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Two To Tutor Trivia

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Back To Trivia || Act 2 || Act 3

Show notes: This episode is the start of a new school year and has Kim trying to deal with Ron better at something than what she can do. This also shows some shipping between Shego and Junior.

The episode starts with Kim and Ron on a jet aircraft. Kim thanks the pilot, Colonel Dimitri for the ride. Kim and Ron are wearing red parachute jumpers with helmets.

The aircraft is similar to the F-86 Sabre, and other jet aircraft from the 1950�s and 1960�s. These military aircraft are now considered obsolete.

Kim pushes a button on the airplane�s console. This causes the canopy to pop off.

Ron wants to land. He holds himself as though he is cold.

Rufus concurs with Ron; and then hides in his shoulder pocket.

Kim�s watch beeps. Kim remarks that they might be late for something.

Kim pushes another button on the console. This activate her and Ron�s ejector seats, but not the pilot�s. Ron is terrified , but calms down once the parachutes opens. First appearance of Middleton from an aerial view.

Kim lands and takes off the parachute jumper. Her normal school clothes are underneath.

Monique approaches Kim and asks her where she has been. Kim indicates she was dealing with a ruthless dictator.

Monique indicates that registration for elective classes started a long time ago. Kim hopes that she can get the photography class. Monique indicates that all the elective classes are filling up fast.

Kim and Monique fail to notice Ron hanging from the flagpole till he calls for them to help him.

Kim and Ron are the end of the line. Kim still hopes she can get photography.

Ron indicates that Kim should have thought of alternative classes just in case she didn�t get the class she wanted. This indicates that Kim was so confident she would get photography, she didn�t think of alternative classes.

Ron indicates that photography was his third choice, just in case kickboxing and interpretive dance was filled up. This is another indication that one of Ron�s talents is dancing.

Bonnie comes up to Kim and brags she got the last spot for photography class. This seems natural for Bonnie, who was taking pictures for the school yearbook in the episode Downhill. Bonnie also indicates that she would have preferred interpretive dance or kickboxing, but they were already full. We will find out later that one of Bonnie�s talents is ballet.

Kim and Ron got home economics. Ron indicates the alternate choice was financial planning. Ron indicates that financial planning is not one of his strongest talents. It would also require lots of math, which is not Ron�s strongest talents either. We will see that in action in a future episode.

Kim is terrified of a class that involves cooking.

Senior watches a slideshow with pictures of Junior. The first is Junior showing off his muscles. The second is Junior chased up a light pole by some dogs. The third is Junior hanging by his pants after being caught on barbed wire. The last picture is Junior with his hair messed up. This was most likely taken after Ron messed it up in the episode The New Ron.

Senior whines that his son is incompetent. He also blames himself for being a bad teacher rather than Junior being a bad student. Junior doesn�t seem to care as he lavishes around the pool and puts on sunscreen.

Senior indicates he has hired a tutor for Junior.

Junior indicates that he had a tutor in grades kidnegarten though the twelvth grade to do his homework for him. Junior also indicates it was Senior who hired her.

Senior indicates that Junior�s tutor�s name was Miss Bunny. Based on her name, she may not have been hired solely for her ability to do homework; but looks as well. He also indicates that Junior�s current tutor will be for villainy.

A shadow stands over Junior. He asks whoever it is to move because they are blocking the sun.

The shadow is revealed to be Shego. Shego activates her plasma. Why she does this is unknown.

Shego grabs the chair Junior is sitting in and throws him into the pool. She then smashes the chair into pieces onto the ground.

Shego has already started her first lesson: �Eyes wide, especially to people who can hurt you.�

Junior has a floatation device which little kids would use. It squeaks as it falls down around his face.

Kim whines about getting a lame elective like home economics. Ron wonders if they get to eat whatever they make. Kim looks through the window to see inside, but the lights are off.

Ron opens the door to the home economics class. The lights turn on themselves as they walk in. Cobwebs are all over the place. Crickets can be heard in the background. Kim asks where everybody is. Ron remarks that they are the only two in the class.

Rufus watches a roach crawl up the door to the class.

