the audience that if his latest scheme works, obedience is what he will have.
Kim gets ready for bed by brushing her teeth. She is also doing a facial.
Kim is surprised by an air horn and a camera flash.
Kim wearing pajamas. First appearance of the Possible bathroom. Tim has a digital camera. Kim demands the camera. Tim takes out the memory card, and throws Kim the camera.
Kim chases Tim. Tim rushes into his room, and throws Jim the memory card. Jim puts the card into his computer. First appearance of Jim and Tim�s room. It is decorated with a space theme including rockets, planets, and stars.
Jim indicates that Kim�s picture is now a screensaver for everybody. Tim indicates they wrote an email program that sent it to everyone in Middleton.
Kim doesn�t believe Jim and Tim have the technical know how to write such a program.
Bonnie calls Kim. Bonnie has a bed with a head board in the shape of a heart. There is also a glamour shot of herself on the wall. Bonnie�s phone is not cordless.
Bonnie has a computer by her bed, and has received the screensaver. She makes fun of Kim for needing zit cream.
Kim indicates it is not zit cream; it�s moisturizer.
Wade contacts Kim and indicates that Drakken and Shego broke into a top secret facility. Kim asks for a ride. Wade indicates that the lab is sending their plane.
Wade then makes fun of Kim after receiving the screensaver too.
Kim groans and turns Wade off.
The next morning, Kim sits down for breakfast.
Kim�s breakfast is ready. It is two eggs, sunny side up, with a slice of bacon. There are two forks and two knives by her plate. The plate looks like a happy face.
Kim is annoyed by how her breakfast looks. It makes her feel like she is being treated as a kid.
Mrs. Possible indicates she made Kim�s breakfast. Mr. Possible tells Kim she needs to �carb up� for the day. Eggs and bacon are not carbs. They are proteins.
Kim tells her parents that she�s going to investigate the break in at the top secret lab.
Mr. and Mrs. Possible indicate Kim has to babysit the twins.
Kim drops her bacon in horror at the thought of babysitting the twins. Her plate now looks like a sad face.
Mrs. Possible indicates they have a spousal encounter today.
Kim forgot about the spousal encounter.
Mr. Possible indicates that he and Mrs. Possible will reconnect emotionally, and do some fly fishing.
Mrs. Possible is not completely thrilled about fly fishing, but she�s willing to try it anyways for fun.
Mr. Possible gives Mrs. Possible a fishing hat with fishing hooks in the lapel.
Kim indicates she completely forgot about the spousal encounter. Mrs. Possible reminds Kim that she made a commitment, and has to stand by it.
Mr. Possible indicates Kim will have to take Jim and Tim. Mr. Possible puts on hiking boots. His boots don�t have laces.
Kim tries to get her mother�s support of her having to take Jim and Tim with her on a mission.
Mrs. Possible indicates that Jim and Tim would love to see a top secret base.
Kim gives in, but complains about it.
Kim is shocked to find her room is completely messed up. She knows that Jim and Tim did it.
Kim storms back downstairs. She stops when she sees her parents. Apparently, she doesn�t want to give them the impression that anything is wrong. Mr. Possible is wearing fishing waders.
Mr. Possible gives Kim some advise. �Easy on the snacks. Remember, candy is dandy. But fruit helps you poop.�
After her parents leave, Kim confronts Jim and Tim about how they messed her room up.
Tim indicates they needed her tri-lithium power cell from her kimmunicator. They took her kimmunicator apart too.
Jim and Tim indicate they were working on a handheld silicon phase disrupter.
Kim takes the silicon phase disrupter and calls Jim and Tim �Tweebs.� First time Kim calls Jim and Tim this.
Jim thought Kim called him a dweeb.
Kim gets her battery back and throws the silicon phase disrupter back at Jim and Tim. She explains that �tweeb� is �twin dweeb; dweeb squared.�
Kim cleans her room while Ron tries to fix the kimmunicator. Ron says, �We may be never able to talk to Wade again.� This is a reference to the running gag in the series that Kim and Ron never see Wade except by school locker computer or kimmunicator.
