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Show notes: This episode introduces Shego and Drakken.
The first thing we see is Middleton High and the ever-changing sign.
Many of these students appear often in the background throughout the series.
Kim's first appearance.
Kim opens her locker by turning the knob three times to the right.
Notice that the wanted posters for Drakken and Shego are missing. Kim's computer uses a zip drive system. The monitor remains turned off in this scene. Kim is trying to print a term paper.
Kim operates the printer with the push of a single button.
Ron's first appearance.
Kim and Ron wear these outfits for most of the series. It wasn't until Season 2 that their wardrobe was expanded on. This was due to message boards asking if Kim had more fashion sense to wear different clothes.
Ron downloaded cheat codes for Steel Toe Cyber Slam so he could beat the boss of level six. This is the first mention of two of Ron's favorite hobbies: Video games and wrestling. Ron also says his full name here. Kim's full name is revealed later.
Kim indicates her term paper is about history.
A naked mole rat named Rufus lives in Ron's pocket.
First appearance of Rufus. Before Kim Possible, Bob and Mark had thought of a show involving a naked mole rat. The show was never created. With Kim Possible, Disney executives wanted a pet on the show. Bob and Mark chose the naked mole rat because they're funny looking, ugly, and fascinate children at the zoo. Nancy Cartwright, best known as the voice of Bart Simpson, did the voice of Rufus to do something different.
Ron tells Kim Rufus can program a VCR. This is the first time Rufus shows off his mechanical skills.
Rufus throws four things out of the printer. The first is a pencil. Then an eraser. Then a bobby pin. The fourth thing appears to be a paper clip, but the animation is incomplete.
Kim calls Rufus, ''the hairless freak.''
Kim writes the standard term paper. It has the paper, the notes, and the bibliography.
A possible reference to Season 1 director, Chris Bailey.
First appearance of Mr. Barkin. The role of Mr. Barkin was written for Patrick Warburton, who worked with Bob and Mark previously on Buzz Lightyear.
Late for class again! Kim is tardy three times in one month.
Kim hopes to see Mr. Barkin after cheer practice. First indication that Kim is a cheerleader.
First appearance of the Possible home.
First appearance of the Possible family and their dining room.
How to tell the difference between Jim and Tim: Jim wears green. Tim wears red and his hair has a few more spikes than Jim.
First time Mr. Possible is reading ''The Examiner'' newspaper.
Mr. Possible indicates there is a launch pad in the back yard. Mr. Possible was designed after Mr. Fantastic from The Fantastic Four.
Kim and Mrs. Possible were both redesigned in Season 1 to make it easier to animate. Kim indicates that her mom is a brain surgeon, and her father is a rocket scientist.
Kim tells her parents she got detention. Mr. Possible indicates that a Possible has never gotten detention, except Jim and Tim. Mr. Possible then refers them as ''little monkeys.'' Jim and Tim can be seen in the background firing off a rocket. This is the first time we see them do something with rocket technology.
First time Kim says, ''no big.''
im refers Mr. Barkin as, ''Mr. three strikes Barkin.''
Kim feels that as a cheerleader, she shouldn't have detention. Mr. Possible refers Mr. Barkin as ''tough, but fair.''
Kim indicates that a cheerleader, she shouldn't do detention.
Kim indicates that other kids do detention. The ones who, ''break the rules.''
Kim says, ''Do I have the right to remain silent?'' A reference to the Miranda rights, which is read to suspected criminals when they are arrested.
The kimmunicator goes off. Mrs. Possible thinks it's the hospital. Mr. Possible thinks it's the propulsion lab.
First appearance of the kimmunicator.
Wade's first appearance. He tells Kim that she got a hit on her website from the Amazon. First indication that Wade runs Kim's website, and that she does global missions from around the world. This is when we find out Kim gets her missions with hits onto her website. Kim's mission takes place in the Amazon of South America.
When Wade goes off, the kimmunicator displays the KP logo.
