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SEASON 1 -- Freshman Year
1)Tick Tick Tick:
Introduces Professor Icari, Shego and Drakken. We also see many regulars such as
Ned, Kim's family and Wade. Steve Barkin has blond hair. Introduces Vinnie,
Junior, and Big Mike. The Middleton cheerleaders are present, but without Tara
and Jessica.
2) Number One:
I know this isn't the second episode. But it fits so well here. Kim faces a new
foe, Duff Killigan. This also shows Kim's other arch villain, Bonnie. Introduces
Global Justice, Dr. Director, Big Daddy Brotherson (with bodyguard), Tara, and
3) Bueno Nacho: Here we see Ron's inventing the naco. Introduces
Drakken's henchmen, Kim's grappling hook, and mentions Club Banana.
4) Crush: Introduces Britina, Nakasumi-san, Yoshiko, and the Z-boy
mascot. Also introduces Josh Mankey and Kim's crush on him. Ron is jealous of
Kim's crush. Kim gets jealous when Ron asks other girls out.
5) Royal Pain: Introduces Prince Wally and the Knights of Rodeghan. Also
introduces reporter Tricia Lipowski and Officer Hobble. Last episode where Mr.
Barkin has blond hair. After getting left in the closet for the Spirit Dance,
Ron gets revenge by helping Wally win the election against Kim.
6) Attack Of The Killer Bebes: Introduces the Bebes robots, Professor
Ramesh, Professor Bob Chen, and Drew Lipski. Their friendship seriously
strained, Kim is reluctant to allow Ron on the cheer squad. After they forgive
each other, Ron does his mad dog routine for the first time.
7) Low Budget: Introduces Frances Lurman a.k.a. Frugal Lucre. Introduces
Smarty Mart. Pop Pop Porter product is mentioned in this episode. Steel Toe and
Pain King are on the television in this episode.
8) Pain King vs. Cleopatra: Introduces Monique, Steel Toe, Pain King, and
Jackie Oaks. This episode is out how Kim and Ron don't have friends except for
each other. This changes as Kim and Monique become best friends. This also has
the commercial for Pop Pop Porter's mini-corndogs on the television.
9) October 31st: Drakken and Duff Killigan find out both have Kim
Possible as an enemy. This is the first episode with a timeline. It is fall in
10) Downhill: And now it is winter. Introduces DNAmy. Mr. Barkin now has
dark brown hair. We find out Kim used to have an obsession with cuddle buddies.
11) Kimitation Nation: First mention that Shego has a no cloning rule.
Introduces the Drakken's DNA sythdrones and Commodore Puddles. First time we see
Shego on vacation.
12) Mind Games: This is when Kim sees how unpopular Ron is. She begins to
make changes to help him, starting with the bullies in D hall. This episode
mentions Dr. Dementor.
13) Monkey Fist Strikes: Introduces Monkey Fist and Cousin Larry. Ron
gains his mystical monkey kung fu powers. We also see more of why Ron is afraid
of monkeys.
14) The New Ron: Introduces Senior Senior Senior, Junior, Amelia, and
Francois. Kim hopes to make Ron more popular and turns him into what she wants
him to be. Unfortunately, it backfires and Ron gains the attention of many other
girls. Again, Kim gets jealous.
15) Animal Attraction: Introduces Pop Pop Porter. This episode has Kim
and Ron looking for their future soul mates.
16) All the News: Introduces Adrena Lynn and her cameraman. Brick Flagg
seems to be crushing on Kim. The events in this episode ruin any chance Kim has
with Brick; which is fine for Kim.
17) Sink or Swim: Introduces Gill; and gives us much more insight to
Ron's fear of Camp Wannaweep. After rescuing everyone, Ron gains the admiration
of the MHS cheerleaders; especially Tara and Kim. Also introduces Dr. Lurkin.
18) Ron The Man: Introduces Dr. Dementor, Jack Hench, Ron's parents, and
the trans-dimensional vortex inducer. Here we find out Ron is Jewish. We also
see that Kim likes Ron for just the way he is.
19) Coach Possible: Here we see Kim's relationship with her brothers is
rocky at best. First time Mrs. Possible does the puppy-dog pout.