Rufus takes the kimmunicator to fix it. Rufus crawls under it like a mechanic working on a car.
Kim wonders why she can�t have normal brothers. Ron indicates they�re relatively normal.
Ron says, �At least they don�t speak their own weirdo language.�
Jim says, �Hickabickaboo!� Tim says, �Hoosha!� This indicates that Jim and Tim do have some weirdo language of their own.
Kim doesn�t believe that a ten year old can build a silicon phase disrupter. This indicates how old the twins are.
Ron indicates that Wade is ten years old too.
Kim indicates that Wade is a super genius who got through high school and college in eight months.
Ron suggests that maybe the twins are taking it easy, just like he does.
Rufus fixes the kimmunicator. This is another indication of how technical Rufus is.
Kim, Ron, and Rufus hear a car horn playing the popular folk song from Mexico, La Cucaracha. It�s unheard of for a plane to have a car horn, much less for the horn to be heard before the plane.
The plane from the top secret lab is the same model that Jack Hench has.
The plane lands in the street in front of the Possible�s house.
Kim asks Jim and Tim if they need to take care of any business before going. She is obviously referring to using the bathroom. This is often a problem for young children on car trips.
Ron isn�t sure what kind of business Kim is talking about. He asks if she means banking.
Kim uses air quotes to emphasize there won�t be any rest stops.
Ron gets confused about Kim talking about rest. He believes the boys are old enough not to need naps.
Rufus whispers in Ron�s ear what Kim is really talking about.
Ron runs back into the house to take care of business. The Possible house is unlocked.
Jim and Tim roll their eyes the same way Kim does at Ron�s behavior.
Kim thanks the pilot for allowing her to bring the twins along. The pilot�s name is Mr. Giminini. Gemini is the astrological sign for �The Twins.�
Jim and Tim annoy Ron by asking about the plane�s hose.
Jim and Tim get out of their chairs and seat belts to check out the plane�s hose.
Kim pushes a button on her kimmunicator. It is broken.
Mr. Giminini indicates he has a twin brother. He indicates he turned out okay. His twin brother will get out of jail in five years with good behavior.
A red light starts flashing on the console. Ron is heard in the back scolding the twins.
The plane suddenly nosedives. Mr. Geminini holds the joystick tight to get control back to no avail.
Mr. Geminini indicates that the pressure gauges are reading zero.
The twins apologize. Kim is frustrated at the twins.
The plane spins around in circles.
Jim and Tim are back in their seatbelts. Kim crawls on the ceiing to get to the back. Jim, Tim, Ron, and Rufus wear oxygen masks.
Rufus swings back and forth from the motion of the mask.
Jim indicates they just wanted to see what was in the hose. They found out it was hydraulic fluid.
Kim jumps down and finds the hydraulic hose swinging out of control.
Kim tries to catch the hose, but she can�t.
Kim is hit and knocked backwards by the hose.
Kim makes a second attempt to catch the hoses, but misses.
Kim attaches her grappling hook to a pipe.
Kim pulls back the grappling hook, launches herself forward, and catches the hoses.
Kim clamps the hoses together on her second attempt.
The plane is back under control.
Happy to be alive, Ron kisses Rufus.
Ron indicates Rufus has really bad breath and asks him to stop eating blue cheese.
Rufus is annoyed at Ron�s remark.
First appearance of Cyrus Bortel.
A male soldier and a female soldier drag Mr. Geminini away.
When asked what happened to the pilot, Kim points at the twins and claims overexposure to them.
Jim and Tim rush in to see the top secret lab.
Ron takes Kim by the arm, drags her to the side, and indicates the twins in a top secret lab could be a bigger threat than Drakken. Kim agrees.
Rufus investigates a safe with claw marks. Kim, Ron, and Rufus know that Shego did this. First indication that Shego�s plasma can cut through solid metal.
Kim sees the twins playing with Bortel�s machine.
Ron is annoyed at the twins too.
Bortel grabs the boys and gets them off his machine.
Bortel is about to reveal the name of his machine. Jim tells him his machine is a silicon phase disrupter.
Bortel is amazed that Jim and Tim know what his machine is.