Mr. and Mrs. Possible are reluctant to let Kim go on a mission on a school night, till Kim does her puppy-dog pout. It has never been explored how Ron's parents feel about him going on missions around the world.
Kim can go on the mission, after she finishes her peas.
Kim refers them as ''tough, but fair.''
Kim and Ron arrive at this mission by seaplane.
First appearance of Gustavo. Kim saved his village from a flood last year. This shows how Kim gets rides to different parts of the globe: by helping others. It is never explained how Kim can get from one area of the world to another in such a short period of time. Kim equates the rescue to swim practice, although we never see Kim swimming at high school. First time we see Kim wearing mission clothes.
Shego's first appearance. It's obvious Shego is athletically gifted and good martial artist. We also see the kimmunicator can do streaming video.
First time we Ron in mission clothes. Ron is drinking from a Bueno Nacho cup. Ron indicates Bueno Nacho gives free refills.
Ron and Rufus often share Bueno Nacho food throughout the series.
This scene shows Ron as the incapable goofy sidekick. This will change over time. Test markets didn't like Ron, and wondered why a confident girl like Kim would have such an incompetent sidekick.
In Season 1, Rufus' eyes became big and human-like when surprised. This changed with Season 2. His eyes remained small and beady.
Professor Icari's first appearance. Professor Icari studies entomology.
Professor Icari's centipede is named Links.
First time we see what will be later known as ''The Ron Factor.''
Ron's first flashback to Camp Wannaweep and the horror events of Cabin 13.
Professor Icari explains a disc was stolen. It contained blueprints for a robot tick that was identical to the real thing. When asked why, he explains he has a lot of time on his hands.
First appearance of Drakken's main lair.
Drakken often uses trap doors and elevator shafts throughout the series.
Shego lands with her hair messed up.
Dr. Drakken's first appearance.
Many things about Drakken annoy Shego. In this case, it is his singing.
MHS sign. Detention is held in room 12. This is the only time Middleton looks gloomy.
Shego is wanted in eleven countries. The number on the plate is 11734. Like Patrick Warburton, Nicole Sullivan was written especially for Shego. She worked with Bob and Mark before on Buzz Lightyear. An early script for Tick Tick Tick originally said Shego was eighteen. Steve confirmed that Shego was in her early twenties.
Ron had a short term crush on Shego for awhile.
Mr. Barkin uses military time.Detention starts at 3:00 p.m.
First indication that Mr. Barkin and Ron are really at odds.
Ron advises Kim, ''Chocolate's as good as cash, and don't look anyone in the eyes.''
Mr. Barkin sits backwards in the chair. The detention room is dark and gloomy, with shadows that represent a prison.
First appearance of Vinnie and Big Mike.
Junior's first appearance.
The detention clock is busted.
In Season 1, Kim's hair was flippy. It sometimes moved in front of her. In Season 2, her hair would stay behind her.
Junior has never been so close to a cheerleader. He notes Kim's skin is flawless, and compares it to baby's bottom. This freaks Kim out.
The book Mr. Barkin is reading is called ''Infiltration And Deception Manual.''
Rufus freaks everyone out; especially Big Mike.
Mr. Barkin tries to hurt Rufus with a yardstick. It has no numbers on it.
Rufus runs up Vinnie's pants leg for safety.
It doesn't work. Mr. Barkin tries to hit Rufus anyways. There are a few places where you can see Big Mike's face before he reveals himself at the end. This is one of them.
The plan is revealed. Ron uses Rufus to help bust Kim out of detention.
Mr. Barkin thinks Rufus is a genetic mutation experiment that busted out of the science lab.
Bueno Nacho's first appearance.
Kim and Ron's usual seat. It's remained unchanged throughout the series. Kim and Ron don't actually eat any Bueno Nacho food in this episode. They only have drinks.
Kim refers detention as ''a meeting of the lifetime losers club.''
Ron agrees. The he realizes that he's served detention before.