20) The Twin Factor: Introduces Professor Cyrus Bortel and his
brain-control experiment that will lead to the famous moodulator. Kim also finds
her brothers are really reliable in a bad sitch. This repairs their relationship
to some degree. We also see Ron do mystical monkey power to avoid Kim and Shego.
21) * Job Unfair: This is a season 2 episode. But Ron will soon meet Nana
Possible in the next episode; which is on spring break. This occurs in March or
April. By A Very Possible Christmas, Nana knows Ron. So The Golden Years occurs
first. In The Golden Years, Kim makes a comment about ''saving Canada from a
weather machine last week.'' Job Unfair introduces the weather machine.
22)* The Golden Years: Also a season 2 episode. Introduces Nana Possible
and gives us a look at her ''She can do anything!'' background. Also, Ron tries to
pick up college girls. But Kim seems to realize that Ron will come back to her
when he's had his fun.
23)Monkey Ninjas in Space: Here we find out that Ron is destined to
become the ultimate monkey kung fu master. Also by now, we see how Kim is ready
to go to extremes to rescue Ron when he's been captured. This episode helps Ron
get over his fear of monkeys.
SEASON 2 -- Sophomore Year
24)The Ron Factor: This episode
doesn't involve school. So I make it a summer vacation episode. Here we find out
the mysterious power Ron has that makes Kim successful in every mission.
25) Two to Tutor: Kim and Ron sign up for classes for a new year of
26) A Sitch in Time: Kim and Ron begin a new year of school. One of the
classes they signed up for was Latin. This is later mentioned in Blush. First
mention of Kim getting her braces locked while kissing a guy named Walter
Nelson. We see Kim save Mr. Paisley, which will later set up the future episode
of Team Impossible.
27) Naked Genius: Kim seems to be crushing on Ron more in this episode.
First episode where Ron displays himself as a mechanical genius.
28) Go Team Go: Here we found out more about Shego's background. Ron
saves Bueno Nacho again by reversing their idea to sell wraps and sell the naco
29) Car Trouble: Kim and Ron seem to be crushing on each other more in
this episode.
30) The Fearless Ferret: Ron begins a superhero persona. His dream at the
beginning indicates he hopes to impress Kim.
31) Grudge Match: Introduces Zita and how she becomes Ron's girlfriend.
Kim gets jealous. Ron mentions that he and Kim might date someday.
31) Vir-Tu-Ron: Ron and Zita break up in this episode. This episode
emphasizes Ron's love of video games.
32) A Very Possible Christmas: It's Christmas time! Kim appears desperate
to get Ron back.
33 Part 1) Rufus vs. Commodore Puddles: The first eleven minute episode.
This episode helps explain why Ron doesn't get embarrassed as later mentioned in
33 Part 2) Day Of The Snowmen: It is still winter in Middleton. The water
from Camp Wannaweep is more toxic than ever.
34) Return To Wannaweep: It is now springtime and time for a school
sponsored camp. Camp Wannaweep waters have been mostly cleaned up. Kim and
Bonnie's rivalry distances her and Ron.
35) Partners: Drakken and DNAmy work together and find they have a common
enemy. Drakken has a crush on DNAmy. It is revealed that DNAmy did the genetic
mutation on Monkey Fist and she is crushing on him. Angry about the science
project, and memories of prior science projects without Ron's help, Kim
distances herself away from Ron even more.
36) Queen Bebe: Kim goes on this mission without Ron's help at all.
37) Blush: The events of the last few episodes have Kim crushing on Josh
again. Introduces Wade 2.0, Wade's kimmunicator robot. Kim and Josh go out on a
date. When Ron sees them, he distances himself away from Kim.
38) The Full Monkey: Kim and Josh are still in crush mode. Ron decides
that he will be Kim's friend, no matter what. He will also spend the next
episodes looking for another girl for his life.
39) Exchange: Ron goes to Yamanouchi Japan to train and expand his
mystical monkey power. Introduces Yori, Sensei, and the Lotus Blade. Yori is
crushing on Ron, which is fine for him. At the end of the episode, Kim seems to
think that Ron is the only guy for her. Ron remains secret about his trip to
Japan. This makes Kim suspicious; and thinks Ron has a girlfriend.