Mr. Barkin comes in and indicates that the regular home economics class teacher retired six years ago, but nobody noticed till this morning. This is only because Kim and Ron had to sign up for home economics since all the other elective classes were taken. Mr. Barkin also indicates he will be the substitute teacher for home economics class. Mr. Barkin has to flip the desk over since it is upside down.

Mr. Barkin puts on an apron and is disgusted that Kim and Ron are his students.

Mr. Barkin lays his hands on the desk and dust come up.

He also accidentally squished a roach. This is not the ideal place to fix and create food. Mr. Barkin flings the roach against the wall.

Like most new teachers, Shego writes her name on the chalkboard.

Shego asks Junior what the first thing a villain needs.

Junior can�t hear because he is listening to music. It is most likely on an MP3 player. The music is disco.

Shego once again uses her plasma power, but doesn�t do anything with it. She may be using it for intimidation.

Shego crushes whatever device Junior was using to listen to music with one hand.

Shego demands Junior start listening to her.

Shego tries again and asks what every villain needs. Junior answers with an evil laugh. This is a referenced to The New Ron and Coach Possible when Senior indicates a villain needs an evil laugh.

Shego complains that Senior has messed Junior up with lame, villainous ways. She asks him to try again.

Junior gets nervous as he gets his answers wrong. He mentions a villainous calling card, a robust hand, and spinning tops of doom. Junior left a villainous calling card in the episode Coach Possible. Spinning tops of doom were in The New Ron.

Shego is about to hit something, but grabs her arm and stops herself.

Shego answers the question: �What every villain needs is the basic tools of the trade.� She then indicates that they are going on a field trip.

At the same moment, Mr. Barkin indicates that every chef needs the basic tools of the trade.

Mr. Barkin displays his tools of the trade: A helmet and trenching shovel.

Ron asks Mr. Barkin where he learned how to cook.

Mr. Barkin begins a flashback by indicating he was thrity kilometers southeast from Jai Alai. Jai alai is actually a sport in which people catch a ball using an oversized, specially designed glove.

Mr. Barkin�s flashback is to the jungles somewhere. The officer asks Mr. Barkin when they are going to eat. He indicates Mr. Barkin�s rank is lieutenant.

Mr. Barkin indicates they�ll eat as soon as he catches something. Mr. Barkin throws his trenching shovel into the brush and gets a monkey. This is similar to The Venture Brothers, in which Brock Sampson throws a knife as a weapon. Brock Sampson is also voiced by Patrick Warburton.

Mr. Barkin calls what he did in the military �the slop jockey�s art.� Slop jockey is a military slang for chef.

Ron indicates that when he was eight years old, his mother bought him a Granny Crocket quicky bake mixer and oven set. This is similar to the Easy Bake Oven set by Hasbro that allows children to bake a small cake. One has to wonder if Ron requested his mother get him an oven set or not. Oven sets are usually considered toys for girls.

First appearance of the Granny Crocket symbol. It is on the oven set that Ron had as a child.

Ron indicates that his caramel turtle brownies were popular among his friends. His friends are revealed to be stuffed plushies. Ron�s plushies are a red elephant, a blue bear, a yellow lion, and a purple hippopotamus. This is the second time we see Ron with a fascination for hippopotamuses. The first time was in Coach Possible with Pizzapotamus at JP Bearymore�s Pizza Party-Torium. This also indicates that Ron didn�t have very many friends when he was growing up. We also see that at eight years old, Ron�s shirt is similar to the current design he often wears: red with black stripes. This also shows Ron�s feminine side; as we first saw in October 31st when Ron dressed as a ballerina for Halloween.

Mr. Barkin gives Ron his apron and tells him to make something. He also calls Ron, �Granny�s boy.�

Ron goes over to the mixer a begins juggling four eggs. The mixer has a total of seven buttons for mixing.

Ron catches the eggs, and bangs them together causing them to crack. He then opens all four eggs at the same time, and turns on the mixer. Professional cooks are taught how to crack open an egg with one hand. Ron can crack and open two eggs in each hand. Ron�s talent in cooking was previously seen in the episode Bueno Nacho when Ron created the naco.