Wade scanned air traffic record and found a small jet of suspicious orgin. The jet went to a private island in the Caribbean. This is the location for Drakken's main lair. It is also said to be haunted.
The first word we can hear Rufus plainly say is, ''Haunted?!''
''Keep out meddling kids.'' A reference to Scooby-Doo.
Wade tells Kim to check her backpack. It's never clear how Wade gets new gadgets in there without being seen.
''Gravy!'' A reference to Ed, Edd, and Eddy.
It looks like lipstick. But it's actually an elastic constricting agent.
Kim found her compact. She must have lost it for awhile.
First time Kim says, ''Let's jet.''
A close-up of Drakken's robotic tick.
The robotic tick is made with nano-technology. It's so small that Drakken has to construct it suing a microscope.
The intruder alert is the same as the old Star Trek red alert. It's so loud , that Drakken and Shego can't talk to each other.
Kim swims like a pro scuba diver.
Ron swims more like a frog.
Rufus uses an airtight ball.
Drakken captures Kim and Ron with a water vortex of some sort.
Drakken has heard of Kim Possible, but omits Ron. Shego has heard of Ron, and refers him as ''her chum.''
Drakken would use a shark again in Hidden Talent
Kim has never heard of Dr. Drakken. Drakken has to spell it out for her who he is.
First time Kim interrupts Drakken's gloating.
Drakken uses a remote control on the shark platform.
Kim defeats the sharks with her constricting lipstick.
After nearly getting eaten, Ron seems unable to move. Kim grabs him.
Shego is never interested in Drakken's plots. She's only interested in the results.
Drakken's plot: Attach a small explosive device to the mechanical tick. Then make people do what he says or else. Drakken indicates that he designed the explosive device.
Drakken has to explain to Shego what nano-technology is. This is an indication as to why Shego needs Drakken to help her take over the world. She doesn't know anything about advanced electronics or mechanics.
Drakken's monitor is turned off. Kim ejects the disk by pushing two buttons. The first is below the cd-rom. The other button is on the keyboard. A device on the cd-rom pushes the disc up from the tray.
Ron is either fascinated by Drakken's plan. Or he is staring at Shego.
Drakken wants revenge on the kids who used to tease him during gym class.
Kim puts Drakken in the mad scientist category.
First appearance of Shego's plasma hands.
Drakken has remote controlled laser guns in his lab. It's the same remote as the remote for the shark platform.
Ron steps up in a take charge position. Kim knows Ron doesn't have any ideas. Ron comes to this conclusion a few seconds later.
Kim uses her compact to deflect the lasers. It destroys Drakken's lab.
Again, Kim grabs Ron as he is paralyzed with fear.
Kim and Ron jump off the side of the cliff to their safety. Kim dives; while Ron simply jumps and falls.
Drakken lair is destroyed, but he does rebuild it. It's not clear how Drakken and Shego survived the explosions.
MHS sign
Kim wearing her cheerleader outfit.
Kim bumps into Big Mike. Kim and Ron then have a discussion about the social ladder. Kim feels herself superior.
First time Kim asks, ''What's the sitch?''
First appearance of the MHS cheerleaders. The cheerleader to the left of Bonnie is unknown. She's been in several episodes, but has never been a part of the main group, or given a name. The others are (from left to right) Crystal, Bonnie, Liz, and Hope. Marcella, Jessica, and Tara are all missing until a later episode. Kim says, ''Bring it on!'' This is a possible reference to the movie of the same name, which is about cheerleaders.
. Barkin finds out about Rufus. Ron doesn't get in trouble for this.
Bonnie reminds Kim that cheerleaders don't get detention.
First time we see Drakken whine and cry about a defeat at the hands of Kim.
Shego has a tracking device and knows the mechanical tick is at a high school. Drakken concludes that Kim has the nano-tick.