40) Oh Boyz! Introduces the Oh Boyz! Introduces some of their songs like
Hello! Hello! Hello! Kim acts a bit distance from Ron. Ron begins enjoying the
attention of other young women.
41 Part 1) Sick Day: Kim and Ron enjoy each other's company as they share
a cold. Introduces Hank Perkins. Also the sight of DNAmy sickens Drakken. Ron
asks about Drakken having an underwater lair. We see in Blush that Drakken did
have an underwater lair. Ron seemed to have forgotten about it.
41 Part 2) The Truth Hurts: Kim mentions crushing on a new guy at school
named Bobby Johnson indicating her and Josh are over. At the end, Kim seems
disappointed that she didn't ask Ron how he felt about her.
42) Kim Possible/Lelo And Stitch Crossover: Kim and Ron distance
themselves again in this episode. Kim does the next few missions all by herself.
43) Hidden Talent: Introduces M.C. Honey. Kim and Ron distance themselves
near the end and it nearly gets Kim killed. Ron delays the talent competition
for Kim with a variety of improved acts and wins. This is later mentioned in
Rappin' Drakken.
44 Part 1) Rufus in Show: This episode emphasizes Rufus as a member of
the team. Again, Kim tries to do the mission alone and nearly gets herself and
Ron killed.
44 Part 2) Adventures In Rufus-Sitting: The tabloid newspaper Shego is
reading has an article relating to the dinosaur from Partners.
45) Motor Ed: Introduces Motor Ed and Felix. We also see what a Kim and
Ron date is like.
46) Triple S: Ron tries out for sports to impress Kim, but doesn't make
any team. However, Ron gains popularity from umbrella surfing. Kim does this
mission alone again.
47) Ron Millionaire: Kim begins crushing on Ron again. Ron distances
herself away from Kim and has a quick fling with Bonnie.
48) Mother's Day: This occurs in May. It is near the end of the school
year. Introduces Mama Lipski, Drakken's mother. Drakken tells her that he's a
radio talk show doctor.
49) Rewriting History: Introduces Kim and Ron's ancestors. Jonathon
Stoppable is quite famous in Middleton. He has a float dedicated to him in
Emotion Sickness.
SEASON 3 -- Junior Year
50)Showdown at the Crooked D: It's a summer vacation episode. Introduces Joss and Slim Possible.
51) Dimension Twist: The trans-dimensional vortex inducer traps Kim, Ron,
Drakken, and Shego inside television. One of the episodes is The Fearless
52 Part 1) Overdue: Introduces Miss Hatchet. Kim and Ron are back in
school. Ron is capable of going on a mission by himself.
52 Part 2) Roachie: Introduces Chester Yapsby. Professor Icari makes
another appearance. Kim is afraid of big bugs while Ron considers them cute.
53: Emotion Sickness: Kim moodulated love for Ron freaks him out. Here we
see Ron say that he doesn't want to date Kim, because he's afraid he might lose
her if it tanks.
54) Bonding: Ron stays away from Kim for this episode. Introduces the
Pixie Scouts.
55) Steal Wheels: We find out Drakken and Motor Ed are cousins. We also
find out Kim and Ron go out every Friday night. The Pixie Scouts get mentioned.
56) Bad Boy: Kim and Ron discuss a date. Ron becomes evil and shows off
his mechanical skill again. Kim wears the same blue dress she wore in Blush.
57) Team Impossible: This episode contains characters from the previous
episodes who have helped Kim and Ron. Also contains a major plot device from A
Sitch in Time. Kim and Ron finally meet Wade in person.
58) Rappin' Drakken: M.C. Honey makes an appearance. The talent show from
Hidden Talent is mentioned.
59) And The Mole Rat Will Be CGI: This episode contains a reference to
Monkey Ninjas in Space.
60) Gorilla Fist: Contains several references from Exchange. Kim becomes
jealous Ron and Yori run off together to save Sensei. DNAmy is crushing on
Monkey Fist, which really freaks him out.
61) So The Drama: A wrap-up of everything. Kim and Ron fall in love