Kim is stunned to see Ron cook. Kim most likely didn�t know about Ron�s cooking talents because they always go to Bueno Nacho to eat.

Ron puts the batter into a pan, and bakes it. He takes it out using oven mitts.

Rufus enjoys the smell of whatever it was Ron made.

Mr. Barkin enjoys the smell too.

Mr. Barkin goes back into serious mode.

The scene goes from Mr. Barkin not wearing the apron, to Mr. Barkin wearing the apron. A minor mistake. Mr. Barkin demands to know what Kim can do, and hands her an apron.

Kim with the apron on. After seeing Ron�s success at cooking, Mr. Barkin may have expected to do just as good or better.

Kim can�t even hold four eggs at the same time.

The eggs land in the bowl. The yolks run off the side of the bowl. Eggshells are mixed into the batter. Ron and Mr. Barkin are less than impressed with Kim�s cooking talents.

Kim turns on the mixer. It shakes violently and drags Kim out into the hallway. Kim doesn�t let go of the mixer as it bounces her on the floor.

Shego easily scales the rooftops. Junior has trouble pulling himself up. Shego then jumps over to the other house.

Shego has a list of items they are going to steal. Junior asks why they just don�t buy the items.

Shego in a cat burgler outfit. Shego explains that criminals don�t buy. They steal. First time we see Shego wearing one solid color and omitting green.

Shego uses her plasma to cut the pad lock. This indicates that her cat burgler gloves also has razor sharp claws in them too.

Junior catches the pad lock that Shego just cut. He also is wearing a cat burgler suit.

Shego tells Junior that this will give him something money can�t buy: experience.

Kim looks at the mixer settings. They are: mix, blend, beat, cream, kneed, churn, and whip. Kim pushes the whip setting. Kim mixed eggshells with this batch of batter too.

The bowl goes flying up into the air.

Rufus was ready for a disaster. He unplugs the mixer to turn it off.

Mr. Barkin is covered with the batter from Kim�s mixer.

Kim smiles nervously as Mr. Barkin tells her that Ron is a more competent student and can teach her how to cook.

Ron raises his eyebrows in confidence and rolls an egg down his arms. Ron indicates he�ll be happy to teach Kim how to cook.

Kim stares at the mixer as Ron makes fun of her for being able to disarm a doomsday device, but not use a mixer.

Kim complains that the mixer hates her.

Ron indicates that the mixer doesn�t hate her. Instead, it senses her fear. Kim is bemused by this remark.

Ron uses zen to teach Kim about the mixer. He sits as though meditating. His advice: �Let the beating of the beating of the blades, and the beating of your heart merge together. You, and the mixer, become one.�

Ron whispers as he commands Kim to try using the mixer.

Kim closes her eyes as though she is meditating. Ron pushes the button for her.

Kim has trouble holding onto the mixer. The vibration causes her hair to poof out.

Ron says, �That Kim, is why you fail.� Yoda says almost the same thing to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.

Kim watches hopelessly as Bonnie takes pictures of a background character for photography class, and wishes she were a part of it. Bonnie�s camera is not digital. It clicks like a regular camera that uses film. Bonnie is taller than the background student.

Mr. Barkin compares Ron�s cake to eating a chocolate cloud, and then he takes another bite. This indicates what flavor Ron�s cake is. Mr. Barkin makes Ron the home economics teacher.

Kim immediately contacts Wade in a panic, and demands a mission. Kim used Wade and a mission when feeling threatened by Ron�s potential previously in the episode Bueno Nacho.

Kim watches as Ron begins dancing as he prepares food.

Wade has a drink and indicates there aren�t any missions. Kim demands anything, even a cat stuck in a tree. Wade indicates there is a series of small time robberies in Europe. Kim takes the mission.

Kim and Ron listen to a man complain that the robbers only took two pairs of infrared goggles from his store. The store�s name is Henri�s.

Kim listens to another man complain that the robbers took two coils of climbing rope.

Kim and Ron listen to another man complain that the robbers took two grappling hooks.