Tim shows off their silicon phase disrupter that he was holding inside his shirt.
Jim and Tim become angry when Bortel doesn�t think their silicon phase disrupter is real.
Bortel doesn�t think that a handheld silicon phase disrupter is possible.
Jim and Tim are the first to say, �Anything is possible for a Possible.�
Bortel indicates when he was young, he liked to pretend he was making rockets and blaster rays. He ruffles Tim�s hair.
Jim and Tim indicate they do make rockets and blaster rays. Bortel doesn�t believe this either.
Bortel is annoyed by Jim and Tim making farting sounds under their armpits.
When asked by Kim, Bortel indicates that his latest project, the neural compliance chip, was in the safe.
Jim indicates that the neural compliance chip is a microcomputer that overrides the brain and the nervous system. Tim indicates it�s for total mind control.
Kim doesn�t think Bortel would create such a device because it would be unethical.
Bortel indicates he did make such a device. But he never thought it was unethical.
Ron and Rufus are worried about Drakken having the ability to take over minds and have control over them.
Kim indicates it is a take over the world scheme. Ron indicates that Drakken will make people listen to stories about his twisted childhood. This is a subtle reference to Tick Tick Tick, when Ron and Kim heard Drakken complain that the reason he wanted to take over the world was because he was teased and taunted in gym class by other children.
Drakken paces back and forth. He tells Shego stories about his twisted childhood. In this case, it is about how he created a ray in the fourth grade that would allow him to control rubber products.
Shego was not wearing the purple apron in the previous shot. First time Shego wears a purple apron.
Drakken indicates that after creating the ray to control rubber products, nobody could beat him at four square, tetherball, or dodge ball.
Shego has a compliance chip on her forehead. She also has a tray with cookies and what appears to be milk. The apron disappears again.
Drakken and Shego shippers claim this episode has subtle hints at indicating that Drakken is crushing on Shego.
Drakken asks Shego if she wants to hear more tales from his childhood. Under mind control, Shego answers �yes� to everything he suggests.
Drakken indicates he has to make more chips if he wants to rule the world.
Drakken pulls a lever. Some equipment can be heard powering up.
Bortel indicates that a security officer already searched the lab. Kim pulls something from her bag.
Kim puts on spectrometer sunglasses.
Kim activates the spectrometer sunglasses by touching it at the top of the right side. It appears to be sensor that allows Kim to see in infrared.
Bortel is impressed. He asks where Kim got them. Kim answers from a ten year old super genius.
Bortel asks if Kim is referring to her brothers. Kim indicates she is not.
Spectrometer sunglasses allow Kim to see footprints everywhere.
Kim zooms in by touching it on the left side at the top.
Kim finds a possible clue and picks it up with tweezers.
The spectrometer sunglasses also allows Wade to see and analyze the clue that Kim has. Wade indicates the clue is a piece of a leaf. Wade also indicates it is from the qualotoc fern.
Wade indicates the qualotoc fern only grows at the foot of Taishu Falls in the Peruvian rainforest.
Kim makes a plan, and then begins wondering where the twins are. An explosion is heard. It seems they are responsible for blowing up Bortel�s silicon phase disrupter.
Rufus got hurt too.
Kim, Ron, Jim, and Tim get to Peru by the same plane that brought them to the lab.
Kim has her hair in a ponytail for the parachute jump. Ron is not wearing a safety helmet. Tim is strapped to Ron. Jim is strapped to Kim.
When asked by Kim what they were doing, Jim and Tim indicate they were trying to fix Bortel�s silicon phase disrupter. It wasn�t broken, it was lame.
Ron asks if it is time to pull the chutes open. Tim indicates that freefalling is cool. He grabs Ron�s wrists so he can�t pull the cords.
Kim pulls Ron�s chute open, then opens her own.
Kim, Ron, and the twins arrive at the foot of Taishu Falls. But they don�t see a lair.
Kim points the kimmunicator at the falls. After scanning it, Wade indicates there are huge energy readings coming from halfway up. Kim assumes there is an entrace behind the falls.
Ron wonders why the entrances are never just a door.