Junior notices Kim has a zit. Vinnie says cheerleaders don't get zits. Then Junior concludes that it is actually a tiny explosive device. Junior seems to be more technically advanced than anyone imagined.Or he is very lucky at guessing.
A close up view of the nano-tick on Kim's nose.
First time we see Kim use her gymnastic skills. Kim uses them to escape Mr. Barkin's detention.
The episode turns red to show how angry Mr. Barkin is.
Kim and Ron with helmets. First appearance of Ron's scooter. Ron says he talked to Wade. Ron must have contacted Wade on Kim's locker computer.
First appearance of Drakken's flying car.
Kim indicates that Wade is never wrong.
Ron's scooter takes a few minutes to get started. Then it runs fine. Ron never does get it fixed.
Drakken's gravatomic ray comes out of the bottom of the flying car by pushing a lever with a red knob forward.
A close up of Drakken's gravatomic ray. It's strong enough to pick up road cement.
The gravatomic ray is operated with a lever and turned on with the push of a button.
Several items lifted by the gravatomic ray: A mailbox, a fire hydrant, the student driver car, and the Bueno Nacho rooftop.
First appearance of the red student driver car. It will appear again in Car Trouble.
Mr. Barkin sometimes talks to himself throughout the series.
Mr. Barkin is easily distracted when angry. Usually this pertains to Ron.
Kim jumping onto Ron's back doesn't distract him at all.
The license plate numbers are the oddly shaped letters RU. The R and U are connected at the top.
Kim calculates how to throw the license plate so that goes forward and up, then curves backwards, and then hits the gravatomic ray.
The car lands and keeps going. Somehow the tires and shocks survived.
First time Shego takes charge because Drakken annoys her. Drakken and Shego will get wet a number of times throughout the series.
Ron tells Kim that chases make him hungry. First mention of the chimerito from Bueno Nacho.
Ned's first appearance.
First Kim/Shego fight.
Only time we see Kim's cheerleader uniform underpants. They are also called bloomers.
Ron doesn't have any martial art skills, or only has a bare minimum. Ron would rather stay out of the way of a fight. First indication that Ron doesn't have his own kimmunicator.
Kim defeats Shego. She lands on Mr. Barkin.
Drakken indicates that Shego has never failed.
Drakken accidentally sets the detonation sequence of the explosive tick. The button is on the control panel of his flying car.
After activating the explosive device, Drakken panics and forgets how to operate his flying car.
Wade indicates the only way to get the tick off is by burning the circuits.
Ron calls Diablo sauce ''the most dangerous chemical known to modern man.'' First appearance of a Diablo sauce packet. Ron's plan: Burn the tick circuits using Diablo sauce. This is the first time we see Ron's mechanical genius at work.
The tick beeps faster as it gets closer to detonation.
Kim is wearing her green tank top instead of her cheerleader uniform in this scene. A minor mistake.
Big Mike is finally revealed.
First evidence that Kim and Ron are more than just friends.
Drakken flies down, wrecks, then flies back up again. Drakken is upside down when he come back up.
Ron uses the straw to suck the tick off Kim's nose.
Ron remains calm as he saves Kim's life. Once Kim is out of danger, he panics.
Kim takes control again. She grabs the straw from Ron and blows it towards Drakken.
Drakken jumps out. The tick explodes. This indicates how explosive the little ticks were.
First time Drakken says, ''You think you're all that, but you're not!''
First appearance of Global Justice soldiers.
Mr. Steve Barkin says his full name here. Once again, Kim notes that Mr. Barkin is ''tough but fair.''
MHS sign
Mr. Barkin calls detention, ''A punishment. A time of quiet suffering.'' Ron believes it is uplifted because of what he calls, ''the Kim factor.'' Ron is now serving detention for helping Kim break out of detention.
Kim is painting Big Mike's nails for some reason. Big Mike indicates he likes sparkles.
Vinnie and Junior argue who will be next. Kim reminds them they have to take turns. Kim now feels like one of the detention gang.
Act 1 || Act 2