Kim listens to a woman complain that the robbers took two parachutes.

Kim and Ron listen to Francois complain that all of his jars of le� goop were stolen from his store. Since Francois� store is in Paris, this is most likely where all the robberies took place.

Francois indicates he got a glimpse of a boy, and describes Junior. Kim describes Senior and asks if he was with him.

Francois indicates that there was woman with him who had glowing green hands.

Kim and Ron both realize that Shego and Junior are working together.

Shego stands beside the numerous jars of le� goop and complains that hair care products were not on the list of items to steal. Junior most likely did this robbery himself without Shego�s help.

Junior indicates he has a cowlick issue. Ron also has a cowlick issue which is why he needed le� goop in The New Ron.

Shego indicates that Junior is ready for the next and most important step: �A villain needs an evil plot.�

Shego uses Drakken as an example. Drakken�s plot is to take over the world. Shego says this as though she is a bit annoyed that Drakken always wants to take over the world.

Junior wants to take over the world. Shego wants Junior to think much more smaller.

Junior suggests more thieving. Shego likes this idea.

Shego insists that whatever they steal has to be very valuable and heavily guarded.

Shego has trouble thinking of something to steal.

Senior comes in to see how Junior and Shego are doing. Shego was about to think of something to steal, but then forgets when Senior starts talking.

Shego leads Senior out the room so they won�t be disturbed.

Junior assembles his computer by sitting a monitor next to a keyboard. He then suggests they do a web search for something really valuable and heavily guarded. There are no wires indicating that it is battery operated and has wireless internet.

Shego is skeptical, but looks anyways. Junior computer displays the text on the left side of the screen, instead of the right. Junior insists that he is learning from the best, although Shego rarely uses a computer or the internet. This fact will be revealed in a future episode.

Junior finds something that Shego wants to steal.

MHS sign

Kim goes to the cafeteria for lunch and finds nobody is there. The crickets haved moved from the home economics room to the cafeteria.

Kim talks to the cafeteria lady, who indicates everyone is in the home economics room. She also indicates she has a reservation for 12:45.

The only time we see the cafeteria lady with her hair down. She takes off her hairnet, throws it on Kim�s tray, and runs.

Kim shoves everyone out of the way to get to the front. Kim also did this previously in the episode Job Unfair.

Kim sees Rufus dressed as a maitre� d and taking reservations.

Ron puts his latest creation on the table on a silver platter, much to the delight of the background characters. Many of the background characters were right behind Kim just a second ago. Liz is the only non-background character shown here, and she is wearing her cheerleader uniform.

Ron calls his latest dessert �seven layers of heaven.� It appears to be a seven layer chocolate cake with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

Ron takes a bow as everyone claps, including Mr. Barkin.

Kim goes up to Mr. Barkin and complains that nobody is in the cafeteria (which should be a good thing).

Mr. Barkin calls Ron, �Chez Ron�ald� and says his name with a European accent. Mr. Barkin also indicates he might put Ron in charge of all food preparation for the whole school.

Kim can�t stand to see Ron doing something so well knowing she has trouble doing it.

Mr. Barkin indicates Kim will get class credit by doing dishes.

Kim asserts she will not be doing dishes.

Mr. Barkin puts a hairnet on Kim so she can help.

Junior has a work out room with a large mat and punching bags hanging from the ceiling.

Junior and Shego practice sparring on the mat. Shego easily dodges Junior�s attacks.

Shego picks up Junior and flips him over onto the mat.

Senior comes in and complains that Junior is too difficult to teach anything too.

Shego indicates that Junior is fairly easy to teach once you get his attention. Junior rubs his butt with minor discomfort.

Senior is about to complain about how Junior never pays any attention to him when Shego leads him out of the room again.

Ron has his own cooking show in the school cafeteria now, much to the delight of the other students.

Ron puts cinnamon on a steak, mashed potatoes, lettuce, and a tomato. One has to wonder why Ron is putting cinnamon on an entr�e and side dish vegetables.

Ron gets all the background students to chant, �Booya!� with him.