Kim plan: She�ll infiltrate Drakken�s lair and get the chip. Ron has to babysit the twins.
Ron complains that his part of the assignment is the more dangerous.
Jim and Tim indicate they want to go with Kim. They indicate they can be backup.
Kim shoots her grappling hook to the top of the falls. Kim tells the twins not to touch anything. Kim might be afraid of dangerous plants, or secret devices from Drakken�s lair.
Kim swings over to the other waterfall, and begins rock climbing.
Kim doesn�t spot the security camera. It is painted the same color as the rock.
Kim is on Drakken�s giant monitor.
Drakken�s Peruvian lair is set up just like his main lair in Tick Tick Tick. Under mind control, Shego is always cheerful. Drakken asks for a micrometer. Shego doesn�t move. She may not know what a micrometer is. Drakken asks for a nano weld resistor. Shego hands him one that is on the table in front of her. Drakken asks for a fork. Shego has to walk to the back of the room to get one. She also throws a few things out of her way first. Drakken than asks for a dodo bird. Shego walks back to the back of the room, throws a few more things, then comes back empty handed.
While Shego is looking for a dodo bird, Drakken tells the audience that he is being silly because dodo birds are extinct.
Drakken shows Shego his finished neural compliance chip.
Shego agrees with everything Drakken says. This begins to annoy Drakken because she doesn�t show any true enthusiasm.
Shego points to the giant monitor with Kim and says, �Hoorah.�
Drakken demands to know why Shego didn�t point out Kim sooner. Shego indicates it is because she was looking for a dodo bird.
Drakken paces for a second, then has a plan.
Kim comes to a clearing on a rock and sees Drakken.
Drakken puts his newest compliance chip on Kim�s forehead before she can do anything.
Kim is now under Drakken�s control.
Jim and Tim indicate they are bored. Ron indicates that boring is good because it is safe. This might be a reference to the Discworld book series by Terry Pratchett. The main character, Rincewind, wishes for a life that is boring because it is safe and he doesn�t want to be a hero. Jim and Tim want to go up and see what is taking Kim so long.
Rufus taps into his mystical monkey power and uses the stick as a bo. This doesn�t stop the twins though.
Ron stops the boys and indicates that Kim told them to stay put. Tim argues that Kim isn�t here.
Kim answers that she is here. Kim is dressed as Shego. Ron asks her why she is dressed like Shego. It seems that Drakken enjoys seeing women dressed up in Shego�s jumpsuit. It also mean that Drakken has a jumpsuit to fit Kim�s size. Shego�s jumpsuit is one of Kim�s alternative costumes in the PS2 game Kim Possible: What�s The Switch?
Jim and Tim point to the compliance chip on Kim�s forehead.
Kim comes out of the shadows. Ron, Jim, and Tim see that Kim is under mind control.
Kim says, �Dr. Drakken will see you now.� This is the same thing that nurses or receptionists often tell patients when the doctor is ready to see them.
Ron hands Rufus to Tim and indicates he is going to confront Kim.
Ron taps his mystical monkey power to fight Kim.
Kim grabs Ron and flips him. It�s been debated on message boards whether or not Ron would win in a fight against Kim if he tapped into his mystical monkey power. While most agree that Ron could win, it�s been theorized that he is incapable of hurting Kim. This scene is the strongest evidence for that.
Kim cheerfully indicates that Drakken has ordered her to capture Ron Stoppable. Ron becomes cheerful himself as he indicates Drakken remembered his name. In reality, Drakken probably forgot Ron�s name again, and Kim reminded him. Another indication that Ron wants Drakken to remember his name.
Jim and Tim decide to do the �capture big sister sequence.� They praise the fact they�re not going to get in trouble for it.
Jim grabs a vine and climbs the tree to a low hanging limb. Tim slides under Kim�s feet. Tim then throws the parachute pack up to Jim.
Jim throws the parachute pack over the limb and jumps down. Kim is standing on the parachute. It closes on her. Tim grabs Jim�s feet and pulls him down capturing Kim in the parachute.
Ron is impressed the twins have captured Kim.