Disgruntled Kim serves food and indicates they are out of the lamb, but she suggests stroganoff.

Bonnie is now in her cheerleader uniform. She takes Kim�s picture and indicates she plans on making Kim part of her photo class essay entitled �Fashion Never-Evers.�

The kimmunicator beeps. Kim ducks down behind the counter to ask Wade about Junior and Shego.

Wade wonders why Kim is wearing a hairnet.

Kim takes off the hairnet and demands Wade focus on Junior and Shego.

Wade indicates he found something on Shego and Junior. He also indicates he will fax it.

Kim comes back up to see the two background students are now talking to each other while they were waiting on her. This gives Kim a chance to sneak out while they don�t notice her.

Kim puts the hairnet on Rufus, which really annoys him. She then takes off. It�s unknown where Kim went from here.

Junior unscrews a vent, pulls off the cover, drops down to the floor, and winks at the camera.

Junior attaches a device and pushes three button on the device. The numbers 630 become illuminated on the numerical display. It then opens the safe it is attached to.

The safe door opens. Junior walks in and gets a grappling gun ready.

Junior fires the grappling hook to the wall. The line goes tight.

Junior attaches the line to his pants, then fires another grappling hook into the other wall.

Junior suddenly has a pully that allows him to slide down the line to the pedestal in the middle of the room.

Junior puts on infrared goggles to see the invisible lasers guarding the pedestal.

Junior reaches down and grabs the glass from the pedestal.

Shego suddenly makes fun of Junior for being slow like a wounded tortoise.

Junior�s entry into the safe guarded room is revealed to be a test set up by Shego.

Senior comes in and suggests he and Junior work on their evil laughs together.

Junior would rather work into getting into the safe guarded room better. Junior thought that Shego called him a wounded porpoise.

Shego corrects Junior by making a T sound, and saying tortoise instead of porpoise.

Junior complains to his father that he is mixing him all up. Senior leaves in disgust.

At Bueno Nacho, Ron thinks of a menu for tomorrow and indicates he�ll be doing chicken. Kim changed clothes before going to Bueno Nacho.

Rufus imitates a chicken. Visible letters on Ron�s menu are NU EEING. The top word is most likely MENU. A slightly visible letter in front of the E on the next line appears to be either a P or a D. This doesn�t make sense though.

Kim gets the fax printout on the kimmunicator. Kim is surprised that bad guys have their own magazine called Villain�s Digest. This is most likely a play on the popular magazine called Reader�s Digest.

Wade indicates that Villian�s Digest comes complete with want ads. The pic of the evil genius with the cat is most likely inspired from the James Bond movie You Only Live Twice. First appearance of Villain�s Digest.

Kim reads the want ad placed by Senior: �Tutor wanted, excellent pay, meals included.�

Ron thinks that his meals are better than what Senior can provide for Shego.

Kim wants Ron to focus on the fact that Shego is tutoring Junior on how to be a bad guy.

Ron realizes that Shego is tutoring Junior on being a villain, while Ron is tutoring Kim how to cook. This idea disgusts Kim.

Kim wonders what exactly Shego is tutoring Junior for.

Shego and Junior are sparring again.

Junior grabs Shego and flips her to the floor. It�s difficult to believe that a professional martial artist like Shego would be defeated by an amateur fighter like Junior. Shego might have thrown the fight to build up his confidence some. Another theory is that Shego�s strength and energy are quickly drained due to her superpowers. Shego might have been getting tired and Junior found an opening to defeat her with.

Shego congratulates Junior, and is slow to get back up. Both theories may be correct.

Senior comes into the room to see how Shego and Junior are doing.

Shego and Junior both lead Senior out of the room together.

Junior practices getting into the safeguarded room. Shego keeps time on him by using a large stop watch.

Senior comes in to see how Shego and Junior are doing. He steps on the laser that triggers the alarm.

Senior nervously steps back away from the room before Shego and Junior lead him out again.

Junior practices getting into the safeguarded room again. A red card appears to be under the glass housing on the pedestal.

Junior runs out of the safeguarded room with the red card in his hands.