Jim and Tim tie the parachute lines around the tree. Kim is now suspended in the air with the parachute. They also use the phrase, �No big.�
Jim, Tim, and Ron run away. Kim immediately begins cutting the parachute with her laser pen. It was last seen in Crush.
Ron, Jim, and Tim climb a tree to hide. Ron has a harder time getting up to the tree limb.
Rufus points out Kim. Kim continues to repeat over and over again, �Must capture Ron Stoppable.�
Ron complains that Kim would think of a plan if she were here and not under mind control.
Jim and Tim suggest that Ron should allow himself to be captured by Kim because Drakken doesn�t know about them. Jim and Tim indicate that they will follow, and Ron has to get the kimmunicator. Ron thinks this is to call for help. Jim and Tim indicates they need the battery to power their silicon phase disrupter. This will knock out the neural compliance chip.
Tim pulls a rope with a hook attached out of Ron�s pouch. He ties it around the limb of the tree.
Ron gets freaked out of Jim and Tim finishing each other�s sentences.
Ron is pushed out of the tree before he can even agree or disagree with the plan.
Kim unhooks Ron and indicates he is to be taken to Drakken.
Jim and Tim know everything is going according to their plan.
Shego is back to wearing the purple apron and still compliments Drakken on how smart he is and looking good in the light. Drakken is getting fed up with all the compliments he is receiving.
Kim brings Ron into Drakken�s lair. Ron now has his hands tied behind his back. Kim now compliments Drakken for being smart and looking good in the light.
Drakken puts his arm around Shego and indicates that Kim can give better compliments than she can.
Rufus jumps from Ron�s pocket to get the kimmunicator that is lying on the table.
Drakken says, �So Kim Possible---You�ve climbed down the waterfall and captured your very best friend.� This is evidence to support the idea that Drakken forgot Ron�s name. Drakken puts his hand on Ron�s shoulder and squeezes Ron and Kim closer to him. Drakken indicates he like mind control.
Jim and Tim show up at the waterfall entrance.
Drakken tells Kim to go secure the perimeter. Kim points out Rufus and calls him �the hairless rodent.�
Drakken stops Rufus from getting any further with the kimmunicator.
Rufus tries to hide the kimmunicator behind his back; even though it is much bigger than he is.
Drakken demands the kimmunicator. Rufus gives it to him.
Drakken demand Shego and Kim destroy Rufus.
Rufus jumps. Kim and Shego ram into each other. Shego is now wearing purple oven mitts to match her apron.
Rufus jumps down and runs. Kim and Shego chase him. Drakken notices Jim standing beside him. Drakken has the kimmunicator in his belt.
Tim jumps on Drakken�s back. Drakken think Tim is a clone.
Jim grabs the kimmunicator. Jim, Tim, and Ron all run away.
Kim and Shego have Rufus cornered. However, Drakken demands they get �the clones.� Rufus wipes the sweat off of his forehead.
Jim tells Ron to stall Kim and Shego.
Ron taps his mystical monkey power again and dodges both Kim and Shego. Kim and Shego attack Ron, even though Drakken told them to attack the twins.
Ron moves so that Shego cuts the ropes behind his back.
Ron runs through a metal door that is opening. It is most likely motion triggered.
Ron comes to two metal doors.
Ron chooses the door on the right. They open by pushing the red button. Ron is surprised to see he has found the lounge room for Drakken�s henchmen. They are playing cards.
Ron does a jump kick and takes out the red button so the door won�t open.
The door dents with something hitting it from the other side. This may be a possible reference to the movie Aliens. It is very unlikely that the henchmen are damaging the door themselves without the use of heavy objects.
Ron goes through the door on the left. Shego and Kim show up before he can damage the red button.
Even though he only had a second or two, Ron has disappeared from Kim and Shego.
Kim checks out the bottom left of the room while Shego checks out the top right.
Kim goes down the aisle.
Ron sneaks behind her without her noticing.
Ron finds an elevator. He pushes the button several times before it begins going up.
Kim and Shego hear the elevator and see Ron.
Kim and Shego jump onto the elevator with Ron.
Ron dodges Shego, locks his arms around Kim, and uses Kim�s legs to kick Shego.
Shego is not knocked off the elevator; she is only knocked down. Ron jumps onto a nearby platform.
Ron advises himself not to look down.
Ron falls through the soft metal cover because he wasn�t looking down to see where he was stepping.
Ron falls through a series of shafts. This scene may have been inspired by Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Drakken is freaked out by Jim and Tim running circles around him.
Ron drops in from the ceiling and lands on Drakken�s table.
Ron sees Drakken and panics. He backs up to the metal door. The metal door opens revealing Kim and Shego.
Jim and Tim demand everybody stop. Drakken figures out that Jim and Tim are not clones, but ordinary twins.
Jim and Tim indicate they have a portable silicon phase disrupter. Like Bortel, Drakken scoffs at the idea of a portable silicon phase disrupter.
Jim activates the silicon phase disrupter. Nothing happens.
Ron tells the twins to make sure the battery is in right.
Once the battery is in right, a large amount of energy emerges from the conduits of the silicon phase disrupter.
The silicon phase disrupter sends out a beam that separates in two. It hits Kim and Shego�s neural compliance chip. The neural compliance chips are vaporized.
Kim and Shego are back to normal. Shego compliments Kim on her jumpsuit. Kim compliments Shego on the apron. Shego rips the apron off. The oven mitts that Shego is wearing disappear between this shot and the next.
Shego indicates the chip made her obey every command. She also knew what was happening the entire time. Shego screams at him for making her listen to stories about his childhood, and making her do silly things like fetching extinct dodo birds.
Shego swipes at Drakken. Drakken runs away. Shego chases Drakken, still yelling at him. She indicates that listening to Drakken is boring.
Ron asks if they�re going after Drakken and Shego. Kim indicates that whatever Shego does to Drakken will be a lot worse than anything they do to him.
Ron says, �I�m sure Jim and Tim could think of something cruel and ususual.� This is a reference to the Eight Admendment to the United States Constitution, which states that people can�t be tortured, or given cruel and unusual punishment by the government.
Kim compliments Jim and Tim on their help with the mission.
Jim and Tim are disgusted when Kim hugs them. Tim asks Kim if she is feeling okay. There has been some debate as to why Kim didn�t compliment Ron for handling her and Shego. This goes back to the idea that Kim can�t handle Ron when he is better than her at something.
Kim suggests they all leave.
Mr. and Mrs. Possible took the minivan on the spousal encounter.
It has been theorized on message boards that this shot is a glimpse at the future Stoppable family. Many believe that Kim and Ron will have twins of their own. Kim is reading a magazine. Everyone else is asleep. Rufus is asleep in Ron�s lap. Jim and Tim share a small blanket. Ron has an empty plate and glass at his feet. This was the same plate and glass that Shego had earlier in the episode that had the cookies. Everyone has a pillow on their back.
Jim snores a bit and drools while he sleeps. Tim hogs the blanket.
Mr. Possible comes and announces that their marriage is stronger than ever. They also caught some trout. Mrs. Possible carries three trout wrapped in newspaper. Mrs. Possible compliments Kim on taking care of the twins.
Kim spreads out the blanket and indicates the twins look innocent when they sleep.
Kim is shocked to hear that she was once high spirited and energetic like the twins. Mr. Possible indicats that they couldn�t get a babysitter to handle her after a while.
Mrs. Possible sees Jim and Tim with neural complaince chips on their foreheads. Mrs. Possible asks what they are.
Kim activates the silicon phase disrupter. There is no beam this time. Jim and Tim may have set the power down. The neural compliance chips pop off rather than get disintegrated. This also indicates that the battery for the kimmunicator is still in the silicon phase disrupter. Kim most likely did this to have the rest of the night off instead of hearing anything from Wade. It is unknown where Kim got neural compliance chips since Drakken only made two, and they were completely destroyed.
Jim and Tim wake up. They immediately begin running around. Jim chases Tim with the pillow they were sleeping on. This wakes Ron up too. The sound of stuff breaking is heard in the background.
Kim indicates she now understands her brothers more now. She also indicates the best thing to get them to settle down is with mind control.