Shego indicates that Junior has practiced enough to do the real thing.

Shego and Junior do a double high five, then put an arm around each other. Shego also gives Junior a thumbs up. Senior sees this and is dismayed.

Kim indicates that the Senior love a challenge, and only go for things that are very valuable and heavily guarded. Kim forgets that Shego is also involved with this. Fortunately, it was Shego who first mentioned that they go after something very valuable and heavily guarded.

Ron suggests doing a web search for something very valuable and heavily guarded.

Kim doesn�t think that this will work. Wade tries it anyways and gets something. Wade congratulates Ron on the great idea.

Ron affirms that he is also good at cooking. This really annoys Kim.

This mission appears to have taken Kim, Ron, and Rufus to the desert of the mid south-west.

Kim can�t believe that the most valuable and heavily guarded thing is a cookie recipe. The sign over the factory reads, �Granny Crocket�s Frontier Cookies.�

Ron has a bag of Granny Crocket�s cookies. Ron indicates that Granny Crocket took the humble chocolate chip cookie and turned it into an art form. Rufus agrees with this statement.

Kim indicates she hears Ron�s stomach growling.

Ron indicates his stomach isn�t growling.

Kim and Ron look over to see security guards with growling guard dogs.

First appearance of the big Texas businessman. Despite being in two episodes, he was never given a name. He indicates that Kim and Ron are on private property.

Kim shakes hands with the Texas businessman, introduces herself, and indicates that the cookie recipe is in danger of being stolen. Despite being on property privately owned by a company, there are no fences or parameters to indicate where that property line is.

First appearance of Granny Crocket. She indicates that they know about how the cookie recipe is in danger of being stolen. Both her and the Texan speak with deep Southern draw.

Kim and Ron disbelieve that Granny Crocket looks so young. Ron double checks the picture on the package again.

Granny Crockett indicates she had some work done. In other words, she had plastic surgery and her hair dyed to look younger.

Granny Crockett shows Kim and Ron a video they had received anonymously earlier that morning.

Kim would have obviously recognized the voice of Senior as he warns Granny Crockett that two thieves will try to steal the chocolate chip recipe.

Junior turns on the lights and asks why his father is in the dark. Senior then rushes over to turn the lights off. Senior should have tried to edit this part of the video out, but he didn�t. This also shows how much Senior disapproves of Shego in his son�s life.

The Texas businessman laughs at Senior and Junior and calls them, �Yankees.� Yankee is a slang Southern term for somebody from the north. The Texan didn�t realize that the Seniors are from Europe.

The Texan spits something into a nearby can. This indicates that he is chewing tobacco. According to KP writer Kurt Wheldon, Standards and Practices only allowed this if they showed his teeth were yellow; a side effect of continous tobacco chewing.

Kim tries to correct the Texas businessman that the Seniors are not Yankees because the own their own Europena island. The Texas businessman doesn�t care, because their not from Texas.

Granny Crockett is also confident she can handle a couple of thieves.

Granny Crockett and the Texan show Kim and Ron the safe and vault where the recipe is kept. The Texan indicates that the safe is two feet of titanium and reinforced concrete. The safe is opened by turning the knob seven times to the right, eight times to the left, and three times back to the right. The Texan also indicates an additional surprise if the got passed the door.

The Texan hands Kim a pair of infrared goggles.

Rufus is about to enter the room. Kim sees the infrared lasers and tells Rufus to back up before he sets off the alarm.

Granny Crockett and the Texan escort Kim and Ron out of the building and assure them the recipe is in no danger.

The Texan pats Kim on the head, tells her they don�t need her help, and calls her, �Little Missy.�

They also slam a caged door on her face. The caged door goes up and down.

Kim is angry that they called her Little Missy.

Ron tries to cheer Kim up by reminding her they got free cookie samples. Ron holds up the five bags they received.

Kim contacts Wade and asks him to bring up Granny Crockett�s security systems. Wade only takes two seconds to do this. When asked what she is planning, Kim indicates she plans to steal the recipe before Shego and Junior.

A few hours later, day turns into night.

Junior and Shego run into the cookie factory. Junior is wearing the same green and black outfit that Shego wears. Junior is also the only one with a backpack.

Shego and Junior duck behind a wall. Shego checks the stopwatch and indicates they are on schedule.

Shego and Junior have been spotted. A bright flashlights shines on them. These are the same two security guards from earlier in the episode.

Junior pulls out a ball from his backpack. Shego indicates they practiced how he should toss it: gently.

The ball traps the two security guards in a gaseous bubble that they can�t get out of. It�s unknown how Shego and Junior got the ball. It may be something available to villains in general. Or it could be something that Drakken designed and Shego borrowed from him.

At Shego�s request, Junior pulls out three steaks from his backpack. He throws it to the dogs. Junior makes the comment about the dogs falling to the steak trick. Professional thieves can often distract guard dogs with steak or other types of delicious meat.

Shego makes a comment about how dumb the dogs are.

Shego and Junior run past four dogs fighting over steak.

Junior takes out a grappling hook and throws it to the roof where it attaches.

Shego encourages Junior by indicating that he is doing good. Junior reminds Shego that he did learn from the best. Shego blushes a little. This indicates that the two are now crushing on each other. The two climb the rope with Junior going up first.

Shego uses her plasma claws to slice through the ventilation shaft. Shego goes in first, followed by Junior.

A security guard walks by but doesn�t see anything. This security guard looks just like the security guard trapped outside in the gas ball.
As practiced before, the screws of the ventilation shaft are undone. The vent is caught before it hit�s the floor. The large arm catching the vent indicates it belongs to Junior. Shego indicates that Junior has two minutes to do what needs to be done. Shego calls Junior, �SSJ.�

Junior jumps to the floor first. Shego is second.

Junior quickly comes back with the recipe. Shego gives him two thumbs up, then indicates they need to leave.

Junior stops to read the recipe. He wonders why it doesn�t mention eggs or flour. Instead it reads, �You are so busted.�

Shego grabs the card to read it. Shego begins to say something, and is surprised when Kim finishes her sentence.

Kim, Ron, and Rufus suddenly appear with the real recipe card.

Kim commands Rufus to, �Go!� Rufus does a military salute.

Rufus does a flip as he jumps off of Ron�s shoulder.

Rufus stands in the way of the laser alarm system.

Junior complains that everything was going so well. Red siren lights are now turned on. A noisy alarm is also heard.

Shego attacks Kim. Kim flips her against the wall with a kick.

Kim runs past Junior and out of the room. Shego quickly follows.

Shego attacks Kim again. They go through a door and into another part of the factory as they fight.

Ron and Junior prepare to square off one another. Ron compliments Junior on the new outfit. Junior isn�t sure he likes it, because he feels it makes his butt too big. Ron indicates it does not. Junior compliments Ron for being so kind. Junior then warns Ron before he attacks him.

Junior grabs Ron and throws him against the wall.

Despite this, Ron gets back up again. This is a testament to Ron�s resilience.

Ron indicates he has new moves to try on Junior. Ron looks as though he is about to tap his mystical monkey power.

Junior doesn�t know what to think of Ron�s new moves.

Ron sidesteps Junior, picks up Rufus, then runs down the hall.

Junior indicates that he has seen those moves before. He doesn�t realize that Ron has just escaped from him.

Kim and Shego continue fighting.

Shego kicks Kim. Kim nearly goes over, but grabs the railing at the last second. Shego comes over and indicates she likes teaching because it is satisfying.

Ron and Rufus go through a door and find themselves at the center of the factory.

Ron and Rufus intake the aroma of the factory. Ron indicates it smells heavily of vanilla.

Ron is hit by Junior in the middle of a charging run.

Ron falls over the edge and lands on a conveyer belt.

Junior jumps onto the conveyor belt. He is about to beat Ron up to show him all that he has learned. Junior remembers Ron�s full name.

Junior is suddenly covered in a heavy mound of cookie dough.

It is revealed that Rufus saved Ron by going to a nearby console and hitting random buttons.

Ron requests sprinkles. Rufus knows which button does that.

Junior pokes his head out of the cookie dough right before he is covered in sprinkles.

Shego uses her plasma claws to slice the railing that Kim is holding onto.

Kim is about to fall into a vat of cookie dough on a conveyor belt. She fires her grappling hook.

Shego worries for a second that Kim might hook it onto something.

The grappling hook misses and falls into the batter with Kim.

Kim watches as her grappling hook sinks at a short distance away. Kim most likely let her grappling gun go when she fell into the batter. This would explain as to why it missed. The cookie dough is like quicksand, and is too hard to swim in.

The vat of cookie dough stops in front of giant mixer.

Shego goes to the mixer controls and indicates the mixer has fourteen settings. Fourteen mixer settings unnerves Kim. Shego then jokes about making whipped Possible, and minced Possible. There are eight levers to the mixer. Shego pulls the second lever from the right side down. Shego then jokes about making a Kimmie frappe. A frappe is usually a ice cream drink similar to a milkshake.

Shego jokes about Kim have a nice spin as the mixer beaters come down.

Kim is helpless as the beaters drag her towards them.

Kim stops moving. She sees a ghostly form of Ron sitting meditation style reminding her not to fear the mixer, and let the beating of the blades and the beating of her heart merge together as one. This seems to have been brought on by Kim�s fear that she was about to die. Some people have claimed to see loved ones before they pass away.

Time resumes. Kim finds the strength to swim towards the beaters. Kim then goes under.

Shego pushes the lever back up. The mixer comes out of the batter with Kim hanging onto the mixing blades. This should have made Kim very dizzy.

Kim uses the momentum of the spinning blades to swing down and kick Shego.

Although not unconscious, Shego doesn�t bother to get back up and fight. Again, this might be because her superpowers might have sapped all of her energy. Granny Crockett and the Texas businessman come over and see Shego. Kim tells Shego that she also has been tutored.

Kim and Ron watch as Shego and Junior are led handcuffed by the Texas businessman to a nearby helicopter. Ron sees that Shego and Junior do make a good couple while Kim comments they both need to be in jail.

After takeoff, Senior reveals himself as the helicopter pilot.

Senior tells Shego that he doesn�t want any more of her help. He throws her the keys to the handcuffs. Shego sets herself free.

Shego pulls out a cellphone from the middle of the seat. She pushes a button for fast dialing. Shego is quick to sever her ties to Senior. Her crush on Junior is over now that she sees he is under complete control of his father.

Shego jumps from the helicopter and lands on a rocket powered surfboard. It is painted green and black like Shego�s clothes.

Shego is quick to go back to Drakken, who appears close by with his flying car. Drakken was most likely summoned by Shego�s cell phone, and was very close by in case anything went wrong.

Shego flies back over to the helicopter. As a final gesture, she blows him a kiss.

Junior watches as Shego flies away. Junior admits that Shego has forever changed him and he will never forget her. Senior forgets his son�s feelings by insisting they go home and practice their evil laughs together.

MHS sign

Ron indicates that his restaurant was closed when the health inspector saw Rufus serving the food.

Kim indicates that half the students at the school now want to join home economics. Ron then indicates that photography is now available, and that she could now join the class.

Kim indicates she is sticking with home economics. Ron most likely will too.

Kim uses meditation for a second before pressing the button on the mixer. Kim is using a new mixer. There are only three button on the front of this model.

Ron is impressed with Kim�s skill on the mixer. She puts her arm around him and indicates he has been a great tutor. Kim will continue to lightly touch Ron more and more as she continues crushing on him. Some have theorized on the message boards that Kim is a terrible cook. This ending seems to indicate that although she will never be as good of a cook as Ron, Kim can still learn how to be a better one.

Final thoughts: Many did not want Shego and Junior as a couple. Instead, Drakken and Shego shipping is much more popular. Shego and Junior would work together again in Season 4. Their short-lived relationship was not brought up. Junior will not display as much competence as a villain as he did in this episode. Shego will reveal she has full teaching credentials in the future episode Stop Team Go.

Act 1 || Act 2

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